by Robert Wilkinson
As I mentioned last week, due to the position of Mars and Saturn, right now the Grand Irrationality is in full swing! Today I elaborate on some concepts introduced in that article.
I told you about this in the article Astrology in November-December 2013 – The Grand Irrationality Affecting Everyone, where I explained what this long term phenomenon is all about, and what degree spans it’s most influencing at present. Please check it out if you want to see whether some of your planets are feeling the pressure of long term decisions that will transform your destiny. Yes, your “destiny,” since “character is destiny,” and as we change our character, we change our destiny.
Since this is a transit to transit set of aspects forming a configuration involving Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto, it shows things in the outer world that are in serious motion. If it involves one or more of our planets, it will set things into motion in that house, as well as the houses ruled by the affected planet, as a function of the houses in our chart ruled by Mars and Saturn.
Besides what it may or may not affect personally, this will show as obvious influences in those larger areas of life ruled by Mars and Saturn. These planets are often associated with power games and aggressive actions. That it involves a lot of transits it shows power games are in the air, with elements of initiative or assertiveness, along with control and dominion.
(As we speak, these power games are going on in east Asia involving 4 powerful nations jockeying for control over a large area of air and sea. Perusing the news we find many other examples of these planets in irrational angles showing decisions affecting the future of nations and people, from individuals blocking disastrous mines and fracking to US Congressional disputes . Then there’s the crazy weather affecting millions in the US!)
Because of Mars and Saturn triggering the Grand Irrationality, this is a turning point in our world. Things are being decided right now on every level that will profoundly affect us all in the future. The problem with the news is they are often the last to report things that matter to the rest of us, and only then if the powers-that-be have decided it is in the best interests of generating traffic to their sites so they can quote the stats to advertisers.
Some of the comments in last week's Grand Irrationality article prompt me to explain some things in greater detail. While these are “forces beyond our individual control,” due to the transpersonal influences of Neptune and Pluto, we always have the power of choosing our individual response to things precipitated by no particular decision on our own.
My view is that we do NOT “create our reality,” but we do create our response to the reality we find ourselves in, regardless of our influence in bringing that reality to focus. Saturn represents that part of us that either submits to forms of mental slavery, illusions, attachments, aversions, and chronic pessimism, or decides that we have the power to chart our own course and find ourselves driving our vehicle rather than have it driven by others.
We do not create the price of oil, but we do choose how much of it we choose to use. We do not create the price of tomatoes and eggplant, but we do choose how much we choose to grow, to buy, or not to eat. We do not create the traffic jams in our towns, but we do choose whether we are going to drive then or at another time. We do not create the price a landlord chooses to charge for their rental, but we choose how much to pay for housing.
The Grand Irrationality shows that from time to time, we must deal with irrational, compulsive, or unexpectedly bizarre turns of events. These can come in the form of human behavior, or situations that make no sense but we must deal with them anyway, and as we choose to deal with them, so our future and destiny are shaped.
For those who didn’t get the addendum to the linked article above, here it is again with some more additions. As I told you then, it’s a gentle reminder of some fundamentals.
One fundamental of astrology is that planets don't "cause" anything, but merely show us the patterns of the larger collective field. The Grand Irrationality has been putting pressure on everyone everywhere for about 18-20 years. We'll be through with it within 5-6. We're all learning how to "be" our Higher Self within a larger collective energetic field that makes no sense and gets really crazy at times.
Globally we're learning how choices create consequences, even if none of it makes sense. The inner pressure is pushing everyone, aware or not, into choices where reason cannot figure out what must be done or not done. In fact, that's why many feel "compelled" to do certain things, even if they can't explain why it's such a strong compulsion. And some compulsions are more harmless than others. Like me writing this column! ;-)
On a related note, that is one factor in the discussions in the public forum that rants and raves ad infinitum about things like the debt, the budget, “living within our means,” and other such obsessive assertions. While these are important, I’ll note that the tone of discussion is extraordinarily harsh and negative, with hyperbolic (obsessive-compulsive) “my way or the highway” approaches taken by those who are merely playing games with the public or screaming to hear themselves scream.
Regardless of the craziness of our current reality, we are learning the means to surf these waves, and deal with the sudden and often jarring realities that intrude and force us to deal with things that may make little sense. As a race we must adapt to the needs of the NOW. There is much in motion that is leaving us in a world that bears little resemblance to the one we all grew up in.
Humanity is evolving at a much quicker rate than in past centuries, due to the larger evolutionary arc showing our entrance into a greater understanding and effectiveness of the electromagnetic nature of life, matter, energy, and thought itself. We are collectively on the “Path of Return,” where we are collectively remembering qualities of time, space, life, and energy unknown for thousands of years. This is putting pressure on all of us to live an “integral” existence, which of course requires that we “integrate” on the personality level.
As I’ve written about numerous times these past 6 months, we have been in class learning about "feeling-knowing" since June. We were offered a preliminary stability then, which is now still in major play due to Jupiter trine Saturn from water signs. We’ll continue to be in this class for some months to come.
If we combine the wisdom of our experiences in the past with a little common sense and discretion, this feeling-understanding can lead us to be able to flow through these weird events and surf these somewhat choppy waves with grace and humor. Things may be crazy, but we don’t have to get weirded out because it doesn’t make sense. Nothing outside us should have the power to throw us off our identification with our highest and greatest good in the moment. That’s part of learning the mastery of Life as a human being.
The human race is being led to learn and know "reality" differently than in the past. Humanity has relied on reason for many centuries. Great for overcoming ancient superstitions, but not useful as a sole reference as we break free of the Age of Pisces and move toward the Age of Aquarius. We are learning to come out of framing things in terms of our mind thinking it knows what to believe or doubt.
Through integrated knowing, involving the laws of Synthesis, Magnetic Attraction, and Economy of Energy, all of which work together to bring forth evolution on Earth, we can get beyond believing or doubting ourselves, the process, or anything else. We can know what's happening, what to do or not do, and not fall into fear or anxiety when things get weird, irrational, or a bit jagged. We are remembering how to tap our wisdom while not letting the mind jam our gears.
From one point of view, we're all being led, whether we know it or not, whether we cooperate with it or not, to grow into a more loving, wise, intelligent way of doing our Being in the NOW. The rest is just a series of perceptual and attitude adjustments.
I’ll close with what I gave you at the end of the other article. It’s always a good thing to remember to be of good humor as we view the ever-passing soft parade inside the gold mine. And from another post,
”Some will come and some will go, we shall surely pass, when the one that left us here returns for us at last. We are but a moment’s sunlight fading in the grass, C'mon people now, smile on your brother, Ev'rybody get together try and love one another right now.”
Though many things are painful, we do not have to suffer. While there is much that is not likeable in our world, nothing should be able to put us off from our power to love, right here and now, and make that our living reality.
Ultimately, there is nothing on Earth that can prevent us from Being the Love-We-Are. And all forms of conditional love must be transmuted into unconditional Love. While difficult, it's the ultimate challenge and opens the door to Eternal Love-Wisdom on the highest frequencies of consciousness.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Tis making great sense now!
Robert, I remember the melody to those lyrics as I often heard it when I was very young child. But who wrote this?
"”Some will come and some will go, we shall surely pass, when the one that left us here returns for us at last. We are but a moment’s sunlight fading in the grass, C'mon people now, smile on your brother, Ev'rybody get together try and love one another right now.”
Thanks for helping us see and understand. Arigato Sensei!
Posted by: Micheline | November 27, 2013 at 04:03 PM
Forget that last comment. I googled the said portion of lyrics. The Youngbloods
Posted by: Micheline | November 27, 2013 at 04:07 PM