by Robert Wilkinson
This came from a conversation I had with a friend. He strives to live a Spiritual life and keep a “spiritual head/heart space” and yet feels anxious and stressed, which sometimes leads him to feel like he may be falling short of the ideal. We explored some ideas that may be useful in navigating the current choppy waters of existence.
Obviously we should take nothing for granted as we work to be more present in the NOW. And right now Jupiter is square Uranus and opposition Pluto! That means those who are present in the NOW will experience that T-square to whatever degree and in whatever way it plays out in their lives. Here even friction can be useful if it leads to integration, and as the I Ching has taught us, “sometimes we are enriched through unfortunate events.”
Also remember that as we become more fully conscious, it also means we’ll be more aware of our own deficiencies, as well as be more aware of the collective atmosphere, with all its uncertainties, anxiety, apprehension, and judgments. That means we cannot shut off some types of feelings, since we’re part of All-That-Is, and if anything, we’re here to feel it and transmute it from negative to positive the best we’re able in that moment.
We cannot be attached to much here. That's not the nature of Nature. In Nature all forms eventually pass away. We are part of Nature. If all forms pass away, then we really cannot get hung up on things like feeling anxious or stressed. Life as a human being teaches us detachment, compassion, not taking things personally, and learning how to generate better intention in the NOW however that's appropriate to the moment.
Behind all the changing truths, circumstances, beliefs, and experiences of our life, we have a “Truth of Being” which never falls into error. If we reference our "Truth of Being," and see our lives as a narrative journey from ignorance into forms of awareness, from the unreal to the real and from darkness to Light, then we begin to see the thread of breadcrumbs through the forest. That helps us understand the “plot trajectory” of our “Hero’s journey” and allows us to find meaning by connecting the dots.
I’ve found it extremely useful to remember that Spirit is everything. Finding God/Truth/The Way, we find all other things in those things. And as Eternals having human experiences, sometimes our 5 senses and our minds obscure more than they clarify. That’s why it’s helpful to set our reference toward the Spiritual Truths we’ve found and are finding, each in our own way.
This is a very intense time, and it probably will be for some time to come, given Uranus square Pluto. While meditation can help us reduce anxiety, it’s also helpful to ask yourself “What is anxious?” From one point of view that which experiences anxiety or stress is not truly real, but merely the body, feelings, and mind not cooperating in your higher Self's interests.
Also, a lot of anxiety is lodged in the subconscious mind, and is often triggered by feelings of inadequacy related to prior experiences. This is when doing something different, and/or seeing how we’re dealing with things differently than we were when we went through the original anxiety inducing experience, can reduce the attachment to suffering the feelings of inadequacy.
Then there’s always the factor that usually the worst never happens, and even when it does (which I have known several times this life) then worry, anxiety, too much hamster mind racing on the wheel, apprehension, etc. do not help us remember the very temporary apparent reality of those outer events. It’s as though anxiety feeds the apprehension that “the worst could happen,” and in dreading that, we become more anxious.
That’s why when dealing with anxiety or fear, if we redirect in the NOW, finding a new way of viewing and responding to actualities as well as potentials, then the old melts away quickly. Sometimes this entails playing with something rather than working at it. And especially when we see that the ways we’re “working” at something isn’t giving us the results that move us toward a higher awareness, then it’s time to redirect. This is where playing with ideas is often more useful than "working" at whatever.
Learning to generate positivity on our own behalf is one of the antidotes to the sources of suffering. When we generate positive experiences, then down the road we have good memories, and not just memories of struggles. When we learn how to manage our responses to different kinds of energy, both positive and negative, then we won’t be throw off balance when we find ourselves in a stressful situation, or in someone else’s stressful situation.
Ultimately, it’s useful to remember that we who have attained some measure of awareness through both study and hard knocks always have the joyous karma of paying it forward. That seems to be our part in generating Bodhichitta that helps clean up the atmosphere and makes the world a little lighter and brighter.
As you have learned, you will teach. As you have felt and cared, so you will find yourself feeling and caring. Along life’s paths, you will find many who share your heart’s aspiration and your Soul’s Love. And that’s a very good thing, since it destroys the roots of loneliness and separation, and brings us an experience of togetherness within “All-That-Is.”
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
I am so thankful for you Robert and all that you bring forth.
Posted by: June | February 24, 2014 at 04:33 PM
Well said Robert, thank you for this excellent illumination in truth of being.
One of the best tools to "ignite" the illumination I found is to look at how Mercury is operating in your sphere of existence, I mean it didn't get to be known as the "Guide of Souls" for nothing. :)
Posted by: RodJM | February 25, 2014 at 03:29 AM
Hi June - Most welcome. Thanks for the praise of the work.
Hi Rod - I figured it would be good to introduce the concept of "Truth of Being" in this thread, since it really is what's real behind all the white noise. And yes, as I noted in my book "A New Look at Mercury Retrograde," I found in my research that many things are exposed, or seen in their true light during a Mercury RX period. The Cosmic Magician that leads us to our Soul is just slow enough for us to see some things we ordinarily wouldn't notice.
Hi all - As I posted over at FB related to this article, Mars RX should be good for catching up on all kinds of things that have outrun us before now. Slow down, rework the plan, take a new look at what's developed since late December, and move into a different rhythm of events. Not that everything will be easy, but a lot will shift emphasis.
Posted by: Robert | February 25, 2014 at 07:28 AM
Emphasis shifting . . . indeed.
Posted by: caliban | February 25, 2014 at 12:54 PM
I always find great comfort and reassurance in reading your words.
I am in agreement with your friend in that, I too, have been experiencing anxiety. These times are indeed deeply changing us all... Hopefully with Grace and presence, my own journey will reflect more truth of being and illumination.
Thank you Robert.
Posted by: Elah | February 25, 2014 at 03:07 PM
Yes shifting like the sands of time!!!!
Posted by: Micheline | February 25, 2014 at 03:59 PM
Thank you very much Robert. Navigating the changes into a place where nothing is as it once was is a great challenge. Easy to feel isolated even if you're aware a process is going on and that it must obviously get somewhere in the end. I'm grateful to you for keeping us all "on track" so to speak!
Posted by: Ann | February 25, 2014 at 05:27 PM
Thank you, Robert,
For both the inspiration and practical guidance on how to handle ourselves through awful feelings so that we stay on track of what is beyond these.
Posted by: Sherry | February 25, 2014 at 07:32 PM
Thank you for this very illuminating article. Maybe you should rename your site "Lucifer." LMAO!
As the Jupiter square Uranus is very tight right now I am thinking that it is once again recharging the T-Square/Cardinal Cross. I think the folks in the Ukraine would certainly agree.
Thanks again for your selfless service to the Great Work.
Posted by: dcu | February 25, 2014 at 07:56 PM
So beautiful & True.
Posted by: Pamela Van Rooij | February 27, 2014 at 09:05 PM
Thank you Robert. I found this very helpful. The Uranus Pluto square is close to my Natal Venus and I'm finding the going tough so a lot of anxiety to deal with. I am a Scorpio so also have Saturn on my sun and as I didn't deal with that 28 years ago it's hitting me hard. Then there's the pisces new moon which is squaring my chiron! Your comments about being in the now resonate as I am a follower of Eckhart Tolle. For me there is no other truth. Thank you for your wonderful work.
Posted by: Denise | February 28, 2014 at 10:15 AM