by Robert Wilkinson
It’s been a long time since we took a look at what happens in the Afterlife just after we leave the body. For those who wonder what’s on “the other side of life,” this will provide a brief glimpse from one venerable source.
Here are some profound thoughts about why it’s important to live with loving-kindness while we’re here on Earth. From The Magic of Space Chapter 8, "The Reality and Illusion of Death," we find that what happens just after we leave the body shows us why we need to generate as much love as possible in this world, and why we want to make amends, however we’re able that’s appropriate, for anything we might regret one moment after we find ourselves on the other side. Of course, this is only a fragment of that chapter on an enormous subject. I’ve made a few minor edits for readability.
The first after-death experience differs in many ways from those of our present life. When we are passing through the purification stage, we live backwards. We go over our whole life since birth, starting not at birth, but at those events immediately preceding our death, and pass through them all backwards to our birth. We see with spiritually enlightened eyes all of those things which were not of a spiritual nature, and we know that they were not.For example, if a person dies at fifty, as they review their life backwards they find that at forty they became very angry at someone, and did them an injury. Now, in going over the experience, they do not feel the satisfaction that the attack gave them, but instead, they experience the pain they inflicted upon the other. This pain which a being feels in the afterlife experiences is caused by a desire of the ego arising only from the outer physical world.
Therefore, in doing wrong to another, a being not only injures the other but also themselves, although the injury (to themselves) is not always apparent during life. After death, however, all of the wrongs which a being has done to others become visible to the ego, and have to be destroyed in the “consuming fire” in the same way in which they were created.
When, in going through the past life, a being finally comes to their birth, all the desires have been purged in “purifying flames,” and there is nothing then to interfere with a being devoting themselves entirely to the spiritual world....
After passing through the purification, the ego is ready for an entirely new state of consciousness. Before death, images of some kind had to be brought before it, before the light of consciousness would fall on it; but now everything is seen from within. The ego lives upon the earth plane between birth and death, but it depends upon the manifestation of the senses. It is only when the ego becomes freed from all ties of sense that it can see with its true innermost nature, which the senses had obscured.
To which I’ll add that death does not punish us for what our ego got wrong. As per the third of the Three Eternal Truths, each of us is our own absolute law-giver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to ourselves and the decreer of our life, our reward, our punishment. And our Soul only loves, though the personality may have created unfortunate karma in this life.
What I’ve offered today is not intended for people to feel badly because of past actions and inactions. And certainly we should not judge ourselves through our own or another’ limited lower ego value systems. The fact that we say something that offends a cruel or abusive person doesn’t mean we will suffer their pain during our review.
I’ll also note that speaking truth to an abusive person often generates an accusation that we have done something wrong. This is an extremely erroneous view. We must speak our Truth of Being when it’s necessary the best we're able. That's our heart. Anything less is not loving ourselves.
I believe this directly relates to the great truth we were told to “go and sin no more.” If we live the spiritual life of our Higher Self, then many old karmas fade away and do not manifest, since we’ve corrected the patterns that led us and others in the past to forms of suffering. Then our review takes into account that we changed the cause and effect cycle for the better and therefore already “purified the pattern” and no longer bear that specific karma in that specific way.
The Way is actually highly compassionate. Every heartfelt effort brings a heartfelt effect at some point. And generating a positive review is always a good thing when it's time to exit the stage.
If you want more from this venerable source work, here’s The Afterlife – What Happens After We Leave the Body. This is from an earlier part of chapter 8, and has internal links to material from other chapters for those who want to follow the breadcrumbs through the forest to where I live. Enjoy!
(At some point, if the interest is there from those who want to accelerate their spiritual evolution, I’ll be offering classes on the material in The Magic of Space. Purchasing the book will be unnecessary, as I’ll provide the material we’ll study. The book is basically unavailable as it’s been out of print for decades, though occasionally a copy shows up on the internet that runs into a lot of money. Right now the least expensive is $90, the most expensive $215. Its teachings are priceless.)
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Robert, it is certainly more than I can do sometimes to wish others the same happiness and ease that I would wish for myself. Recognizing that when others cause me pain due to their ignorance, it is equally ignorant of me to wish them harm, is my practice.
Posted by: Lee | March 21, 2014 at 05:56 PM
absolutely, the ego is confronted by the conscience, the subconscious is more akin to the afterlife than the conscious which pertains mainly to the physical existence, no "reasoning" or logic, justify going against ones pure nature of being compassionate and all equally so. The mind also creates the experience of the afterlife based on what "it has on board or believes", the movie "What dreams may come" starring Robin Williams, is the closest creative example I have seen to explain what I understand of it from my own experience and working with those who have passed over and how it all is able to come "clear" once the healing work is done, however, it is easier to do while in the physical, because of the reflection of the "hall of mirrors" one is able to experience fully.
Posted by: debbie | March 21, 2014 at 06:12 PM
Hi Lee - Well, it sounds like you've found a way to detach from reacting to other people causing you pain. May all sentient Beings be freed from suffering and the causes of suffering, and may I avoid aggravating someone else's toxicity. I don't wish them harm; I just like hanging with kind people rather than unkind ones. There are many wonderful people to meet, greet, and find commonality with. Every moment we spend dancing with unkind people is a moment we're not improving our minds, hearts, and sense of peace and love that transcends all worldly things.
While it's nice to learn tolerance and compassion, it's equally nice to spend good time with good people having good times making good memories for all concerned. Laughter and humor are always preferable to dealing with mean people. If it's our sacred duty, it's one thing. But too often we believe we are obligated to deal with ugliness simply because someone else says so. To quote my favorite musician, sometimes we just have "to roll with the flow, wherever it does, and it's a-rolling right out of here." Then once we're removed from the abuse, we can find true forgiveness, have a good attitude, and dance on down the road.
Hi debbie - I always found the process to be more like "Defending Your Life" along with "Groundhog Day.";-)
Posted by: Robert | March 21, 2014 at 06:20 PM
I'm going to find that Michael Nesmith song on Spotify. :) :)
Posted by: Lee | March 21, 2014 at 06:55 PM
Hi Lee - "Roll With the Flow" It's one of my favorite songs of the past 40+ years. All of you who want to check it out can find it on the last birthday celebration for Michael Nesmith. His wit is sharp, and he can be very funny!
Posted by: Robert | March 21, 2014 at 07:05 PM
I havent seen Defending your Life, will check it out, thanks :)
Posted by: debbie | March 21, 2014 at 07:30 PM
Hi debbie - Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks! You're going to love it!
Posted by: Robert | March 21, 2014 at 07:52 PM
absolutely, I love Meryl and as an aside, we also share the same birth day and although not the same year, what is publicly known about her life although privacy valued and well protected (very cancerian of her lol) there's quite a bit of "likenesses". thanks again, its a definite watch for me.
Posted by: debbie | March 22, 2014 at 12:04 AM