by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, all that’s happening and more, including some great Solar aspects. We are now in a uniquely harmonious period in the midst of the swirl, when many Mercurial things will speed up and move forward even as we begin to look back at recent lessons to see them from a different angle and Mars slows the pace down for the next 11 weeks.
Today I’ll be composing the New Moon articles, so they’re on the way. I’ll also be working on the Mars retrograde and Saturn retrograde articles and post them over the next several days, since both of these events indicate activity profoundly affecting the next few months. By the end of it we’ll be very much transformed and able to trust our “God within,” and relieved of old tensions and burdens, able to move forward with some confidence into a new era.
Though I’ve touched on this in recent articles, an overview shows Mercury direct at 19 Aquarius indicating we’ll all have to deal with some “fire” that’s spreading out of control, and mobilize in some way to deal with it. Jupiter direct at 11 Cancer shows we can use humor and a sense of irony in puncturing ego fixations as it begins its final transit of Cancer and officially begins the final T-square and series of Grand Crosses that will culminate in the Great Fracturing of late April.
Saturn retrograde at 24 Scorpio shows we’ll all be challenged via Saturnian situations to allow our lives to be transformed by inspired teachings over the next 5 months, while Mars retrograde at 28 Libra begins a trek through some areas that need repair or reconstruction so we can end any lingering sense of separateness, whether from others, from parts of our life and experience, or in others. Because the last decan of Libra has one of its keywords as “expiation,” we should expect some “final dues” to be paid between now and mid-May, or alternatively, having paid our dues, we’ll finish a major experience in some area in our chart involving Aries, Libra, and/or Scorpio, and prepare to move forward into a more suitable ideal and set of relationships by May.
So Mercury and Jupiter are finally launching their journeys anew, while Mars and Saturn are preparing to take a look back. Several very favorable tredeciles indicate gifts and unique circumstances are all around. The Grand Irrationality has just shown us some hard edges of choice and change, and the New Moon indicates major healing and favorable tides! And of course, I’ll write more about that and post it soon!
On a different but related note, (lest you think this is all abstract), let’s examine two “real world” situations involving current patterns. These involved playing “whack a mole” with trolls on the internet, not something I ordinarily do, but seemed to be what was required in the moment.
Over the past several days I’ve had to deal with two extremely problematic people that in some way exemplify the negative potentials in this recent time period. While they both came off initially as knowledgeable and reasonable, both dialogues quickly turned ugly when either were countered with facts that contradicted their opinions. Perhaps some of what I’m about to share can help you spot trolls and trollish behavior so you will know when to walk away from dishonest negotiators.
The first troll was snarky and condescending. While this one acted as though he had higher values, it quickly degenerated into him going off topic and throwing nasty accusations, deflections, aspersions, and dissembling. I tried to maintain a civil dialog, but found myself confronting snark, sarcastic inferences, and utter and complete arrogance without a trace of honor, fairness, nobility, or reasonableness.
It was a test for me to keep things on track and not get into a gutter fight with a gutter snipe. Upon review and reflection, given my personal standards I was far from adept in my own responses, but at least I never got suckered into saying anything I should not say, regardless of his insults and allegations pulled out of thin air.
So if you find yourself in a dispute with someone who won’t keep to the subject, introduces straw man defenses for attacks or accusations that were never made, and takes the conversation places it doesn’t need to go, you are dealing with a dishonest communicator. I used it as an exercise in patience and showing as much self-discipline as I could in the face of arrogant willful ignorance. I also used it as an opportunity to remind someone that his self-professed spiritual discipline involves him demonstrating a measure of honor and taking the high road in disputes, but it ended (such as it was) with him being quite nasty, arrogant, and threatening.
The second troll was an out and out liar, spreading disinformation about poisons in our food and very insistent that her approach was the only valid information on the table. While coming off like she knew “the science” on the subject, I noted that in “proving” her points she had an amazing amount of information that was obviously copied and pasted into the comment stream. She seemed obsessed as she dumped massive piles of disinformation that was very obviously generated by the chemical industry to attack organic foods.
She insisted that the yoga mat chemical used in breads, already banned in many parts of the world, is the equivalent of vitamins (yes, she actually stated that ADA is the same as a vitamin!), and that those countries that banned it are deluded and unscientific. She continually attacked organic foods as being no better for us than foods where pesticides and additives are used, and dismissed all evidence to the contrary that organics may cost the same as other foods in some places.
As one of her “proofs” she insisted that “science has proved that inhaling ADA does not lead to asthma.” This is of course a deflection and as unscientific a statement that could be made, since “science” cannot prove or disprove that a substance directly “causes” asthma, a disease that is still an unknown as far as causation. I pointed that out, told her that it seemed like she was shilling for Monsanto or some other chemical company, and where she could stick that sort of “false science.” She immediately banned any further dialogue while following it up with a harangue aimed at the host of the site we were both visiting.
The Grand Irrationality indeed, coupled with a Solar trine to an afflicted Jupiter cutting its opposition to Pluto and throwing the void into Virgo! It seemed like the more factual I was, the more it enraged both of them. The more I pointed out specifics, the more they deflected into areas unrelated to the subject at hand. And when I’d clearly refute what they were saying, they each became more nasty and personal in their attacks.
So I’ve found myself reflecting on willful ignorance, and how many are willing to turn nasty if we don’t just agree to whatever BS they’re laying out there. The two I dealt with were deliberate monkeywrenchers and bullies with no good intent. They would say anything to attack anything that didn’t conform to their bias.
They both used superficial arguments to try to dismiss all other concerns (not just mine). Both kept twisting and turning and changing the subject into things that were off topic or answering concerns no one else ever asserted. Both used classic bullying tactics to try to dominate the discussion and take it to the lowest possible level.
And yes, to acknowledge the Grand Irrationality in generating "destiny producing" energies over the past week, I believe that their own words and attitudes WILL determine their future destinies. The former will find himself in a battle someday with an opponent who will cheat, lie, and say foul things to “win” at all costs, while the latter will no doubt suffer the consequences of mocking organics and eating crap food.
Time and age are not fooled, and we can eat things that will eventually disable or kill us for only so long before we begin to feel the effects. It took me many decades to learn that hard fact, and in hindsight, I wish I had wised up even earlier than I did this lifetime.
So I suppose it’s a reminder that in our world there are some who are willfully ignorant and have no intention of getting to the truth of the matter, since ultimately it’s all about them being right and everyone else being wrong. And they tend to turn very nasty very quickly while covering their arrogance with a veneer of superiority.
Since they’re neither honest in their dialogue nor honorable in their methods, if it’s not your duty to deal with such trolls, it’s probably better to learn to spot these sorts of patterns and go the other direction. Bullies who are willfully ignorant do not make for good company and those who would fog the truth are not to be trusted since they are dishonest communicators.
Just another point of weird crosscurrents in the timestream as we travel through the Twilight Zone at “the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.”
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
ps – A tip of the hat to my friends J and D for allowing me to joust with trolls on their sites. While neither experience could be called pleasant, with my natal Sun and Mars in the 9th trine Pluto in the first, and natal Mercury exactly on the MC making the aspects it does, throughout my life I have occasionally been called to counter disinformation, especially when it seems deliberately designed to mislead those who are trying to learn the truth about something.
While I may not know the entire truth about a thing, I despise liars and those who attempt to lead people into illusion, since they make life unnecessarily difficult. That's why over the years I've striven to make this site a "troll-free zone." No trolls need comment.
This is a very interesting story about bullying tactics. Reminds me a little too much of an astrology reading I had last year after my beloved mother passed away and the astrologer got quite combative and nasty about a topic that I advocate for. I wasn't in a position to defend the topic and it certainly left me confused and upset.
Posted by: Kaur | February 28, 2014 at 10:25 AM
Hi Kaur - Sorry you had that experience. If the session was recorded, have you gone back to see where the miscommunication began? I've also experienced deep grief more than a few times this life, so I understand how we often don't feel like we have adequately expressed our need for something we would like from another.
Unfortunately, life goes on no matter how badly we feel, and I believe we cannot fault another for not expressing what we need in the way we need it. Sometimes communications work and sometime they don't. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't. That seems to be something we learn along the way.
As a human being living life, I've certainly had people stub my toes, and I'm sure I've stubbed a few along the way. That's taught me forgiveness for all involved. And those who have challenged me have shown me the accuracies and inaccuracies in my view, and reminded me to practice detachment, compassion, discernment, and my power to generate a positive intention and/or message in the moment as best as I see fit.
And of course, I hope that after this length of time you have come out of confusion and upset into clarity, wisdom, compassion, and a heart strength from the love you've experienced with the Soul of your dead mother.
Posted by: Robert | February 28, 2014 at 10:48 AM
Thank you Robert once again and bravo for setting the record straight. As hard as it is to navigate some of the energies at work, these individuals can hardly be blamed for their ignorance. It's so easy to become misguided and the ego would fight tooth and nail keep it that way.. It's like they're hypnotized and can't get the spirals out of their eyes to stop and really smell the roses. There's hope though., since at least some are Awake and helping others to do the same. Sending Love and Light, Alex
Posted by: Ale | February 28, 2014 at 12:13 PM
Thanks Robert. I have moon in Capricorn and sun in Scorpio so I'm analytical and able to practice detachment which I find helpful in such difficult situations. Live and learn indeed. unfortunately I lost the recorded astrology reading as my computer crashed after a nasty mercury retrograde last yr that squared my natal mercury.
Yesterday was the one yr anniversary of my mother's passing and I picked up her remains as we're planning on spreading her ashes at sea. Who knew it would be so hard to be handed your mother in a box. That same beautiful body that hugged and kissed you all your life. Endings are so tough and I feel like I'm at one of the lowest points of my life but as I start a new karmic chapter (and with jupiter in cancer opposite Pluto near my AC) I have more insight about who will add value to my life and who I need to remove from my life. My plan now is to be all that I can be and reach my potential so Mom would be proud.
I have asteroid narcissus on my MC at 27 Libra where Mars will be going rx at this degree. Coicidentally I believe that my father has narcissistic personality disorder. These types of people have come into my life like magnets and I feel angry that they have consumed so much and given back nothing but grief. I hope to gain even more clarity, wisdom, self compassion and strength from all the values and love that my beloved mother bestowed on me during the upcoming Mars and Saturn rx periods. I note that narcissus in capricorn is now sextile Chiron in Picses :-)
I really enjoy reading your articles. Thank you.
Posted by: Kaur | February 28, 2014 at 12:59 PM
Robert, did you really tell her to stick it where the sun doesn't shine?
Posted by: Peg Sipple | February 28, 2014 at 01:13 PM
Hi Ale - Well, I have a great degree of compassion for the innocently ignorant. I have very little tolerance for those who are willfully ignorant and insist on spreading lies that only serve to confuse people. And of course, I don't like mean people either.
Hi Kaur - You're most welcome. Maybe the Lipika Lords felt enough had been recorded, and it was time to cut loose from the past without needing to go over old ground. Scorpios are often challenged to "let go, let God," and walk away clean with no stuck feelings. And every ending is followed by a new beginning, and the night gives way to the day. We are in a timestream, and really can't afford to get attached to forms, since eventually they all pass away. Including our grief. Very happy you can redirect to potential futures rather than painful pasts. Good karma!
Hi Peg - Yes. She was posting a massive data dump of lies and half-truths of phenomenal audacity with a very nasty attitude to boot. She actually did say that ADA is like vitamins. Flacks for toxic food additives, gmos, and everything else that's ruining our food supply who also trash organics deserve no slack whatsoever. I knew of no more eloquent way to tell her exactly where her information came from.
Posted by: Robert | February 28, 2014 at 02:04 PM
No matter what goes on in the sky, we all have "free will" or whatever everyone's concept of that is and of course that is dependent to a large degree by ones environmental circumstances and time in history.
I exercise mine but are aware of the energies in the cosmic atmosphere on any given day, time or geographic location. Maybe its just me, but that's how I've come to understand astrology in general.
The thing that really concerns me at the moment, is the quality of information we receive about turmoil in other parts of the world, one can only be discriminatory to a certain degree within the bounds of his or hers intellect.
On a mundane level, this situation in Ukraine which as I type this is reported to be rapidly changing unlike other crisis we have faced in recent times, this is on top of all the other conflict zones around the globe like Syria, the rest of the Arab world, Korean peninsula etc... you get my drift..
Personally, I can't wait until all these old world attitudes and levels of tolerances are once and for all finalised! whatever that outcome maybe...
Posted by: RodJM | February 28, 2014 at 04:56 PM
Wow crazy stuff. My current landlord tried scapegoating me again. I have had to learn my lesson the hard way. This time. I told him without letting him draw me into another stupid drama that might leave me fuming. I said, I am not in control of other peoples behavior or reactions. Only they are. I have done nothing wrong.
Posted by: Micheline | February 28, 2014 at 08:52 PM
Namaste Robert, I empathise and respect your courage and strength to uphold that no one has the right to invade or infect another's space, whether that be mind, home or internet home, without permission, ignorance is forgivable we all have made choices in ignorance that affect others and create karmic energy flow of same for ourselves which we too hope to be forgiven for one worked hard to make amends where possible and quite frankly to me another word for willful ignorance is quite simply rudeness, I do believe they have pills for that now adays .... :) Blessings
Posted by: debbie | February 28, 2014 at 09:42 PM
Yes, I do tend to do a snaggle puss and exit stage right or stage left. I admire your chutzpah in inserting sanity into those situations. I just don't have it in me. And those blogs are lucky to have you as a guest.
Posted by: caliban | March 01, 2014 at 06:45 AM
Very interesting to me. Extremely helpful! Thank you.
Posted by: boo | March 01, 2014 at 08:41 AM