by Robert Wilkinson
Boxing day isn't observed in the US, but it's one of the better "holy days" of the year, when boxes with donations for the poor are opened and distributed. There are many kinds of boxes to be opened....
Though it's well into the day, a few thoughts may be in order for this season of giving. Perhaps we who live lives of spiritual service can use the spirit of this holiday to open the boxes of our minds, hearts, or even wallets to give to those we feel can be helped by what we have to give. This day is about a transfer of energy from those who have to those who don't, whether through money, time, or other means.
Even if we feel we don't have much to give, we can still send a loving thoughtform to those who suffer. Even if we feel a lack of solar force, we can still make a call, do a service, or offer what we can to someone or something we care about.
So some time today, send a prayer, blessing, or loving thought or feeling to those who move your heart. There are many who suffer, and you never know when your lovingly wise thoughtform could change a life forever.
Aum and blessings to all of you who come here.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson