by Robert Wilkinson
Today we take a new look at the power we have to end unhelpful behaviors we don’t want, right here, right now.
From time to time we all get caught in unfortunate and unhelpful responses. We all have acted out behaviors and felt bad after the fact for doing so, and wondered why we didn't react differently. While this is a natural part of being human, (20-20 hindsight is like that!) it's also safe to say that it's always good to redirect negative responses to more positive ones. I've found there is a four step process for doing that.
I last gave you this about a year ago. It seems that over the past year we’ve all “doubled down” on redirecting our feelings and ideas away from old, non-productive patterns and into feelings and views we actually care about. During this time of exploring new emotional flow and patterns, we’ve been through Water trines accompanied with and/or followed by Cardinal T-squares. It’s safe to say we’ve all be tested in our ability to stay balanced with a sense of proportion and perspective.
The method for getting control over our responses and turning unhelpful patterns to more productive patterns is a process of moving from unconscious reactivity or instinctive, or thoughtless impulsive behavior toward an awareness of our ability to choose effective responses consciously, or even effective non-response if there's nothing to be said or done.
This is very helpful when we are confronting people who are consciously or unconsciously trying to bait us into reacting to their negative agenda, or even when we realize we have buttons that are being pushed when we're in certain circumstances. We've all dealt with feeling like we could have or should have responded differently to some things and people. The process I'll offer in part two shows us how to program that into our consciousness, and so release ourselves from reacting unconsciously and/or ineffectively.
It's really simple, though it does require discipline and mindfulness. I discovered this on my own many years ago, and it works for everyone willing to give it a try. Even mastering part of the process produces great results. So if you want to become more aware of how not to go where you don't need to go with certain people, this is definitely for you.
I’ll post part 2 as soon as I’ve rewritten the sections that need it. Enjoy taking command of your physical, emotional, and mental vehicle. Once you learn this technique, you'll be able to redirect all kinds of situations toward more positive outcomes (or at the very least not make them worse!)
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Fantastic! I definitely need this information. I can't wait to see the rest. You always seem to post information right when I need it!
Posted by: Elizabeth McAlister | May 21, 2014 at 07:15 PM
The first day of my life i practice this, and five minutes later i see your article describing it beautifully. Synchronicity at its best. I know our hearts are one Robert. Thank you.
Posted by: Umay | May 21, 2014 at 11:34 PM
The last some years I've worked a lot on releasing stuff. There was imagery connected to it so I was able to access it on another level and voila it was gone. But now, I find I am retraining my brain. Some of the stuff is just early ingrained patterns.
I've thought a lot about this since my mom died back in 2009. She was a beautiful soul. But she had this other nasty thing going on. She vacillated. With age and dementia, she could not control it. It was the same old pattern. The saddest thing was one of her dying requests. 'Please don't remember as a bitch.' Thank goodness I was well acquainted with who she really was. My brain retrain has a lot to do with the extermination of that less desirable voice of hers in my head. But she's really not a concern anymore. I disconnected from that. Have a system I'm working so it is no longer a factor. I am grooving on the re-wiring. And I would never want to have to say please don't remember me as a bitch.
Posted by: caliban | May 22, 2014 at 09:14 AM
I found the truth to this in the pudding as the saying goes. The dementia she was diagnosed with. Blood pressure went up, she was irritable and angry. That was followed by a severe pain in her head. Then she would become really confused. And that was followed by a sleep lasting 24-72 hours after which she would be lucid again. Apparently those mini strokes in her brain affected the neural passages but the information was able to be re-routed so that she could function again. That is what introduced me without doubt to the ability of the brain. Now her mind, that was something beautiful to behold. Transformed my mind too. Oh those gemini mercury parents of mine.
Posted by: caliban | May 23, 2014 at 06:38 AM