by Robert Wilkinson
I’ve posted so many articles the past 4 weeks that many very important ones slipped downstream quickly. For your weekend perusal, I put together a one stop shop on a few that are still impacting us at this time.
First, a short shameless self-promotion (say that three times quickly!) It’s last call for the final talk on 2014 as a whole, since there are only two slots left. March 30th, 11 am to 12:15 pm PDT.
Robert Wilkinson’s Final Class on the Whole Year Overview of 2014 And of course, you can always order the package without attending. Details at the link.
For Now Through Summer
This one’s in play until the next Mercury retrograde in June.
This one is why things are moving sooooooooo slowly! Unfairness and/or skewed perceptions and justifications are in the air (think Russia and Crimea and a million more possible scenarios!) Since it seems to be a time of extreme reactions, remember to stay balanced.
Astrology in March 2014 - Mars Stationary Retrograde at 28 Libra
Retrograde Scorpio seems designed to take us back to purify old sludge and let go of some things completely. It’s a long term stationary effect, so as I remind you every New Moon, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, structure, maturity, patience, understanding, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience. (This also helps to deal with Mars retrograde in Libra.)
Astrology in March 2014 - Saturn is now Retrograde in Scorpio
We're All In These Together!
We’re in the heart of a very edgy atmosphere! There is massive gear grinding in collective consciousness. Coping mechanisms are always a good thing to have in such times.
Astrology in February-March 2014 – Overcoming the Anxiety of Uranus Square Pluto
Oh yeah. Besides the hard edge of Uranus square Pluto, we are moving deeper into the Dreamscape of undifferentiated Collective Consciousness. “I am he as you are he as you are me And we are all together...”
Given the losses and self-reinventions by which Saturn is teaching us “when to hold, when to fold, when to walk away, and when to run,” that gives us the space to listen to our heart, our voice, and our truth. Then we can choose a course that can work and be joyous for us.
Reinventing Your Life, Your Profession, Your Relationships, and Your Purpose
Let’s Get Metaphysical!
Walking the Way, Truth, and Light of the Path of Hastened Attainment
Lunar tunes!
In case you forgot, we’re still under the influence of the Pisces New Moon and Full Moon!
The New Moon in Pisces Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in March 2014
The January-February 2014 New Moon in Pisces Pt. 2 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means
The Full Moon of Pisces-Virgo in March 2014 Pt. 3 – Aspects, Jones Patterns, and More
Have fun!
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Lots of great texts, it is truly a spring of knowledge
Posted by: AstroTarot | March 22, 2014 at 10:37 AM