by Robert Wilkinson
The Grand Irrationality is in full swing over the next few days, with Sun conjunct Neptune and septile Pluto. Today the Moon conjuncts Saturn, setting the first series of effects in motion.
This won’t be an elaborate article on the Grand Irrationality, since you can find out a lot just by using the site google box. But this is one of those times when major league choices are being made, and huge shifts in destiny are going on in the world. Certainly the protestors all over the world right now are one indicator of this kind of ferment with a hard edge and more than a tinge of the non-rational and/or compulsive energies that seem to be everywhere these days.
Generally, the 7 zones that trigger effects are approximately 11-16 Capricorn, 3-8 Pisces, 24-29 Aries, 16-21 Gemini, 7-12 Leo, 29 virgo-4 Libra, and 20-25 Scorpio. If you have a planet or angle in any of these zones, you’re probably confronting important decisions that will determine parts of your future destiny.
The fact that much won’t “make sense” isn’t a problem, since “it” doesn’t have to “make sense.” This is about our ability to choose wisely in the midst of major personal and impersonal pressures. And even when things seem one way, “it ain’t necessarily so,” to quote Ira Gershwin.
Remember that Mercury is retrograde, and so much won’t be as it seems until we get down the road a piece. The next point this will come into focus will be Feb 24-25, when the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, septiles Saturn, septiles Neptune, and then the Sun. It would seem that early next week will bring very important global developments for many, many people.
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
i just did some very odd things i hvnt before. i usually keep on friendly terms with all my partners, current and former, on fb. but today just unfriended them all, everyone of them i have been sexually and/or romantically intimate with. why? "The fact that much won’t “make sense” isn’t a problem, since “it” doesn’t have to “make sense.” ' :) i am working on my emotional dependency place right now...a long way to go. moon - libra. ascending - gemini. mid-heaven - pisces. jupiter and saturn in scorpio :)
Posted by: Priyanka Majumdar | February 21, 2014 at 03:09 PM
That last paragraph is powerful! Not a day goes by lately without some calamity rearing its ugly head on the global news scene. So much energy going on, its hard to know what to expect next!
However, I feel most of us have learned to roll with the punches in recent years and have probably been "toughened" up by
Posted by: RodJM | February 22, 2014 at 03:19 AM
Regarding the cardinal T squares, I've noticed that really bad things happen, but really good things happen as well: powerful things that have lasting psychological effects. This was especially so for me in the summer of 2010.
Posted by: Diana | February 22, 2014 at 01:52 PM
All I can so say is that you confirming my feelings that we be about to fall of Ledge of Reality, I reckon that the next three weeks decisive period in our global spiritual Journey..
Hopefully it by the Ides of March every person may sees the Light, one can only hope that the Case..
I keep faith with so what I senses and do knows be the Truth..
Always be it delight in so reading your own insights Robert, be it on the State of the Cosmic Play..
Posted by: Morlokk | February 23, 2014 at 04:00 AM