by Robert Wilkinson
Following up on the general meaning and function of the "Inferior Conjunction" between the Sun and Mercury, today we explore specifics of the Inferior Conjunction of Feb 15, 2014 at 28 Aquarius. This “fusion of life and mind” will impact the rest of the retrograde period, and many weeks after.
Because this particular Inferior Conjunction is an extremely important event due to when and where it's happening, this is a long article that will pull together a comprehensive overview that ties together past, present, and future.
The inferior conjunction is when Mercury (mind) conjuncts the Sun (life) while retrograde. This indicates that signals, messages, and ideas from either outer sources or subconscious sources will fuse with the life principle, setting the tone for the lessons involving how our minds are relating to our lives during the next four months. Since Mercury is retrograde, the degree of the inferior conjunction shows how our lives will merge with our perceptions and bring forth a new understanding of our light.
The Sabian Symbol for the Inferior Conjunction
This Inferior conjunction falls at 28 Aquarius. The symbol for this degree is said to be "A tree felled and sawed.” In the original Jones class notes, Rudhyar says this symbolizes “Rich contribution of nature to all who work with foresight,” “intelligent preparation,” and “Calm yet potent faith in Providence.”
He goes on to say in The Astrological Mandala that this refers to “knowledge and skill used in its natural surroundings for the satisfaction of vital basic needs.” This combines “natural living” with our ability to prepare for the future, using power and ingenuity, as well as efficiency and intelligence, in a harmonic beauty of acting.
He states it’s about “the efficient use of natural resources for insuring (our) well-being,” using “intelligent foresight.” This degree falls in the Span of Perspective, and is the third, or synthesizing degree, of the Act of Capitalization in the Scene of Management on the individual-mental level.
Dr. Marc E Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of employing “a lesser reality for the development and sustainment of a greater,” and our ability “in a crisis to center (our) attention on the pressing functions and necessities” of our best interests. He states this is about “the human spirit’s joy in energy expended and satisfaction in the efficient use of skills and materials, with its experience poised in the fluidity of its self-expression.”
We are told the keyword is IMMEDIACY. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree is our “uninhibited and enthusiastic desire to be at work or to mobilize everything around (us) in (our) own interests.”
So this is a degree where we prepare for the future, and see all we must do as part of a sacred ritual showing our dance with Nature. Here we can find a foresight that shows us how to anticipate the future in both idea and action. This indicates the future period influenced by this “fusion of life and mind” will help us see what needs to be managed to anticipate a future condition.
The next four months are a time to see a bigger picture, a vaster ideal, a great group work or service, or higher aims that motivate our inner angel. This should be a very productive time, the more so we work with foresight and a sense of the sacredness of what we’re doing. And because it happened just after the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius, it’s a) clearly related to that event, and b) you can find more by re-reading what I wrote about the powerful outer planet aspects going on at that Lunation.
Back To The Future – Remembering What Shaped Our Experience Since 2002
Through the looking back yet to be done through the end of this Mercury RX period, we can see how we attracted or repelled what we did in the past, and how these created space we filled until it exhausted its attraction. Still, the coming months will bring highly specialized and fortunate opportunities to “reverse magnetism” to attract what we need in the future.
Some of what we will glimpse or remember will echo what Jupiter began to teach us in June 2009, since 28 Aquarius is the exact degree Jupiter went stationary retrograde then. That set up a greater teaching or truth around this degree, and we all began to work with foresight in the life area where we have 28 Aquarius in our chart.
Many of us either learned to anticipate what was coming after then, or began working then for where we’re at right now. When Jupiter went back over that degree in January 2010 it launched those truths and visions, or expanded them in some way, or opened some doors of perception around that preparatory pulse.
So whether this shows us a new understanding of past Jupiter lessons from 2009 that conditioned the archetypes that came forth in 2010, or more recent Neptune lessons from when it transited that degree between March 2010 and February 2011, or more distant Uranian lessons from March 2002 through February 2003, this “looking back at life” should give a bigger, synthesized perspective that brings many years of spiritual experiences together in an unusual view. These themes will loom large in January 2015.
We’ll continue to move through the current Mercury retrograde experience in late Aquarius until it goes direct at 19 Aquarius on February 28, 6 am PST, 9 am EST, 2 pm Greenwich. Between now and the middle of March when Mercury again crosses 28 Aquarius, we’re reorienting and reconfiguring things related to the theme of that degree. And as noted, these themes will be heavily launched by Mars, Venus, and Mercury in January 2015.
What’s Up After the Inferior Conjunction?
As I pointed out in the first article about the Inferior Conjunction, at this Inferior Conjunction at 28 Aquarius we will have “a fusion of life and mind” that will help set a platform. In blending these principles we will see a shift in our affairs, attitudes, and understanding about those things symbolized by Mercury in Aquarius.
Natal points in harmony with 28 Aquarius will see productivity, understanding, stabilization, and unique qualities come forth. Natal points in friction with 28 Aquarius will see turning points, blocks, braking action, and release of potential. These are the primary “Life-Mind” fusion lessons through the next Superior Conjunction on April 25-26 at 6 Taurus, a degree that will help us be good bridge builders with others so we can create a means to cross a metaphoric “gorge” or canyon that’s “part of the landscape on which evolution will proceed.”
So this Inferior Conjunction should bring a roundabout return, reflection, or echoes from the past about prior rehearsals that have turned into realities since then, or show us how current rehearsals are forcing us to prepare for things to come. It’s time to focus on visions of the future, and mobilize our skills so they satisfy some future need that’s on the way. Again, this need to “think in the future” seems to be a huge theme for the world right now. An alternative possibility is that we can now see how we prepared in the past for future needs, or conversely, through the retrograde lens see how past preparations led us to where we’re at right now.
Venus will bring value or worth to what is being introduced in these energies when it crosses this degree at the beginning of April. The Inferior Conjunction now makes this a "hot spot" for months to come. One major factor at work in the chart for the Inferior Conjunction (as well as the past Full Moon) is that there is a very strong trine between the Sun and Mercury with Mars. That will bring a new harmony of understanding about the affairs of the houses this trine falls in, as well as the houses ruled by these planets.
Lessons for the next four months
Some of the primary lessons involve using inspiring experiences and teachings to do radical self-transformations as we stand on the threshold of reviewing recent Saturn lessons through July 2014. Find a way beyond narrow views and interpretations, and cultivate your spiritual rapport with others while finding a genuinely optimistic and open view. Follow the yearning for “distant views,” and you can find yourself moving into a new standard of value and living.
While there is some volatility via the forming Uranus square Pluto, the trick is to stay balanced and find inner poise amidst the chaos being in constant motion due to Jupiter opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus. Again, this is about radical self-transcendence to live a new worldly order, and learning how to be kindly as you transmit the information you are here to give your world. This can show us how to come up for air and sunshine from the depths of our lives, as well as a renewed dedication to something we’ll need down the road.
The Moon in Virgo will put the focus on divine discrimination, paying attention to details, and finding ways to use the waiting periods constructively. As the Moon is sextile Jupiter, quintile Saturn, and trine Pluto, this should be a practical and productive 4 months. So overall, the Air trines coupled with the favorable Earth to Earth and Water aspects should release some very productive energies these next months, with keeping a sense of balance, proportion, perspective, and humor paramount!
So Just How Does the Process Work?
The Inferior Conjunction between Mercury and the Sun is the second step in a two-conjunction process. The first step is when Mercury conjuncts the Sun in forward motion after its retrograde period. This is called a “Superior conjunction.” Most recently this occurred at 8 Capricorn on December 28-29, 2013.
As Mercury is faster than the Sun at any “Superior Conjunction,” after that event Mind again outraces Life, gets ahead of the Sun, and explores ideas and perceptions of experiences yet to occur. That’s what we experienced between late December and mid-January, when Mercury began to slow down.
After Mercury gets as far forward from the Sun as it can, it begins to slow, eventually going stationary retrograde. It then moves into the second step when Mercury again conjuncts the Sun while retrograde. This is when Mind is being absorbed by Life, or Life takes on the results of subconscious or collective ideas returning to source. Eventually Life gets as far from Mind as it can, Mercury goes stationary direct, and begins to speed up preparing for the first step anew in a different part of the zodiac.
Mercury Retrograde - Past As Prologue
In an interesting "co-incidence," many stationary points and Inferior Conjunction points make significant aspects to other points in previous Mercury retrograde periods. Perhaps by studying the sequence of retrograde, conjunction, and direct points we can see how Mercury, a.k.a Hermes, the Cosmic Magician and Guide of Souls, is steering our long range perceptions, understandings, and co-ordinations toward Soul understanding.
I pointed out earlier that the degree of the current Inferior Conjunct is exactly the same as where Jupiter went stationary retrograde in June 2009, and the prior Uranus transits and subsequent Neptume transits of that degree. So this directly connects the dots between all those events. This also gives new life to all previous Mercury stations involving late Aquarius and all previous Eclipses in late Aquarius.
Obviously this Inferior Conjunction has some relationship to the Lunar Eclipse lessons of Jan 2008, since the North Node then was 28 Aquarius, as well as the following Solar Eclipse at 18 Aquarius in Feb 2008, also with the same Nodal position. And even though the Nodes moved back into mid-Aquarius and Leo that Summer, no doubt some of what this can bring us will related to the Solar Eclipse at 10 Leo in August that year, as well as the Lunar Eclipse that same month at 25 Aquarius-Leo. These all may be factors in what happens as our “mind looking backward” fuses with life as we are living it.
This Inferior Conjunction of mind "looking back" into life will help us take a new look at how we have or have not taken care of what matters since the last retrograde in Scorpio. We’ve closed out a lot over the past few months (and years!), and this gives us a bigger picture on why these helped us prepare for what’s happened since then, and how it’s related to what we have to prepare for to anticipate what’s just down the road.
This Inferior Conjunction in Aquarius gives us a new look or new understanding about how we have or have not understood our need to “think in the future” these past several years. This can also show us how we need to get something back on track through examining how the past few months have shown us the way to put things together around this theme and see a better future vision over these past 4 months.
What About Saturn’s Influence?
The fact that the Inferior Conjunction falls in Aquarius makes Saturn the worldly ruler of the conjunction. Saturn currently is at 24 Scorpio, the degree it’s about to go stationary retrograde. This means that through the "looking back" and alternative views and understandings, we will get insights into the lessons Saturn has offered us, which will be huge global themes until Autumn 2014.
Saturn crystallizes whatever it touches. It is where the limitations of matter meet the ever-freeing energies of Spirit. The Inferior Conjunction will help us feel more connected with others, but also forms of self-transcendence by incorporating inspiring teachings into our everyday life and behavior. So because the Inferior Conjunction is ruled by Saturn, Saturn will be a very powerful factor in coordinating events so we can be led to our Soul.
As Saturn’s duality is “Dominion/Slavery,” we will see how our consciousness and responses are “demonstrating whether we are limited or limiting others in helpful or hurtful ways.” as the venerable Arhat Paul Foster Case put it. Saturn is where we learn whether we are controllers or oppressed, or confront “enslaving” attitudes and rules in ourselves or others. Saturn teaches us a higher understanding that when combined with our true individuality, helps us come to a patient and mature conscious participation in the Great Work, actively accepting our higher responsibilities and higher work to help our world.
As the backdrop to how our mind and life relate to each other, perhaps we can learn how to deal with Saturnine energies in ourselves or others from a different angle of view, organizing or reorganizing or ideas, perception, interpretations, and way of communicating. This is about transcending old forms of magnetism, desire, limitations, and vision, and using what we know to accept a higher responsibility or duty. It will show us how to achieve a balanced, transcendent view, beyond the dualities and push-pull of normal existence.
All in all, the coming 4 months will bring interesting returns, reflections, and rehearsals of how and what we’ve dealt with past ideals, friendships, and group involvements. These can bring us needed insights into these things so we can come to a greater understanding about how we do or do not prepare for expectable conditions.
Once the Inferior Conjunction happens, whatever has seemed delayed, postponed, or dragging along will move forward soon. This can bring forth a greater connectivity with others or a larger group work or world service, as well as a greater sense of connection to our spiritual “Friends,” and stabilize that understanding so we can mobilize our skills for future benefit.
Generally, the 11 days before the inferior conjunction (fusion) of mind and life is a good time to take a new look at how you can bring out your inner wisdom by adjusting to a future vision or broader perspective that's opening for you. It's also good for getting a new point of view regarding what your imagination is willing to consider and how to coordinate your life to reorganize it productively.
It's great for intuitive flashes, insights into the larger collective consciousness and unconsciousness, and seeing how you're being led to see elements of your Soul you may not have recognized before now. So think back on what's happened in the past couple of weeks, and find a new way to view how those things may symbolize the future somehow.
Just remember during retrogrades, especially Mercury retrograde, that often things that don't turn out one way lead directly or indirectly to other things somewhat related manifesting down the road. It's as though nothing should be taken at face value, and often what we do or think during Mercury retrograde creates odd echoes in the future that take different shapes, or different functions related to the original intention.
And as usual, here are links to recent articles on what this February 2014 Mercury Retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius is all about:
Here’s what I’ve composed on this Mercury Retrograde so far:
The Guide of Souls in February 2014 - Mercury Slowing Down, Preparing to go Retrograde at 4 Pisces
Mercury Retrograde - A New Look at the Guide of Souls
A New Look At Mercury Retrograde in Pisces in February 2014 - What Is It Good For?
Copyright © 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Like I said...right on my progressed 28 moon at the end of the 11th house!
Posted by: chickie | February 16, 2014 at 10:55 PM
Thank you for the brilliant insight into this 28 degrees conjunction in Aquarius and the sabian symbol information, having Saturn Retrograde on this point & sole dispositor of my natal chart in the 3rd house. This is so true and yet so real everyday for me now... Very perceptive, thanks Robert!
Posted by: RodJM | February 17, 2014 at 03:42 AM
Fusion of life and mind. I just did a shamanic healing session. It was great. This how I choose to fuse life and mind with my heart and soul and all of spirit!!!!
Posted by: Micheline | February 17, 2014 at 07:22 AM
Thanks Robert
This was such a timely and pertinent article.
You are on target once again.
Much love and gratitude.
Posted by: Jean | February 18, 2014 at 06:52 PM