by Robert Wilkinson
Yesterday, Sept. 7, we re-experienced the push/pull of the Grand Cardinal Cross created by Moon in Libra opposed Uranus and square both Pluto and Jupiter. Tonight and tomorrow we move through the heart of Mars square Saturn, with the Moon conjunct Saturn providing focus.
Mars exactly squares Saturn Monday, Sept 9, at 8:47 am PDT, 4:47 pm Greenwich (BST). It stays extremely volatile for 36 hours after, with a need for caution and thoughtful action or non-action. The Moon conjuncts Saturn and squares Mars all day Monday, so be a positive Saturn influence while remaining pleasant, stable, reliable, friendly, detached, focused on the big picture and larger social goals, and keeping it all very enjoyable through simplicity of Being.
This will primarily impact those who were born at the end of January, end of April, end of July, and end of October, as well as anyone with a significant planet or angle around 5-11 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Generationally, it is profoundly affecting those adults born 1941-45, 9/46-7/47, 11/53-10/54, 8/56-6/58, 10/58-9/61, 2/62-1/63, 5/64, 10/66-12/66, 6/67-7/67, 6/69-4/70, 9/70-10/70, 3/73-12/73, 11/75-10/77, 9/78-2/79, 5/79-6/79, 12/81-5/82, 8/82-9/82, 1/83-3/83, 10/83-11/83, 6/84-8/84, 2/85-3/85, 8/85-11/85-8/88, 9/90-10/90, 1/91-7/91, 12/91-2/92, and 10/92. Obviously there are many born since then that also will be affected.
Obviously this will be at the forefront whenever the square is on the angles since it’ll make a Moon-Saturn dominated square rising in the morning, or put Moon and Saturn on the Midheaven in the afternoon. When Aquarius is on the Ascendant in the afternoon, it creates a Fixed T-square challenging us to bring forth or manage Taurus energies productively. Definitely move slowly, thoughtfully, and with some caution! The following gives a brief fix on what’s happening when.
Where I am (Southern AZ) we’ll have early Scorpio rising around 9:30-10 am, putting Mars on the MC. Between 4-4:30 pm Scorpio is on the MC and Mars is setting in S. AZ. The Ascendant is in early Aquarius 4:15-4:45 pm.
In Vancouver, early Scorpio rises between 11-11:45 am PDT. Early Scorpio is on the MC 4-4:30 pm, but the Ascendant doesn’t go into early Aquarius and create a T-square until 5:50-6:20 pm.
In NYC, early Scorpio rises between 10:15-10:45 am. Early Scorpio is on the MC 4-4:15 pm, but the Asc doesn’t go into Aquarius and create a T-square until 5-5:30 pm.
In London, early Scorpio rises between 10:45-11:15 am BST. Early Scorpio is on the MC around 4 pm, and the Ascendant moves through early Aquarius between 5:45-6:15 pm BST.
In North India, early Scorpio rises between 9:15-10 am. Early Scorpio is on the MC between 3-3:30 pm, and early Aquarius is on the Asc between 4-4:30 pm.
In Melbourne, early Scorpio rises between 8:15-8:45 am. The Ascendant is in early Aquarius 2:15-2:45 pm, while early Scorpio is on the MC between 3-3:30 pm.
This is helping us see patterns as they are “pre-formed,” and offer us a chance to anticipate and prepare for something coming in the future. Here we can foresee what will happen as a function of the natural unfoldment of things. We can use our will to become free of circumstances, and mold our future on our sense of what will be.
So tomorrow, be mindful of what’s going on around you, and if you need to change directions, or back off in some way, keep it simple, pleasant, friendly, and detached. If you’re out on a limb, stop being out there and come back down to ground.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you Robert! With Sun at 5 Scorpio, Mercury at 8'30 and North Node at 10'30, I admit I'm feeling a lot of anxiety (mostly it seems to emerge around dental and driving issues). Thank you for the sage words and reminder that Saturn is structure, not lockdown.
Posted by: Lainie | September 08, 2013 at 12:44 PM
Hi Lainie - Well, it's the end of a long run, one you're done since 1983-84. After that Pluto sat on your Scorpio planets, and purified what began in 83-84. This is an excellent time to "return to the student state," with a focus on studying, reading, writing, disciplining the mind and speech to come to a more mature and effective magnetism. You may want to study "The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn" since this is about your taking control of your vehicle's magnetism.
Posted by: Robert | September 08, 2013 at 01:26 PM
Oh yes! Pluto has had its way with almost every planet in my chart. I have the Florence book, on your recommendation, and will review its teachings. Being a student of many things has been exactly what's been appealing to me this year. Thank you and warm regards to you, Robert, and stay safe and joyful.
Posted by: Lainie | September 08, 2013 at 02:03 PM
it has been a fortunate day of confrontation and healing for me, in fact very fortunate and valuable once I pushed through what I didnt want to think was true :)
Posted by: Debbie | September 08, 2013 at 04:11 PM
These heavenly events have certainly put some wild cards into the outcome of Australian Federal Election event of Sept 7. Its compulsory down here to vote, so even if one is politically not interested or just plain apathetic about it all, we still have to deal with it!
The ALP (the other major party) lost its biggest primary vote in 100 years according to the experts and now with the latest results the Liberals have a majority in the lower house, they will have to deal with a lot of "New" minority parties and there inexperienced representatives in the Senate... This is going to be interesting to say the least! Now the battle begins.. this is the real Politics!
This Pluto in Capricorn in long term square to Uranus in Aries is showing its hand down under no doubt!
Posted by: RodJM | September 08, 2013 at 06:15 PM
Its also interesting to note that both leaders of the 2 major political parties (ALP and Liberal) on election day in Australia (Sept 7) were born in 1957 according to the Wikipedia pages for both of them. Kevin Rudd (ALP) is Virgo and Tony Abbott (Liberal) is Scorpio..
I'm not sure which year astrology chart to use for Australia, 1770, 1788 or 1901?
In any case the Horary Astrology for this election is most interesting.
Posted by: RodJM | September 08, 2013 at 06:52 PM
Dear Robert: I am an early March Aries and read many forecasts for September and all are different. Is it a good time for me for big changes, because I am about to move, looking for an apartment in another state. Honestly tired mentally since August, I don't even recognize myself - one step forward, two steps back - somehting is holding me, not sure, but I know I ned tho change. Please give me your thoughts. Merci
Posted by: Lorochka | September 08, 2013 at 08:11 PM
yes Rod M I am down under too as I commented on the next blog article, I have no doubt that the choices made on Saturday, regardless of who believed it a good choice or not, will very quickly be regretted, but then Im not sure either of the main parties would have been able to do any better since the GFC triggered in 2008, yes it was a strange and eerie mood at the polling places, it was like excersizing democratic right to vote for the new dictatorship, there certainly didnt seem to be many who felt that their vote mattered or would make a difference this time, it was quite unsettling, as I was one of them.
Posted by: Debbie | September 08, 2013 at 08:26 PM
Hi Rod and Debbie - I suspect this will be Oz's moment of truth over the next period of time, to see if the people really want to flirt with a dysfunctional government. FWIW, here's what I wrote about the Oz chart back when Queenland got flooded. You can of course find out the charts of W. Oz and wherever else you need to using the same method:
Australia Day (a.k.a. "Invasion Day"), since that's when the English landed at Sydney Cove, Australia in 1788. From Wikipedia, "Australia Day is Australia's national day celebrated on 26 January annually in all states and territories. 26 January was chosen because it is the day of the establishment of the first English settlement at Port Jackson by Captain Arthur Phillip in 1788."
For the state of Queensland, I would give it a birth chart for 6 June 1859, London, since it was Queen Victoria herself who approved the separation of Queensland from New South Wales. From Wikipedia, "The Queen gave her approval and signed the Letters Patent on 6 June 1859. On the same day an Order-in-Council gave Queensland its own Constitution. Queensland became a self-governing colony with its own Governor, a nominated Legislative Council and an elected Legislative Assembly."
Hi Lorochka - If you must move, then it's a good time to move. The trick is to sign the lease at the right time and move in at the right moment. Fatigue is in the air due to cross currents. Make sure you're not trying to push the river unnecessarily.
This has been a time of flow, then plunge, over and over throughout the Summer. Now it's a season of Cardinal Crosses. You may be more focused on doing than Being, which creates exhaustion through a lack of recharge time via meditation, celebration, appreciation, and "gathering your medicine" whenever the opportunity presents itself. Make sure you're not having a hard time over having a hard time. Hesitancy is always a good then when Mars is square Saturn. Stay balanced and keep a sense of perspective and proportion as you navigate the Crosses. You learned these skills in June, July, and August.
Posted by: Robert | September 09, 2013 at 03:06 PM
Our capital city is Canberra in the ACT (Australian capital territory) so will see if I am able to work out a date for a chart to get a clearer picture. The country is and has been in a bad and worsening condition, which not many want to believe, see or acknowledge and yes, I do feel in the near future as the olde english saying goes "the truth will out" which is why the party that was behind the original problem, chaos and lies, is now back in power. I can see how they need to be the ones to cop the flack and be forced to take responsibiity if its going to have a chance of improvement so here's hoping.
Thanks for the info Robert!
Posted by: Debbie | September 10, 2013 at 01:31 AM