by Robert Wilkinson
This Full Moon at 26 Scorpio-Taurus is stabilizing, concretizing, focused, and as with other recent Lunations, will bring us “gain through loss.” This will light up how we need to adjust ourselves to new conditions to be more efficient and adaptable regarding our long term structured regeneration process. Whatever is taken away will be replaced with some heart’s desire, if we have defined role, function, and imagery precisely.
Today’s article covers various rising signs around the globe and an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In part 2 we’ll cover Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.
This stabilizing, intense, focusing, and very practical Full Moon that will begin a new life adventure for many falls at the 26th degree of Taurus and Scorpio. This Lunation, bringing efficiency as we play an enjoyable role and continue a regeneration or renewal occurs November 17 at 7:16 am PST, 10:16 am EST, 3:16 pm Greenwich.
So What's Happening Where?
Now we take a look at the rising signs around the world. The Lunation finds 5 Sagittarius rising in Santa Monica, 23 Scorpio in Vancouver, 2 Capricorn in Toronto, 6 Capricorn in Montreal, and 8 Capricorn in Washington DC, showing (from west to east) late Scorpio through early Capricorn as the rising signs across North America.
That means the west coast of North America will have the Full Moon just before sunrise, with the Moon setting in the west. Early morning risers will get a show! Continuing east, we find 5 Pisces rising in Rio, 12 Aries in Lisbon, 6 Taurus in London, 30 Taurus in Berlin, 2 Gemini in Sofia, 9 Taurus in Johannesburg, and 3 Cancer in Moscow. That means the span of Ascendants across the Atlantic to Central Europe and Africa is between early Pisces and early Gemini.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find the Ascendants to be 15 Cancer in Abbottabad, 15 Cancer in New Delhi, 6 Cancer in Trivandrum, 29 Cancer in Jakarta, 15 Leo in Hong Kong, 10 Virgo in Tokyo (Nov 18), 26 Cancer in Perth (Nov 17), 30 Leo in Melbourne (Nov 18), 15 Virgo in Brisbane, 19 Libra in Wellington, and 7 Scorpio rising on Maui (Nov 17).
So you can construct a rough chart for where you are in the world, I’ll give you the rounded up degree for each planet. Use the Ascendants given above to get a rough sense of what’s on the eastern horizon where you are, and using an Equal House system, you can see what’s going on in your part of the world for the next 2 weeks.
In this Full Moon with the Sun at 26 Scorpio and the Moon at 26 Taurus, Mercury is 7 Scorpio, Venus is 12 Capricorn, Mars is 20 Virgo, Jupiter is 21 Cancer RX, Saturn is 16 Scorpio, Uranus is 9 Aries RX, Neptune is 3 Pisces (on its SD degree), Pluto is 10 Capricorn, TransPluto is 1 Virgo, Chiron is 10 Pisces RX, and the NN is 8 Scorpio.
Because the New Moon preceding the Full Moon always represents the seed forms that are brought to surface at and after the Full Moon, please check out the recent New Moon Solar Eclipse articles The Hybrid Solar Eclipse at 12 Scorpio Nov 3, 2013 pt 1 – Who Does It Affect and For How Long and A Hybrid Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio Pt. 2 - What’s Happening in November 2013, As Well As 2014-2015-2016. You'll find more at The November Hybrid Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio Pt. 3 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means.
Those around the world who will definitely feel effects of this Full Moon are the places where it falls near the angles of the chart. Places on our list where the Lunation is near the angles and activating energies powerfully are (Sun/Moon): Rio (MC/IC), London, Berlin, Sofia, and Johannesburg (Dsc/Asc), Jakarta, Hong Kong, Perth and Melbourne (IC/MC), and Santa Monica and Vancouver (Asc/Dsc).
An Overview
An overview of this period ruled by this Full Moon shows it will illuminate our ability to be efficient and adaptable in our magnetism as we move into doing what we must to see what we love come forth in our life, whether in form or on the “balcony of our aspiration.” This will put the focus on individual, mental, and spiritual energy in stabilizing the productive understanding we’ve achieved before now. Here we get a front end look at what Saturn will solidify in November 2014.
This Lunation is high on productivity, interactive gifts and circumstances, and growth into a deeper understanding of what is beneath and behind forms. Mercury helps us understand things in greater depth than before, and is training our minds to see through things and understand why those ideas are fixed the way they are.
How we’re able to handle Mercury in Scorpio and Mars in Virgo will profoundly affect what we say and do over the next few weeks. That’s because these two are in mutual reception, and are the final dispositors for all the other planetary energies except Neptune.
There are a mixed bag of aspects in this chart. It indicates productivity, stabilization, understanding, and specialization, but also internal crises, sacrifices, oppositions, awarenesses, and a need for faith as we see the Grand Irrationality at work via the wide forming Saturn septile Pluto. This marks the first of many times that Saturn will anchor a third point in the configuration during the coming months, promising destiny is on the move for the entire world related to Scorpio themes, very much like what’s happening as you read these words!
A second booster for the Grand Irrationality is found in Venus septile Neptune. So Saturn dances in a non-rational relationship with Pluto, while Venus dances in a non-rational relationship with Neptune. At least Venus sextile Saturn helps bring organized productivity to the party!
These together show that while we live in a time of very heavy decisions determining the future destiny of humanity, we also are at a turning point about likes and values closing a long cycle, preparing for a whole new set of likes and values in the future. Venus also to some extent enlarges the span of degrees triggering the Grand Irrationality.
The focus of the light shows a way for us to become more direct, simple, and straightforward in our ability to play a role that allows what we love to come forth. Many will experience a deeper sense of how things are structured, or the natural laws and principles behind how to coax forth what we love in the world. This can help us use magnetic power to attract our “heart’s desire,” helping us to achieve an ambition that will lead us to question what success would really look like.
Is the Grand Irrationality A Factor in this Full Moon?
As I just noted, The Grand Irrationality is put into long-term play in this Lunation by Saturn septile Pluto and short term by Venus septile Neptune. The Saturn factor will strengthen and give form to what Mercury biseptile Neptune and septile Pluto promised at last month’s Lunar Eclipse, which marked a threshold of what we’ve examined during the past Mercury retrograde period. You can find out more about that Mercury retrograde station setting up numerous triggers of The Grand Irrationality by re-reading The Guide of Souls in October 2013 – Mercury Slowing Down Preparing to Go Retrograde at 19 Scorpio.
As noted in that article, at the current time, those most affected by this irrational, compulsive, “fork in the road of destiny” type of energy have planets or angles around 8-13 Capricorn, 30 Aquarius-5 Pisces, 21-26 Aries, 13-18 Gemini, 4-9 Leo, 25-30 Virgo, or 16-21 Scorpio. So you can see that due to Saturn’s position, this configuration will be triggered numerous times over the next few weeks by the transits through the Capricorn zone. Again, activity is promised via Mercury at the end of November, then via Mars the first week of December, then the Sun and Mercury the end of December and beginning of January. Each of these will also involve Saturn, since it’s now officially in the Scorpio zone of this long wave configuration!
As I’ve noted previously, Neptune is now closing in on a septile with Pluto in this chart, and will be a factor in all celestial events at this time of the year. However, they will begin to pull apart again and by next Spring will again be not quite in septile, which is the main aspect anchoring the Grand Irrationality. Right now Neptune is 52 degrees and 45 minutes away from Pluto, but by the end of May they’ll be 54d 30m apart, which is a little too wide for the septile.
As I explained in a recent article, that just means while now they will operate as a simultaneous “pulse” since they’ll both be aspected near the same time, more and more each Spring and Summer we’ll experience it as a rolling influence, with first Pluto aspected, and then Neptune at some time after that, depending on which planet is doing the aspect to these planets.
Important Factors
As I said, this Lunation brings us a mixed bag of aspects. On the harmonious side, we have Mercury sextile Venus, tredecile Jupiter, conjunct Saturn, and sextile Pluto. Venus is trine Mars and sextile Saturn, Mars is sextile Jupiter and tredecile Pluto, Jupiter is trine Saturn, and Uranus is decile Neptune. Overall, maximum productivity with unique gifts that make efficiency sky high!
Then we also find Moon sesquisquare Venus, Mercury quincunx Uranus, Venus semisquare the Sun and opposed Jupiter, Jupiter sesquisquare Neptune and again forming an opposition to Pluto, and a very close separating Uranus square Pluto. These are aggravating, annoying, and show we all need to develop sticktoitiveness, keep putting our best out there, not settling for lesser rewards when there are greater things at stake, and many will experience some need to sacrifice mental chatter to concentrate to see the whole picture.
Due to Saturn’s station in February, up to now we’re been learning a more refined level of social interaction, or a higher, more sophisticated and refined way of relating to ours and others’ feelings as we move through social experiences. This is a very long term structuring power offered to humanity at this time.
We also have had numerous opportunities to learn the power of harmlessness, and those who have lessened their fear can now radiate a calm that transcends normal understanding. This Lunation is about us learning more “warmth of feeling,” and deepening or demonstrating our faith in concrete actions. We are going deeper even as we finish the lessons around the overcoming of fear and receiving rewards for embracing that gentle way.
We all began to learn how to overcome fear in the Spring of 2012, and then entered an unknown space time sector where we began to learn to view much of what goes on at core through a sense of life being a “science experiment,” with our task to understand the laws that underlie what’s going on. Now that Saturn has finished its sextile to Pluto and is entering the destiny producing septile with Pluto, understand the value, responsibility, and limitations around those intensified feelings, and experience what has already been set as a platform structure of a new life inertia or momentum.
I’ll write more about these things in part 2. The next two weeks will bring new tests of learning to be efficient and adaptable as we bring forth what we want through enjoyable “role playing.” Overall this will make a lot of our life work better, open us to new productivity, and some will find very unique ways of embracing a new life adventure, linking with others despite feeling like something’s not ready, or that there’s not enough of the right equipment.
Making specific types of “leaps of faith” to overcome some duality will be key to seeing the Light of this Lunation. Here we glimpse our “indestructibility,” and can venture forth with joy and faith that it’s all an experiment in educating ourselves and others in efficient functioning and finding a way to feel at home in any environment. This one will help us get clear about the ideas that will bring us what we want and need to grow, and which ideas are unhelpful because they don’t arise from what we really feel.
Since Jupiter is now retrograde in Cancer, we can begin to review and take a new look at the emotional intelligence we built in June, July, and August. The coming 3 1/2 months will help us get new understanding about what we consider to be true about those new cares, new feelings, and a new sense of stability we’ve embraced since then.
Of course, with Jupiter in Cancer for the Lunations since July, family and personal feelings will continue to run strong, so be clear about what you’re feeling that feeds you, or nurtures your growth in some personal way. We’ve all gone deeper into how we experience everything, and this period is about taking a new look at how we measure success, and figuring out how to “put on the show” and receive what we need from our audience.
Is the Sun Following the Moon, or the Moon Following the Sun?
This is the fourth Full Moon where the Sun falls in the same sign to the Sun at the previous New Moon. We’re now back to the “normal” pattern we last experienced between September 2010 and June 2011. We’re now done with the “reversed pattern” we’ve been dealing with since July 2011, where the Full Moon Sun was in a different sign than the previous New Moon.
As I've explained in previous Full Moon articles,
... the Full Moon being in a subsequent sign than the previous New Moon indicates that what is released as realizations in the Full Moon period actually "prepares the ground" for the coming New Moon seed. Strange reversal of function, since you would think the New Moon provides the seed for the next Full Moon. But this set of Lunations works the opposite way....Another way to look at this is the Sun sign of the Full Moon is the same as and precedes the Sun sign of the next New Moon, reversing the usual way Lunations work. So the fulfillment of the Full Moon sets up the next "seed" to be revealed at the next New Moon....
So Sept 2010 through June 2011 we had the New Moon Sun in the same sign as the subsequent Full Moon Sun every month. From July 2011 the pattern continued, but the New Moon began to fall at the end of the month, with the Full Moon in the middle of the next month. Even though the New Moon Sun was in the same sign as the Full Moon Sun, the seeds were set into motion at the end of a month, with Full Moon activity beginning the middle of the next month.
This shifted in May-June 2012, when we had a New Moon at 1 Gemini in late May, a Full Moon at 15 Gemini-Sag in early June, and another New Moon at 29 Gemini in late June. That began the sequence of the New Moon Sun at the end of one sign, with the following Full Moon Sun in the next sign.
So June 2012 began the reversed experience from the “normal” New Moon-Full Moon cycle. We had an illuminated form shown to us at the Full Moon, followed by the Sun being in the same sign as the previous Full Moon. This is fulfillment followed by similar Solar seeds of potential while reversing the natural process.
So that’s now done for many months, and we’re again in a sequence where the Full Moon Sun is the same sign as the previous New Moon Sun. To illustrate, the January 11, 2013 New Moon Sun was at 22 Capricorn, while the next Full Moon Sun was at 8 Aquarius. The February 10, 2013 New Moon Sun was at 22 Aquarius, while the next Full Moon Sun was at 8 Pisces.
Continuing through the Spring, the March 11, 2013 New Moon Sun was at 22 Pisces, while the next Full Moon Sun was at 7 Aries. The April 10 New Moon Sun was at 21 Aries, while the next Full Moon Sun was at 6 Taurus. The May 9 New Moon Solar Eclipse was at 20 Taurus, while the next Full Moon Sun was at 5 Gemini. The June 8 New Moon was at 19 Gemini, while the next Full Moon Sun was at 3 Cancer.
This “reversed Sun sign” phenomenon has now ended. In August we had a New Moon Sun at 15 Leo on August 6-7, and then the Full Moon Sun at 29 Leo. In September we had a New Moon Sun at 14 Virgo, and then we had a Full Moon Sun at 27 Virgo. In October we had a New Moon Sun at 12 Libra, and then a Full Moon Sun at 26 Libra. This month we had a New Moon at 12 Scorpio, and now have a Full Moon Sun at 26 Scorpio. This restores the “natural” order of Lunation Suns, offering us seeds shown in the first half, fulfillment in the second half.
In part two, we will explore the Sabian Symbols, aspects, and other important chart factors.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert, thanks for another great article. I have a question: is my natal moon at 29 deg. Taurus close enough to be affected?
Posted by: steve | November 16, 2013 at 02:52 AM
Thank you for the clear foresight.
I would agree with all suggested, as themes present are mirrored accordingly.
My health has dealt with strange subterfuge through uncertainties my side and medical practitioners too.
(Ascendant 3 degrees virgo, jupiter rx 2 degrees 12th opposition to mercury rx 1 degree pisces 6th, trine 3 degrees cancer moon, 10th). I lost a friendship over a argument on illness, based on independence and responsibility. Another mother wanted to blame others for her sickness, but I had been ill for a long time, post partum and felt one makes a difference from what how one changes at the individual level first. Now I have after many months of researching enlightenment on why I was so unwell, how it affected my close family, how to change it, and maybe the friend back. Except, there is little feeling of gain. It is mostly regret, compassion.
Next year I begin study but the change comes with a sacrifice, that I leave my child in care with others. It also means that I must face a new cultural shift being back amongst others learning, no longer being with mothers, children. I will be very mindful of this as Neptune 26 degrees 3rd house sextile virgo pluto, uranus both 1st, trine pisces mars 7th. It is almost aquarian square my sun in the 6th. The challenge is to prepare to add new skills to re-invent my career.
Lastly Uranus retrograde has brought unusual tests, (saturn aries 8 degrees 7th) with pluto square 5th house, but I remain undeterred regarding my agenda to keep some kind domestic order, (healing through food, herbs) consistency in parenting (despite being sometimes very disorganised). Now that neptune is direct I feel immense relief, as an invisible worry actually revealed itself, now that can be hopefully dissolved through routine, continually refined process. I have discovered that many in the medical profession are very arrogant, refuse to examine and consider systemically. Perhaps the crime I committed was refusal to believe my own insights, reliance on others opaque opinions. No one knows yourself better than you.
Posted by: Genevieve | November 16, 2013 at 05:06 AM
Thank you so very much as always for the insight and information. Your recent postings on our true spiritual nature were deep to say the least. Truly fitting for Scorpio. All I might add is for people to read the section for the Scorpio (Death)Arcana in "The Tarot" by Paul Foster Case.
Our Full moon Group will be meeting Sunday tomorrow evening. We cannot express enough how much we appreciate your constant wisdom to contemplate.
May the people of the Philippines find solace and comfort.
Posted by: dcu | November 16, 2013 at 12:48 PM
something feeling good, just checked chart and its conjunct my vertex, square mars and trine Saturn, so long as I go with the good passionate emotions, this may be as good as I was feeling :)
Posted by: debbie | November 16, 2013 at 05:24 PM