by Robert Wilkinson
The Sun just entered Scorpio 11:10 pm PDT Oct 22, October 23 at 7:10 am Greenwich (BST). This makes October 22-23 extraordinarily important.
The reason yesterday and today are so important is that yesterday the Sun was in the last degree of Libra, and now begins its trek through Scorpio. That means this point in time gives light and power to the lessons Saturn taught all of us in 2012.
To explain, when the Sun was at 30 Libra between 11 pm PDT Oct 21-22, 7 am Greenwich Oct 22-23, it occupied the exact degree where Saturn went stationary retrograde in February 2012. Throughout 2012 we were all led to some form of philosophical completion, new ways of understanding things, and finished paying some heavy dues.
This prepared us for a re-magnetization already underway this time last year due to Saturn’s entry into Scorpio on October 5, 2012. So when the Sun was at 30 Libra and 1 Scorpio last year it put a huge light on the lessons of the entire year and what Saturn in Scorpio promised all of us beginning last October (since the first degree of a sign shows us how that sign initially shows itself to the world).
So for about the past 24-26 hours we’ve gotten a new light shed on the “philosophical completions” of 2012, and how we’ve integrated the lessons since January 2012 into the light of clear understanding about who we are right now as a matured Being. Now we begin to “see the Light” of what we’ve been learning during the time Saturn has been in the first 13 degrees of Scorpio.
Of some importance is that for the next two weeks, through Mercury retrograde, we should find illumination through taking a new look at what we’ve learned these past 12 months while Saturn has been in Scorpio. To note, we'll also get "future glimpses" via the Mercury retrograde for what is to come, since often past, present, and future overlap during a retrograde period.
Now the Sun has entered Scorpio anew, and as with last year, forms a trine to Neptune at 3 Pisces on its stationary direct degree. It also makes a conjunction to the North Node and Saturn, bringing many to another critical reorientation, a new dedication or loyalty, and a sense of getting out beyond the known and familiar.
This conjunction will play a huge part in the coming Solar Eclipse at 12 Scorpio on November 3, 4:50 am PST, 12:50 pm Greenwich. Last year’s conjunction, along with this one, involves pulses set into motion involving our Spirit leading our mind toward our Soul in virgin fields, and a synthetic understanding involving a wider view of the interrelatedness of things once lesser approaches are transcended.
The emergent Saturn in Scorpio structures will now be vitalized for the next year. It again marks a period of cleaning out, clearing out, purifying, purging, letting go, a deeper communion with experience, and a more determined focus. The voids we create by letting go allows us to attract what is more appropriate to our evolved state in the future. And given the spread of the planets right now, it shouldn’t take long. There a link to an article about Saturn in Scorpio at the bottom of this one.
With this year’s Sun conjunct Saturn occurring at “the Eagle Point” of 15 Scorpio, we can go deeper into the phenomenon of “the world of the 5 senses and the mind as the playground of God and Soul,” and find a future oriented imagination that will naturally flow into growth patterns. Since the Solar Eclipse forms a conjunction to Saturn, much will be set into motion at that Eclipse that shuts down old Saturn patterns and leaves a void for new ones to be created.
So for at least the next two weeks, and to some extent for a year to come, Saturn in Scorpio is again in the spotlight, showing us what we need to let go of, and where the regenerative focus needs to be. We’ve now all experienced deeper feelings, a fluid emotional intelligence, and this one can help us break up and eliminate to re-build.
For more about Saturn in Scorpio:
Astrology in 2012-2013-2014 – Saturn in Scorpio
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
I am so grateful for your wisdom Robert. Thank you.
Posted by: Tammi | October 23, 2013 at 02:29 AM
Robert, would that also explain why everyone around seems to suddenly have no energy and battling to stay awake? or is that to do with the building of the square again? or something else....
Its been quite strange, even I who am happy in the dream time as well as reality have been challenged.
Posted by: debbie | October 23, 2013 at 04:51 AM
Quite an intense time for this Scorpio with NN at 10'30 Scorpio. Thank you Robert for your insights!
Posted by: Lainie | October 23, 2013 at 08:42 AM
Hi Robert, thank you for this awakening post. Yesterday was interesting. I ended something, and realize I have not ended things in the past...but instead escaped so that they returned later, I'm now aware of this....and yesterday was about an explosion or an intense build up of energy to get that to the surface....and after ward I was surprized. Conditioned to avoid or escape real feelings? My father was the same...stayed in situations that he didn't have the courage to face...and escaped hurting others more than was necesarry.
Posted by: wild horse running | October 23, 2013 at 09:25 AM
Whoa, Surf's up!
Posted by: Trinity | October 23, 2013 at 03:20 PM
N.Node Scorpio in 2nd-Taurus house, challenging and testy. Had to give up Taurus valued items:vehicle, apartment, family, friends, pretty much of 3rd & 4th house items, too. 2-or more attachments are on the list of things, including cigarettes,computer and attachments of inner content of the identity me. And, that about completes this Life's 'story', journey. Off the stage, see the exit up ahead. Thanks Robert for another successful topic!!
Posted by: Crlzmte | October 23, 2013 at 05:43 PM
Debbie - which hemisphere of the world are you in?
I'm asking because I've noticed the same "battling to stay awake" around me lately, but attributed it to the weather, where the air pressure has been yo-yo-ing around like crazy!
Terri in Joburg(South Africa)
Posted by: Aquila Ka Hecate | October 23, 2013 at 08:01 PM
Many thanks Robert for another insightful commentary on the planets. I can feel the energy building for the Uranus-Pluto square, which is on my birthday this year. Saturn in Scorpio has been transformative, yet disciplined, and has brought this Scorpio many rewards already, and new changes to come!
Posted by: Viki | October 23, 2013 at 08:41 PM
NO wonder I feels the way that I DO, you have confirmed that I've finished that I needed too wells finish. Its taken me 11 yrs & 10 days in completing that task, I am now just reflecting until it Cosmic Wave does come barreling over the horizon, as that's the Day we of the Humanity Almighty will go surf that Monster Magic..
Posted by: Morlokk | October 24, 2013 at 08:00 AM
On October 5th last year my sweet cat died unexpectedly. I was offered a job on a tropical island there. I was offered the post on February 22, 2012 and I travelled there at the end of May. I had the cat vaccinated and chipped and left her here in Greece with the plan to come back later to take he. I will never overcome the guild for doing that. On October 5th, in the evening, I skyped the friend who had her who told me that she was poisoned by herself. She most likely licked something from the flower pots. In fact nobody knew what happened exactly. She lef two kittens 11 days old. I had already arranged for my leave to come to take her when this happened. I flew to Greece on October 24. I took one kitten, her son, who is just like his mom. But I could never recover from Willow's death. I could not work properly. In the end I came back las March. But the experience is something I can value after all this time. Everything happened for a cause. Willow had to die in order for me to come back and integrate what I was taught while I worked in Thailand. During the summer months I felt a shift to a spiritual path, I study a lot about the subject, I meditate, an opportunity I was given in Thailand but I was not ready to take advantage of. In some way, I know I am at the right place at the right time, no matter if things are far from what I want them to be. Now I am looking for a job abroad once again, but richer in experience.
Posted by: Kate Minogianni | October 27, 2013 at 02:07 PM
Hi Tammi - You're most welcome.
Hi debbie - That does seem to be in the air. It could be a function of needing to make sure we're balanced and taking care of our needs as per the Uranus square Pluto. Also remember we've had Sun trine Neptune and before that Mars opposed Neptune.
Hi Lainie - You're welcome, of course. I'm sure you're growing, both through letting go and holding space. With Saturn on your Sun, slow it down, conserve vitality, and know that whatever you began in 1982-1984 is done. There are also major rewards when Saturn conjuncts one's Sun.
Hi wild horse running - Sure. I believe we can acknowledge our deep feelings while not necessarily acting them out. That said, sometimes a major release is required to change pattern in ways the world gets it. I don't have a problem sidestepping my ego inclinations when prudence and a bit of self control would be the better course. That doesn't mean I can ignore what my inner truth is telling me, but just that I get to choose how and when to deal with those feelings that might hurt others, even if/when they deserve it. I'd rather take the high road and let go, let God, since I really don't want to perpetuate unfortunate patterns if I don't have to.
Hi Trinity - Surf is most def up in major, gnarly ways! Shoot the tube and don't pearl!
Hi Crlzmte - "To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn) There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn) And a time to every purpose, under Heaven, A time to build up,a time to break down, A time to dance, a time to mourn, A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together..." Glad you're giving up ciggies. And of course, we leave the stage but may have to do an encore or three to please the crowd that's applauding us.
Hi Aquila Ka Hecate - She's down under. I could write it off as a Southern Hemisphere phenomenon, but I know more than a few who also are dealing with this. ps. - thanks for the link at FB to the commondreams article on Fukushima. While it's extremely disturbing, it's also something we must confront, since the future of the world depends on it.
Hi Viki - Yes, you're done with a major life chapter, and another is already opened. You'll be able to exercise your authority and experience in powerful ways by next Summer.
Hi Morlokk - We're all coming to a major day of reckoning, my Brother. Just glad to know that globally there are many, especially the thousands who come to this site each week, who are ready to surf the wave of "Monster Magic!" (Or the Monster Mash, as we knew it back in the early 60s...)
Hi Kate Minogianni - First, my condolences on the death of your cat friend. I know that one all too well these past 6 months, having lost one in April and another just over a week ago. Sometimes in their death they make a statement to let us know things we didn't know before. Still, while I know the feeling is tough, and there is a natural tendency to feel guilt when our creature friends die, it's better to open the heart and mind to glimpse a greater knowledge of how the entire fabric looks from an eternal angle. Maybe she had to release the form so you would release yourself from preconceptions, even about guilt. Blessings on your journey into a new life, and blessings, and honors to your cat teacher. She was obviously a very special Being.
Posted by: Robert | October 28, 2013 at 12:10 AM