by Robert Wilkinson
Now that the site’s back up, this can post. As you know, the Great Fracturing of recent weeks has hit me three times; once in my tooth, once in relationships, and most recently in the massive global DDoS attack on all typepad blogs by destructive miscreants with nothing better to do than create chaos.
We’re still in the heart of the storm. While Uranus squared Pluto yesterday and the Jupiter T-square is just barely past, it’s still triggered every time something moves through 13-15 Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, and to a lesser degree when 28-30 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are set into motion. And of course, today Mars squares Jupiter and tomorrow Mars opposes Uranus and squares Pluto, so we’re definitely in the thick of things!
Also remember that while this is the pivotal event for our world, it is not the last time these effects will be triggered, since whatever began now will echo in future transits. Of course, Uranus has been and will continue to square Pluto for years, so it’s not like we can get comfortable! We’ve been rehearsing for these times for several years already.
The first time Uranus approached its square to Pluto in this era happened between May and Sept 2010. Since then it's gone full tilt boogie into the on-again, off-again long range square we’re dealing with right now, getting very close beginning April through July 2011 before receding again. Again, if you've wondered why things are tense, agitated, hard-edged, and other such descriptors, welcome to the time passages we've all entered!
The first exact square in this series was made June 2012 at 9 Aries/Cap, and stayed exact through October with the final square then at 7 Aries/Cap. (For astrologers, I consider aspects “exact” or “partile” when they are within 1 ½ degrees forming or separating.)
The square began to form again in December 2012, and was exact for the second time from April through June 2013 at 12 Aries/Cap, and again October-November 2013 at 10 Aries/Cap. Clearly this square has affected everyone with a planet or angle between 5-15 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn up to now. With my Uranus at 6 Cancer and Sun at 12 Aries, it’s certainly been true for me.
We’re now navigating the third square of Uranus to Pluto. It was exact yesterday at 14 Aries/Cap, which as you know is the exact set of degree axes this “Great Fracturing” occupies. So Jupiter is still at 14 Cancer, and Mars is now at 14 Libra. Adjust to the natural rhythm of things, be exceptionally moderate and reasonable in your responses, and above all, patience!
It truly seems that one of the themes of this period is that “the reward of patience is patience.” I suppose that’s Saturn’s firm hand on the situation via its trine to Jupiter. And Venus in Pisces ruling Mars in Libra also makes it a little easier to go with the flow. In my case regarding the recent hijacking of the website, there was literally nothing I could do except relax and try to stay in touch via Facebook.
So all in all, given what’s happened, I found that it just required navigating my personal life, my interpersonal life, and a transpersonal situation with a bit of grace, restraint, patience, not getting thrown off by useless ideas and feelings, and a willingness to examine what to do to use the fracturing wisely. And of course the beat goes on, so I take nothing for granted!
Hopefully the site will still be up tomorrow so we can celebrate Roy Orbison’s birthday. Nothing should shut down Roy Orbison’s beautiful voice!
©2014 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you Robert! Strange times indeed!
Posted by: Lainie | April 22, 2014 at 05:02 PM
Great that the site is up again! Thanks to the Gods for FaceBook in the interim.
Posted by: Valerie | April 22, 2014 at 05:29 PM
Thank you, Robert. I feel that for once in many years, I'm enjoying the strange. I've been taking a step back, and dealing with things as they come. You advice and writings have been extremely helpful in my getting to this point, and have really helped me to grow. Thank you.
Posted by: Sarah | April 22, 2014 at 06:26 PM
Am I navigating or being navigated? And I am by no means disappointed.
Posted by: caliban | April 22, 2014 at 09:23 PM
N U T S!
Posted by: chickie | April 22, 2014 at 10:19 PM
Goodness, times are strange aren't they? I'm feeling that there's a kind of stability in this square, unpleasant as it may be..also that it is possible to enjoy the beautiful effects of the water trine as a soothing antidote. In the meantime we're all keeping each other together in the eye of the storm...take care.
Posted by: Morvah | April 23, 2014 at 02:01 AM
Thank you Robert. You are an amazing human being.
Posted by: Micheline | April 23, 2014 at 05:50 AM
WONDERFUL!!!! I feel connected AGAIN!!
Posted by: Susan McCarthy | April 23, 2014 at 08:55 AM
After a day or so of not finding your site, I thought "oh, let me go to Facebook", where you were. My Uranus is on asc at 11 Cancer, Sun, Merc, Saturn and Neptune all gathered in Libra to see it all go on.
Strange days indeed...(most peculiar mama)... strange days indeed.
Posted by: Rand Russell | April 24, 2014 at 04:32 PM