by Robert Wilkinson
Please keep in mind that even though the Great Fracturing is past, we will still feel aftershocks for several weeks to come due to transits “echoing” that gigantic gear grind. Some are still experiencing various types of fracturing in their lives.
I offered you a heads up on May 7, but that article slipped downstream quickly due to the quantity of fantastic musical birthdays of the past week coupled with the Wesak Festival Full Moon articles. Still, Venus is now navigating her path through the Cardinal T-square and Grand Cross, so stay focused!
A week ago through the past weekend we had Sun opposed Saturn, Venus opposed Mars, and Mercury square Neptune with the Moon in Libra setting off the Cardinal Cross anew. This was followed by Venus square Pluto and conjunct Uranus in the run-up to the Wesak Full Moon. So if you’ve been through endings, losses, and/or things falling apart in your life or in the life of someone you know, welcome to Venus bringing us one last blast from the now fading Great Fracturing.
Remember that if something can fracture, it probably doesn’t have the structural integrity to persist in that form. And from the things I’ve seen and heard, most of what has fractured these past weeks needed to, since those structures no longer had the strength to continue. So bless the passages, and open to the potential left by those voids.
So the aftershocks continue. The fact that Mercury has made very favorable aspects during the past week only shows that through the signs and signals we caught glimpses of the path to and of our Soul. The discoveries we’ve made will serve us well in making rapid progress over the next few weeks, so while acknowledging and honoring what’s passed and is passing, also greet the new!
We still have Venus squaring Jupiter through May 19, which overall should be a fairly pleasant aspect if we’re on track. But it too will create an “aftershock” set of points which will be set off by Mars and various lunar transits over the next few weeks, since the Uranus square Pluto still holds sway over the landscape.
As I noted in the article Astrology in May 2014 – Oppositions and Squares Ahead As We Approach the Wesak Festival! when Venus squares Jupiter this weekend, the Moon will be in Capricorn, triggering more aftershocks of the fracturing energy through a square to Mars, conjunction to Pluto, squares to Uranus and Venus, and an opposition to Jupiter. Take note, since that will in some way be directly related to what happens in the second week of November.
At that time Mars conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus. A specific theme will present itself when the Moon moves through Cancer on Nov 10/11 setting the T-square into motion anew. Also of note is that Venus will also be making its waxing square to Jupiter as it conjuncts Saturn. Expect major events!
As I explained in the linked article, recent lessons involve slowing down and being responsible whether we want to or not, taking a more mature look at what we can and cannot hold on to. We had to “step up” in some way, taking a new look at our fears, limitations, and responsibilities so we can deliberately and purposefully move into a more fulfilling, more challenging Light/Life.
We’ve also had to get clear about what role we’re playing, not indulge in put-downs or being put down, or being taken for granted or being underestimated. We’ve been discovering a new approach to things while not getting distracted by momentary passing whatever, and taking a longer view, remembering that everything on Earth unfolds in stages.
Apart from the heavy aspects, we also experienced the Sun quintile Neptune, sharpening our intuition or insights into collective consciousness. With the Mercury sextiles and trine, it was an excellent time to cut through the tension of opposites and discover new approaches, new awareness, new vision, and a sense of wider possibilities that will directly open up in late September and early October.
To note, the Solar Eclipse that dominates this time frame was exceptionally favorable, as was the recent Wesak Full Moon. The aspects in both those events were very harmonious and productive. Generally, we’re developing a productive independence, originality, and a real sense of what’s coming in the future.
And of course, Mars is speeding up, about to go stationary direct at 10 Libra on May 19, 6:31 pm PDT, 9:31 pm EDT, May 20 2:31 am BST. I’ll give you more on that soon. The tide is turning, so get ready to rock and roll!!
© 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Thank U!!!
Posted by: chickie | May 15, 2014 at 09:23 AM
Good clear post. Even better to have "navigation charts" to plot the course on our journey. Many thanks Robert.
Posted by: Nic | May 15, 2014 at 03:21 PM
Thank you Robert, God Bless!
Posted by: maggiemilliette | May 15, 2014 at 05:33 PM
Looking forward to Mars direct to see where we go, grateful for the rx revelations, in order to help make it so.
Posted by: debbie | May 15, 2014 at 06:58 PM
Huge Void....
"Having Passed Through Narrow Rapids, A Canoe Reaches Calm Waters"
...and it feels like ice gold...
Posted by: Helina | May 16, 2014 at 12:51 PM
Thank you Robert. I thought I had gotten through the grand cross unscathed but from mothers day on this has been a horrible week. Not enough time in a day, losing my temper because of others expectations from me,dealing with a sick child, and finally fighting with my husband over child rearing.I apologized for disagreeing with him but I still believe his actions were wrong. Yelling & cursing at me didn't make it better. Then he refused my apology. So I'm not allowed to have my own opinion. Well that told me exactly where this marriage is going. I've been getting little hints every month since the new year. I just have to put it together and realize that "This" isn't how I want to be treated. Time to move on.
Posted by: dorothea | May 17, 2014 at 05:04 AM
"...when Venus squares Jupiter this weekend, the Moon will be in Capricorn, triggering more aftershocks of the fracturing energy through a square to Mars, conjunction to Pluto, squares to Uranus and Venus, and an opposition to Jupiter.
Take note, since that will in some way be directly related to what happens in the second week of November."
Thanks for the heads up Robert!! You may be my life saver!
Posted by: Kaur | May 20, 2014 at 03:40 AM
The blade on my lawn mower broke and flew through the air. There must have been a fracture. I guess it was time it went in for a tune up anyway.
Posted by: caliban | May 22, 2014 at 09:18 AM