by Robert Wilkinson
For those who didn’t catch it in previous seasons, here’s an interesting piece of history. I knew the tradition of the Tannenbaum originated in Northern Europe, and figured that's where our tradition of the Christmas Tree came to be a big deal in America. It turns out the real story is one about marketing for women and primitive photoshopping.
This is for those who don't read newspapers, and comes via the New York Times' Gail Collins, titled The Tannenbaum Chronicles. (It's a miracle in itself that the link still works!) In it you'll read about Rachel Maddow's mom's remote control for the lights and Sarah Josepha Hale, a Martha Stewartish mid-19th century marketing genius who used a form of photoshopping to promote the idea of the American Christmas Tree. It really is a great read, so enjoy!
I hope you're all having the best time possible of it wherever you are! Sometimes letting go of the past can bring a sense of melancholy, yet it can also be sweet (and fleeting). Remember the human heart can radiate an unconditional love whenever it wants, and you are the Love, Wisdom, and Life that you seek.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson