by Robert Wilkinson
This is a great time to get things finished! And it’s important to do so now, since the New Moon coming at 10 Aries anticipates the Grand Cardinal Cross of late April that I’ve termed “the Great Fracturing.”
Today I’ll give you a few key astrological elements happening right now, along with a few possible ways to interpret what to do or how to do it.
We are in the heart of a favorable Mercury trine to Jupiter and sextile to Pluto, helping us get to the bottom of things so we can see how the “tide of expansion” is flowing. These aspects help us get clear about our emotional state, what’s moving and what’s not, and the core elements to whatever is going on. Mercury in Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, and helps a harmonious response to the T-square pressures put on Jupiter.
Due to the planets involved, this is giving us a solidly productive relationship between the Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces sectors of our charts (even if things do seem strangely out of whack due to Mars crashing into retrograde!)
Speaking of Mars retrograde... Through this coming weekend, we have a very strong Venus trine Mars that helps us harmonize the weird Mars RX pulse by seeing the bigger picture, detaching, and becoming more dispassionate in our interactions. This one opens new understanding that doesn’t have to be resolved in a neat package. It will help us integrate something in the “upper chamber of consciousness” which will give us all a new social skill.
Since Venus rules Mars, keep it all friendly and “big picture.” There is more to things than meets the eye with Mars RX, but it’s also extremely passive, so there’s no point in trying to push much of anything. The Air trine and the Water trine both seem to be showing us to “go with the flow” (even if it’s swirling in circles!) and not try to go against much as we experience what’s stuck and what’s not.
So we have a strongly harmonious aspect between areas and planets ruled by Aries, Taurus, Libra, and Scorpio in houses where we have Gemini and Libra. And Mercury trine Jupiter makes a strongly harmonious aspect between areas and planets ruled by Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces in houses where we have Pisces and Cancer. This resolves opposing signs via understanding and stable expression.
Obviously this will help our understanding of any planets we have in late Air signs or early to mid-Water signs. Those parts of us are being shown in a clear way what is to be understood in that situation.
This ALL changes on March 30 with the New Moon at 11:45 am PDT, 7:45 pm Greenwich Summer time. Because it happens at 10 Aries, it puts the full force of the Cardinal T-square into motion, since it’s conjunct Uranus, which is the driver to the Jupiter opposition Pluto.
The coming Grand Cross is already a constant, since it's set off 4 times a day when the angles move through the various points of the Cross (since something must occupy the void Libra space). This New Moon sets 4 weeks of squares and crosses into play. Especially pay attention on April 1, 2, and 3, since those days the Sun squares Jupiter, conjuncts Uranus, and squares Pluto while making an opposition to Mars through April 9.
So use the trines and major sextile this week to make things as stable as you can, since by next week we begin the wild ride of the Great Fracturing! Actually, we’ve already begun, but it will grow in intensity for the next few weeks.
Regarding the fracturing happening and to come, just keep in mind the sage wisdom of our old friend the I Ching that “sometimes one is enriched through unfortunate events.” Also that we are part of a larger life, some of which we do not control. These teach us wise action or wise non-action.
The fracturing of an old way of life opens doors to a newer, better one at the right time. Our job is to be gracious in doing the closure rituals that allow the past to die, while preparing for a new day that will inevitably dawn.
Copyright © 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you Robert! Peace and happiness to you.
Posted by: Lainie | March 26, 2014 at 01:58 PM
thank you Robert!
Posted by: Jill Loftis | March 27, 2014 at 04:39 AM
Thank you for the I Ching references, Robert. It helps pull it all together in a positive way that reflects this wild path we are on right now.
Posted by: Karen Keating | March 28, 2014 at 11:46 AM
Not related to this topic, but I wonder why the period (feb-april) in both 2011 and 2013 was so successful and why the same period in 2012 and 2014 is such a failure.
Any bizarre repetitive aspect that plays game with us, or again just absence or presence of the Grand Irrationality? I understand it is not an easy question and there are multiple answers, but the answer is there - in the planet, so if every one had similar experience I would like to hear about it..I want back the magic of 2013...Thanks
Posted by: pingenue | March 28, 2014 at 10:12 PM