by Robert Wilkinson
This article covers significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in the Capricorn New Moon chart. We’re learning to find and demonstrate courage, since the very heavy Cardinal T-square is sure to fracture a lot in the coming weeks. You may expect some log jams to be busted up big time!
As I noted in part one, November’s Scorpio Solar Eclipse is still in full effect. As I told you then, we’re now being shown new forms of finding delight as we shed old skins, finding ways to reverse magnetism, and take a new look at stuck situations as we find ourselves “sliding on the ice through the death zone.” This month’s Capricorn focus can help us organize or reorganize our effectiveness and ability to “bring beauty out of wilderness,” and “shape our garden” so it’s more to our liking.
The incredibly strong Cardinal T-square involving the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter shows us we’ll have some challenges showing us ways to integrate assertive forces working against each other to come to a new way of being a courageous pioneer in the area of our chart occupied by Aries. Uranus is not really a factor since all aspects made by those planets are separating, but we may expect some related upheavals and breakthroughs once Uranus transits 11-17 Aries in a few weeks.
This Lunation, along with the inner planets, puts the spotlight back on the "anchoring" span occupied by slow moving outer planets from Saturn in Scorpio through Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, to Uranus in Aries. Jupiter was the first to put the focus outside of the Scorpio to Aries span when it moved into Gemini and put some distance between it and Uranus.
With Jupiter now solidly in Cancer, it serves as a handle, or “focal determinator” and counterweight for the occupied span between Mars in mid-Libra and Uranus in early Aries, which I’ll speak about shortly. In this chart it makes some very strong oppositions to the stellium in Capricorn, showing the line of awareness or opposing energy that will be released by Mars in square to both ends of the opposition.
An important factor in this chart is the Lunation is conjunct Pluto. This is the next in the series of conjunctions made by the inner planets with the outer planets between Saturn in Scorpio and Uranus in Aries. They made their conjunctions with Saturn in September, October, and November, and now are making their conjunctions with Pluto.
They are now on track to make future conjunctions with Neptune and Uranus over the next 3 months. In other words, we’ve begun a whole new series of year cycles in terms of what the outer planets are teaching us, and how we’re affected in larger, “invisible” spiritual ways.
In this New Moon, the span occupied by the inner planets includes mid-Libra through late Capricorn, with 5 planets clustered in Capricorn. This will make Capricorn highly active, wherever it falls in our charts. Adding the next planets out from the stellium, we find 6 planets in the 66 degrees between Saturn and Venus, and 6 planets in the 52+ degrees between the Lunation and Neptune.
So given there are 7 planets between late Scorpio and early Pisces, that span will be highly active, regardless of which bookend you measure from. If you have a planet anywhere in that area of the zodiac, you’re going to go through major changes in the part of your psyche represented by the planet and the part of your external affairs symbolized by the house it’s in.
We’ve now left the “Splay Pattern” we lived with for many months, and for the time being, we’re in what is termed a “Bucket” Jones pattern, even though there are still elements of the Splay Pattern active. So while in the past, the planets were widely spread out around the zodiac, they are now all in the 178 degrees occupied by Mars in mid-Libra through Saturn in Scorpio, the stellium in Capricorn, over through Neptune in Pisces to Uranus in Aries.
While we still have one or more planets in 6 of the signs, all but one are in half the wheel, with Jupiter as the sole planet outside of that span, making it the handle, or focal determinator, of how the energies of the pattern are released. Of note is that we shall continue to have a Bucket for many months to come, since none of the inner planets will be back in Gemini until May 2014. Get used to using Jupiter energy wisely!!
So What is a “Bucket Pattern” and how does it work?
This type of spread, with all the planets in about half the signs with one outside that span wide enough to be a handle, creates a “Bucket” Jones Pattern. The energies of the occupied half are focused through the “handle,” or “nozzle,” in this case Jupiter, termed the “focal determinator.”
The handle, or focal determinator, represents the way to greater effectiveness, the cause to be embraced, the lack to be filled, or the way to use the total energies of this time in a focused manner. We had this pattern dominant during the first half of 2013, but with Saturn as the handle, showing we were learning to focus energy through Saturn’s structure. Now with Jupiter in Cancer as the handle, we should have more expansive possibilities, along with more opportunities for productive nurture.
Dr. Jones states “the bucket type indicates a particular and rather uncompromising direction in the life effort.” This pattern gives “interest in a cause,” with executive tendencies that will adapt allegiances to maximize results of the effort. He says “the bucket type at its best reveals the real instructor and inspirer of others, and at its worst the agitator and malcontent.” This is the larger planetary pattern within which we’re all trying to do what we do.
We are also told this pattern is more about finding an effective release for energy within social settings, but also about the individual imposing their patterns on society rather than adapting to what is there. It’s about focused intention. So all of us can expect some sort of focused attention on the house where we have 17 Cancer.
Up to now, the water trines of the past 6 months have ensured a flowing, moving, stabilizing quality. Though the Grand Water Trine early in each sign is now past, we are still in a heavy water period, given the Jupiter trine Saturn now separating but still in effect through mid-January. Much will become clearer in March, when trines to both Jupiter and Saturn will tie together a lot of the mid-water sign lessons we’re learning now about protection, abundance, and caring.
As I’ve told you before, these Water trines show that if we have learned how to navigate the feeling-flow over past months, we’ll be able to practice our nearly-learned “emotional intelligence,” or “feeling-knowing,” as we learn to trust our deepest intuitions harmonized with a vast view of our needs, whether personal or collective. The numerous conjunctions, square, and oppositions will show us how to integrate frictional energies in dynamic ways and express the understandings and gifts we’ve learned since June.
Of the traditional 10 planets, there are 3 planets in Water signs, 1 in Fire, 5 in Earth, and 1 in Air. This indicates a very heavy emphasis on practicality and efficiency, with a continued emphasis on feelings, experiencing, caring, vulnerability, and self-gathering while flowing through a larger feeling field.
Just keep in mind that Earth plus Water equals either mud or bricks, depending on how you work with the material. So while some will find a sensitivity as they organize things so they further an “enlightened self-interest,” others will find themselves “stuck in the mud” of defensive calculations. As this Lunation has only 1 planet in the Air and Fire signs, it’s not particularly inspired, relationship oriented, warm, idealistic or associative. We will continue to have to find these within ourselves through the next month, even though the Air influence will be stimulated for the 7 ½ months that Mars is in Libra.
Air and Earth are cool, Fire and Water are hot. With the distribution, expect this to continue the ongoing period of heightened feelings and emotional challenges, with a temporarily strong emphasis on practical matters. With little Fire and Air, be as inspired as you can, try not to become too much of a hermit or refusenik, and go out of your way to try to relate to people with a sense of balanced perspective, even if many interactions get delayed or simply go thud.
As I explained yesterday, the Grand Irrationality is front and center these next 4 weeks! The current hot zones are approximately 10-14 Capricorn, 2-6 Pisces, 23-27 Aries, 15-19 Gemini, 6-10 Leo, 28 Virgo-2 Libra, and 19-23 Scorpio. Those who have planets or angles in any of these zones are going through some major choices and changes that will alter their future destiny!
With Venus sextile its ruler Saturn, it’s a very productive time for constructive reorganization of values, resources, and relationships. During the past month we’ve stripped away the veil to see more clearly the true from the false, the greater from the lesser, the core and the peripheral. The two in sextile shows productive harmony between the Taurus/Libra sectors of our maps and the Capricorn/Aquarius sectors.
When we add Venus quintile Uranus, it should be a very productive time, with specialized skills being polished. This is showing us who is “making pilgrimage” with us as we seek illumination while exploring the Mystery.
The very powerful Grand Water Trines of June and July helped us all to experience a vaster time frame and a sense of finality as we turned various corners in our lives, with feelings of being connected on deep and vast levels. We’ve now flowed downstream, navigating the plunges of the subsequent powerful Cardinal T-squares forcing us to find balance, perspective, a sense of proportion, and new ideals to pursue. With the Cardinal T-square active in this chart, practice good Cancer skills.
We’ve all had chances to become more emotionally intelligent in 2013, and have set long range future patterns to be fulfilled over time. Stay practical as you navigate your now-established “feeling-knowing,” be humble and adaptable, and follow the growth path while not allowing things to get too blown out of proportion.
We now have all found ways to concentrate and see the whole picture while experiencing the end of a major life chapter opening the door to personal transfiguration. Given the major T-square and the Grand Irrationality so prominent, this is an incredibly important time of shifts in direction and forks in the road of destiny for those with planets in affected areas. This is a time of self-transcendence, so show courage as you tear yourself away from the known and familiar, “gambling everything on the dream.”
Saturn's Influence
I include separate sections on Saturn in two articles in this Eclipse series since Saturn continues to wax in importance in all celestial events of these times. This is the sixteenth New Moon of the Saturn in Scorpio era, and for many months it was one of the legs of the “Splay” Jones pattern during the Grand Water Trines, stabilizing the Jupiter in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces energies while in productive mutual reception sextile to Pluto.
We have ended one phase of what we’ve been learning since Saturn went retrograde at 12 Scorpio in February 2013, as Saturn has now moved beyond that degree. However, the recent Solar Eclipse at 12 Scorpio has begun to shut down whatever is left of structures related to those lessons that we cannot take with us into the next phase of life.
Our emotional body will be cleared out for months to come, so get used to occasionally intense purifications that may leave us feeling vulnerable for a time, but cleaner and clearer over time. Slowly but surely we are being shown our integrity once we've been cleaned and scrubbed.
In 2012-2013, Saturn triseptile Uranus showed us how our individuality did or did not cooperate with our sense of purpose and breaking free of fear was put through numerous tests within irrational conditions, and which helped us define our expression for years to come. We’ve all been shown how our tradition can transmute and accept our individuality, and how our limitations can be renovated to express our unique qualities. Some had to confront fear of loss with a willingness to be a pioneer in some realm where they could express their genius or unique qualities.
Spirit has walked with us during the times this configuration was in play, as well as any other major septile series aspects between the planets. These are triggered dozens of times a year when The Grand Irrationality is in play, which is in full force in this chart affecting the next 4 weeks, along with Venus biseptile Mars, which I’ll speak of soon.
The choices we make as a result of these non-rational aspects show us our “direction of destiny,” and determines if the Spirit will grow stronger and closer with you, or if you will move in directions away from Spirit. Given that most of this community is intentionally trying to live in harmony with Life, Nature, and each other, chances are that whatever you – yes, YOU the reader – are confronting will show you a deeper, richer, more powerful Spiritual life. Which is a good thing.
Saturn taught us a lot about how to conduct ourselves at a higher, more elegant and/or formal way of relating to others in 2013. The Eclipse in Scorpio again put the light on those Saturn lessons, and we’re learning new ways of applying those truths of our direct experience that will be a part of our lives when Mars next enters Scorpio in late July 2014, with major focus on the third week of August when Mars crosses the Moon, Sun, and Saturn degrees of the Eclipse.
Generally, when Saturn was in Virgo we learned lessons of Divine Discernment, practical functioning, and attention to detail as we were educated through learning to see life as a series of experiments. In Libra, we all went through a transfiguration in our ideals and relationships, and many started living elements of their Divine Archetype. That required some ability to do forms of repair and reconstruction work in the last half of 2011 and most of 2012 to pay some karmic dues and come to a philosophical completion.
Now we’re experiencing deeper relationships, within and in external affairs. We’re cleaning out, letting go, purifying, focusing, dealing with death and loss, restructuring how we share with others, and all those other Scorpio keywords that usually terrify the lower ego.
As Saturn rules Pluto in this chart in worldly affairs, it shows that when we are confronted with the need to deal with something or someone in an organized, efficient manner, reference Saturn in Scorpio and the lessons of focusing intensity. Feel what needs to be eliminated to achieve emotional stability or movement, and being efficient and truthful in getting to the core of any matter.
Naturally, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, structure, maturity, patience, understanding, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience.
So as you open to the first New Moon of 2014, take a new look at what Saturn helped you let go of throughout 2013, as well as the long term regenerative self-discipline that’s also been there, if you saw limitations with a mature eye. We continue to let go and go even deeper in a connection with our regenerative life magnetism, or a deeper communion with some inner or outer element of our Being.
Important Aspects
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. As noted, this New Moon makes some very powerful frictional aspects, showing a need for integrating competing energies, breaking up some log jams, turning away from some things, and pulling yet other things together. There aren’t too many harmonious aspects, but there are a high number of exciting ones!
The prominent aspects in this Lunation include the New Moon activating the T-square and the Grand Irrationality, which includes Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, throwing the void to the section of Aries that Uranus will transit in a few weeks as well as off and on through the year. Other aspects of note are Mercury conjunct Venus, Venus biseptile Mars, opposition Jupiter, sextile Saturn and quintile Uranus, Mars square Jupiter, Jupiter opposed Pluto, Saturn sesquisquare Uranus and biseptile Neptune, and the now renewed Uranus square Pluto (oh joy!)
Some primary lessons of the T-square involve finding our place of greatest service while seeing how to win the cooperation of others and keep the initiative and momentum in our own hands, not presuming or forcing things, and finding an adequate form of self-expression as we find the way to integrate our diversity of interests while paying attention to details. We are learning how to see to the core of things while feeling the way others are viewing the possibilities.
Beware of dishonest manipulators, any deal that is not above board, potentially dangerous “opportunities” that are not really honest or in your best interests, and any exaggerated sense of neediness. Be open and above board in asking for what is in your best interests, be willing to change directions and go your own way if needed, and refuse everything that is petty, petulant, unfair, or out of balance.
Cultivate a grander style of personal self-expression (without grandiosity!), get behind corrosive or inhibiting timidity, don’t get aggravated if too much is going on, and find a way to leash the powerful feelings lurking around every corner so that you can put the power to most effective and focused use. A new law, a new order, a new truth, and a great Mystery beckon over the next 4 weeks. Be willing to turn away from whatever you need to, immediately and without equivocation, and embrace the pioneer spirit!
Venus biseptile Mars puts these two at a turning point in their cycle as well, and affects wherever we have Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, and Capricorn. Since Venus is retrograde, it may involve something we’ve seen or known before which has now come back for reorganization or recalibration. It primarily affects those with planets or angles near 10-14 Libra, 2-6 Sagittarius, 24-28 Capricorn, 15-19 Pisces, 6-10 Taurus, 28 Gemini-2 Cancer, and 19-23 Leo.
As you can see, this sequence is triggered about 10 degrees after the Grand Irrationality. So the Moon will trigger this set of non-rational “turning point” energies about a day after it triggers the Grand Irrationality. This Venus-Mars configuration will be triggered on January 2, 5, 9, 13-14, 17-18, 22, 25-26, and 29.
The first Venus biseptile Mars occurred in October when Venus was 14-22 Sagittarius and Mars was 3-8 Virgo. Now they are making their second biseptile in the series, which began with this New Moon and will be almost exact through Jan 5. Once Venus goes direct, the final biseptile in the series will occur between March 10-20, when Venus is in early Aquarius and Mars is RX in late Libra.
Again, this affects all areas ruled by Venus and Mars, and represents an emergent externalization of a critical turning point in how a process or thing expresses itself. When we add in the fortunate Venus sextile Saturn and quintile Uranus, it seems Venus is the planet to go to this month! Special gifts and talents will be seen in a new light by those with planets or angles near 25-29 Capricorn, 7-11 Aries, 19-23 Gemini, 1-5 Virgo, and 13-17 Scorpio.
The Sabian Symbols for the New Moon
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following month will demonstrate. This Lunation falls at 11 Capricorn. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth.
The symbol for 11 Capricorn is “A large group of pheasants.” According to Rudhyar’s notes from the Marc Jones class, this degree is one of “latent richness of natural resources brought out through selective processes,” “capitalization upon opportunity,” and “luxury.”
In the Astrological Mandala he states this degree is one of “the refinement and propagation of aristocratic values by means of which (we) participate in the evolution of life toward ever more perfect forms of existence.” He says this is about refining “the crude to the subtle, from the rough and ugly to the beautiful.” Here “the wilderness is turned into the gardens” of those who have the means to create “beautiful forms.”
He continues by stating this symbol “shows us how (we) can cooperate with nature in creating beauty and elegance by capitalizing on skill and opportunity.” This symbol is said to be in the Span of Illusiveness, Act of Capitalization, and the first degree of the Individual-Mental level of the Scene of Crystallization.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this degree is about ”the social ritualization” through which our personalities “maintain and refine” our “particular characteristics,” and the common self-expression that endows us with a “fundamental inner certainty” and our “convenient outer reality.” He states there is “an emphasis on the reduplications and multiplications of every facet of existence, so that the continuous variations come to dramatize an infinite potential inherent in the whole.”
He offers the keyword of ILLIMITABILITY. He states that when this degree works positively, it is “a tireless pursuit of every personal aspiration<’ and we are told it’s “sustaining, critical, efficient, specializing, and spiritual-experimental.”
So we enter a time of opening to new ways of bringing beauty out of wilderness, refining some of our characteristics to see our natural potential. Also, due to the presence of Pluto at 12 Capricorn and Mercury at 13 Capricorn, we seem to be promised that this will also include knowing the scientific or natural principles at work in these processes, and will be led to a self-transcendence that externalizes as a clear growth pattern continuing what began last June and July.
Other Influences
Pluto, the Cosmic Purifier, will be in Capricorn for many years. It continues to teach us deep lessons about practical, organized economy of energy and efficiency in sprouting seed forms of the new "laws of our lives" we can relax into. 2012 and 2013 have been mainly about being organized in finding and demonstrating ways to get beyond fear and radiate harmlessness and mature fellowship with Nature, whether our own, another's, or Nature Herself.
We’re now reviewing Pluto’s path showing us core lessons that we first experienced last March, April, and May. These lessons involve learning how to see life as a science experiment as we find hints of a new dedication within the collective field. From mid-July through late November we finished our lessons around attuning to the realm of Devas and angels, as well as overcoming fear and receiving rewards for cultivating harmlessness.
In 2013 and 2014 we are in a time of opening to new ways of viewing how to claim our divine power and express it creatively and without fear as we explore the natural laws underlying manifestations, and see Nature Herself as a laboratory where we learn about how our system is constructed. We can “pierce through appearances” to see the magic at the core of things, and through a “keen vision” can find or demonstrate a “universal living touch.”
This month we learn both how to be selective in bringing forth richness and beauty, seeing the natural law at the core of things, and move into signs and signs of self-transcendence that will become a crucial issue in late January through the end of February 2014, setting the stage for new perspectives that will lead to another phase of self-transcendence in June and the first half of July 2014, with the completion of the process achieved by February 2016.
Through Jupiter as the handle of the Bucket, we can now see opportunity and truth through basic growth processes that externalize what realizations our introspections have brought us since August. We’ve been enjoying ourselves the past month through associations where everyone is playing the role they were born to play.
This month Jupiter is helping us gather various “life values” and experience into our personality, along with “spiritually integrated knowledge.” Dr. Jones says the degree Jupiter occupies is one of “the irresistible determination” of life “to press forward indefinitely and uncompromisingly in the expansion and refinement of its own special genius and identity,” establishing the self along more eternal lines. He says this is a degree of UNFOLDMENT, with a potential for “a completeness of personal realization and self-consummation in every context of immediate concern.”
Whether how to get a handle on things, or how to focus energy, or a cause to be embraced or a problem to be solved, Jupiter is teaching us a greater sensitivity and trust in our emotional intelligence. In this chart we take a new look at what Jupiter opened or expanded last Summer, and we should be able to find a new view on the emotional intelligence we began to develop back then.
Because Saturn leads the Lunation, the Scorpio influence will be very strong, and so the boundaries and duties indicated by Saturn leads the light. Please reference everything I’ve said about Saturn yesterday and today to get a more complete picture of the energies at work.
This Lunation is the fifteenth New Moon with Saturn in Scorpio. In 2012 we cultivated a new strength, came to a philosophical completion, and finished repairing or reconstructing something so that some final dues are now paid and old karmas left behind. We are growing into a new intensity, focus, emotional depth, and greater maturity relative to shared values, shared resources, deeper ability to commune with others as well as Nature and Spirit, and getting a more structured connection and a more powerful Spiritual linkage with others and ourselves.
This Full Moon will help us see to the core of things, and do what we must to claim our power to steer our fate. We’ll continue to feel what we have to feel, go deeper as well as higher and wider, while helping us get beyond our old views and understanding. This one challenges us to “right action” while helping us review and reinterpret our way of expressing feelings. We’ll all see the signs and signals of self-transcendence.
As a process of moving through events, we’re all going to be inclined to make decisions and take actions before really considering what will follow, or conversely, will make decisions and take actions that we know will lead us to a new vision, a new understanding, a new perspective, or a new way of interacting. Just remember to feel what you have to experience before deciding anew.
So this will be a highly actional month, with major decisions based in fundamental facts. Then once you’ve decided or acted, get a clear vision or understanding, or go communicate something with someone that helps you understand the vision that will follow the action. Then go to your feelings, and name what you are experiencing. Do not let the feeling bottle up and get neglected, or they’ll explode at inopportune times!
Allow your ability to name (not judge!) what you’re feeling and experiencing after you see a vision or get an understanding. This feeling will naturally lead to new decisions and actions, which in turn will lead to a new way of thinking, communicating, reviewing and so forth, after which you should again go to your “sacred space” and get clear about how and what you’re feeling.
We are now firmly launched into a great Life Mystery that beckons to each and all of us. Search for it. We are in the heart of the passage. Allow the revelation to present itself so your mind may be illuminated by the feeling-wisdom of your Soul.
We are offered new ways to take command of our ability to refine what needs refining. Because Pluto is such a major player, this will help us make our deepest core spiritual values real in our life and our world.
This one shows us ways to integrate our personality on our terms, expressed through our unique individuality we’ve been awakened to since 2010. We now continue to synthesize our “feeling-knowing” with our “mental-knowing” through opportunities to show courage, or take heart in the midst of old crystallized forms we’re breaking free from.
The more you understand how Life itself requires constant elimination of old forms and occasional major restructuring regarding duties, obligations, and ultimate loyalties, the more you make Saturn your friend through embracing its virtues of self-discipline, patience, persistence, understanding, and long range vision. Keep growing into a reflected, illuminated transcendent wisdom that allows your maturity and authority to come forth in potent, focused ways.
Stay focused on how to enjoy the close interactions as you eliminate the next layers of what you no longer need. Accept that some part of your life work is now done, and embrace the transfiguration of knowing you did it as well as you could!
I gave you these links a couple of months ago in the articles about the Scorpio Solar Eclipse. Since Solar Eclipses are powerful influences that persist for years, I figured I’d give you these again this month so you can peruse them if you want to know more about what’s been shut down and why over these past 3 years. Consider all I’ve written with an eye to these things occurring in the houses where these Eclipses fell. Briefly, we’ve all had major Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, and Sagittarius energies shut down, and new forms of these have come forth.
As long time readers know, we all had to let go of the ghosts of the past as we experienced many months of Grand Irrationality “forks in the road of destiny” after the June 2011 Gemini Solar Eclipse. Though we’ve finished the effects of that very powerful Eclipse, the other Solar Eclipses since then continue to affect all of us. One thing is for sure - we'll be feeling the effects of the 2013 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio far more than we felt the 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio!!
Here are the articles explaining the Solar Eclipses of late 2011, 2012 and 2013 still playing out on the world stage and in our lives in major ways! They are listed from newest to oldest.
The Annular Solar Eclipse at 20 Taurus May 9-10, 2013 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The May 2013 Solar Eclipse in Taurus Pt. 3 – How Will This Lunation Affect Us?
The May New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus Pt. 4 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means
The Total Solar Eclipse at 22 Scorpio Nov 13-14, 2012 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 22 Scorpio Nov 13-14, 2012 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
Astrology in May 2012 - On The Threshold of an Annular Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini
The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 3 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means
The Solar Eclipse at 3 Sagittarius November 24-25, 2011 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 3 Sagittarius November 24-25, 2011 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Jam packed. Like it. Delineation between naming and judging. Like it. I carry some guilt about naming it for myself, because I feel like it's a judgement. My confusion came with but how do I make a decision without naming it. Without that boundary, decision would not be possible.
And I still find myself blurting sometimes while in the collaborative process. Helps to have associates that slap me back down without offending or being offended, but not everyone does that so I have to work that one more. the eclipse shutting down this stuff, makes sense. I look forward to the challenge.
Posted by: caliban | January 02, 2014 at 06:35 PM
To speak without disparaging oneself or others... is my 2014 mantra. Naming, not judging is to speak truth without vindictiveness or harm. more than like, <3 Namaskar
Posted by: Carmen | January 02, 2014 at 08:18 PM
Mahalo, Robert. Your genius burns bright, painting the complexity of the ever moving now.
Posted by: nan | January 03, 2014 at 11:12 AM