by Robert Wilkinson
Since we now enter a time featuring a Great Sextile Merkaba 6-pointed Star pattern helping us ground spiritual energy appropriate to our “true function,” it’s a good time take a new look at Saturn, since it’s a star player on the stage of life right now. Today we begin to explore how to make friends with Saturn so we can master ourselves and our life purpose.
Saturn is the most feared and misunderstood planetary force in Astrology, perhaps even more than Pluto. We are told that Pluto is one of those "forces beyond our control," but that Saturn IS our control principle, both how we can and cannot control events and responses, as well as how we are controlled by people and situations. When we learn to use Saturn’s energy wisely, we have more “response-ability” regardless of outer circumstances.
We often find ourselves limited by circumstances, and wonder why things are the way they are. Every truth-seeking Soul I know wants to be better, and more effective at whatever they do (or could do.) So today we revisit something I last gave you over 6 years ago so we can begin to take a new look at what binds us to time, and why we are limited by circumstances, as well as our own abilities.
In esoteric philosophy Saturn represents “the Ring Pass Not.” This binding force represents both the outer limitations of form as well as the inner limits of our understanding and “response abilities.”
These limits are necessary so we learn whatever we must learn before seeking other fields of exploration, realization, application, and expertise. It is the means by which our quest for Truth becomes coherent.
We wouldn't expect a first grader to be able to absorb the principles of higher mathematics, but we can expect them to master addition, and perhaps even subtraction depending on their aptitude. It's the same with us. We have to learn to master certain basic principles of action, feeling, thought, and aspiration before we're fit to learn and practice certain spiritual skills which allow us to take on roles in our world. Once we learn skills and practice roles, then we can further culture and evolution according to our Truth.
We've all had many realizations. Realizations are the playground of the mind's love of discovering new information. However, there often seems to be more than one hang up in how to apply those realizations in satisfactory ways. That’s why we can have great realizations only to confront the mystery of not knowing what to do with them.
Our world is constipated by realizations that are not being applied in the many ways and places they are needed. That's where a lot of frustration seems to reside. When we know something but are unable to translate it into some form of action, our subconscious mind gets frustrated.
However, as we begin to learn how to apply our realizations, without fear of failure or procrastination intruding to mess things up, eventually through practice we begin to get a sense of competency in that area of life. This is where Saturn teaches us the virtues of patience, discipline, organization, patience, structure, understanding, patience, perseverance, maturity, patience, responsibility, dominion, and as always, patience.
The authorship of our existence begins with us. We are learning how to master certain energies so that we can fulfill our Dharma, or "true function," in our world. We learn this in many ways until we think we have certain energies down pat. However, only ego takes any satisfaction in that.
As Eternals having human experiences, even though we may develop forms of material, emotional, mental, and "spiritual" mastery, we still are called to continue learning how to apply our realizations effectively across the interpersonal and transpersonal dimensions of human existence, as well as the personal. We may have personal skills, but those must be translated into interpersonal skills, and skill in navigating the transpersonal realms of life.
And even when we master many skills along certain Ray lines, we continue to be called to learn to do this in more than one musical key of life. A musician uses all the tones at their disposal. This is the Great Work of the ancient alchemists.
As with any form of learning, it helps for there to be an organized, coherent curriculum. This is what Saturn symbolizes. It is the form given to the Transpersonal Ideal represented by the invisible outer Triad of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Saturn is the Timekeeper in the Game of Life, and the Guardian of Boundaries as we quest for Truth.
Without Saturn we'd be adrift in an infinite sea of lessons, with no beginning, no end, no form, no structure. Saturn represents the outer limits of what we're able to deal with in the moment. These limitations came from somewhere, since none of us is a victim of random circumstances. So just how and why do these limitations come to be?
In the next part of this exploration of how we can master ourselves, our responses, and our ability to move into our Higher Destiny and Truth of Being, we shall take a new look at “The Ring Pass Not,” and why it is necessary in the Cosmic scheme of things. I’ll leave you with one thought: By making Saturn your friend who teaches you how and when and why, you'll make time your ally and your life can unfold in a masterful Way as you move into living and Being your Higher Destiny.
© Copyright 2007, 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks for this post on Saturn!
I like the new sites, and it is always nice to see the face behind the wisdom :)
Posted by: Trista Gormley | August 25, 2013 at 06:58 PM
Thank you Robert, for your timely post...
Okay, so I want to make Saturn my friend... Can you recommend any books that can colour my Saturnian knowledge?
Many thanks and blessings, as always...
Posted by: SiouxC | August 26, 2013 at 07:32 AM
Wow, this is really helpful. I've always had time issues and would love to make it my friend now.
Thank you, Robert!
Posted by: Sara | August 26, 2013 at 08:52 PM
for the past few days i was talking all limits limits limits. and even just about half an hour ago with a friend now in the USA, who keeps emphasizing structure limits organization things like these. i'm quite scared still of the word 'organization' though m learning to be less scared. all organisation does not have to be totalitarian. i can work with others without being swallowed up, i can collaborate in a thing bigger than me and express myself, too, along with others. this friend keeps talking of the interpersonal while m more into personal stuff..transpersonal would mean..across/beyond?(will find out)
so many things are necessary to make a balanced mix in life, m realising. it's uncanny sometimes when conversations and what m reading online, dovetail like this. but somehow, your articles do give a steady bigger picture so i settle down often and read. i do see what friends bring to my life and new lessons may be tough to learn, but somehow i think they'll all be worth it. thanks for all your big pic perspective.
Posted by: Priyanka Majumdar | August 29, 2013 at 04:02 PM