by Robert Wilkinson
If you’re feeling overworked, or pushed to work beyond what is reasonable, today’s brief offering may help you know that you’re not alone, it’s nothing personal, and in any case an opportunity to manage your response to this passing (if intense) circumstance.
A friend of the site mentioned that she was having a hard time because “it seems some people think we are robots and don't need holidays. I have been working every day since … and though the money is good I decided to keep my (other) job as well. I will not get a Spring break and will keep working till next Saturday.”
I responded that occasionally we have to "ramp it up," and do what we must to focus to "git er dun" as "they" say in Texas. Sometimes we work double time for money or to sharpen up. Other times we get to relax and create. Outer focus, inner focus, outer focus, inner focus. The trick is to relax into the process.
At least that’s my direct experience this lifetime. Occasionally we really have to focus, get it in gear, and go into full “production mode.” During those times, we’re not going to be very introspective or in relaxation mode. While we have to learn to practice these the best we’re able in the midst of pressured circumstances, that’s merely an issue of self-maintenance, always a good thing when we’re “under pressure,” to quote Ziggy.
Then a curious thing happens. When we’ve finally expanded our capacities during the time of intensified work and now have hit another level of output, inevitably at some point in time we get to cruise into an easier time of non-intensified work. That requires a shift in us, since if we’re working at full speed, and then don’t have to, something’s got to give.
When I was younger, I used to worry when I wasn’t on full output that somehow I was neglecting something, or overlooking something, because SURELY I was supposed to be full on all the time. (What do you expect from a Sun conjunct Mars in Aries? ;-)) It took me a while to learn that sometimes we have truly expanded to the fullest, and now get to contract a little. Inbreathing, outbreathing. Lungs opening, lungs closing. Life is like that.
So if you feel the pressure of increased demands, remember that 1) it’s sharpening you up so you continue at the height of your ability to respond to a passing situation, learning all you can while you’re in the thick of it, and 2) yes, it is in fact a passing situation. There is no storm that lasts forever. Even a shipwreck in hell ends at 7 years. How much quicker all the rest?
So if you’re overworked, take heart. It is a passing thing, and is there to show you that either things will slow down at the right time in the right way, or perhaps it’s time to “roll with the flow, wherever it goes, even if it rolls out of here,” to quote Papa Nez. Then you just need a plan, but that’s another topic for another article.
Copyright © 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Oh Robert, thank you, as always, for the perfect timing. I have an assignment per week for the next ten weeks. If I can manage this load, I ought to have the confidence to be able to do anything - right?! As you say, it's got an endpoint!
Thanks again!
Posted by: Ann | March 24, 2014 at 08:03 PM
Thanks. Mars konj Sun, Sounds great!
I have pampered myself by having 3 spring break this year. Second one starts in 2 days.
I was overworked 5 years ago. And try to avoid that. I am also neglecting surround people by living in own bubble. Just good this don't last too long.
My Mars in konj Moon (and Mars is stationary retrograde)...needs inspiration :)
I hope I find it soon!
Posted by: Helina | March 24, 2014 at 09:42 PM
There's something 'in the air' re work, job, vocation. I feel it myself and see it around me everywhere. Some restlessness and discontent with our work situation. Like... dunno, like it is now time to find our vocation and make it our work and (well payed) job.
Now this fits into this feeling perfectly, too.
Posted by: Vetch | March 25, 2014 at 04:47 AM
I often think that if people who are employed weren't working 60-80 hours a week, there would be work for everyone. But god bless the pluto in virgoes for keeping some semblence of order in all this mess. But could you lighten up a little. Share the load. We unemployed are here to help.
Posted by: caliban | March 25, 2014 at 10:00 AM
You are right. I was a bit stressed out about. I finished day 9 and am going on day ten of this 13 day ride. I am getting used to it. I signed up for this. I was already psyched up about my new schedule but had no idea our grad day was on a Sunday! The School I work for apologized and said it won't be like this next year. I need to do this.
Posted by: Micheline | March 25, 2014 at 03:54 PM
During the 'down' times, I try to take advantage of the time to get things done that are on the back burner. Temporarlily feeling a sense of accomplishment when things heat back up.
Posted by: Carmen | March 25, 2014 at 06:40 PM