by Robert Wilkinson
In case you didn’t notice, Mars has been in Libra a LONG time! The retrograde period since early March has been a time of decreased momentum, deconstruction of some ways of doing things, and a time of preparing, training, taking care of things as prelude to future constructions, and on the whole a slow-mo time. That changes now!
After 80 days, Mars is finally going stationary direct at 10 Libra at 6:31 pm PDT, 9:31 pm EDT May 19, 2:31 am Greenwich May 20. This marks a point where Mars accelerates its pace relative to the Sun, where what we thought we began in late December 2013 resumes its development.
It is a platform from which many new activities and projects leap forward after these months of waiting, preparing, and planning. We will finally begin to move forward in very definitive ways, now that we've undone or redone something, or had to wait for something else to be done before we could pick up on whatever we've had to postpone since Mars began to slow down radically in late February.
So all things Libra begin to move forward anew. We began to move into this energy last December, and hit a threshold in early March at 28 Libra. Since then, during the retrograde period, we've been getting a new sense of our sense of separation from others or connectedness to them, and despite the occasionally “gloomy” periods, have also been able to sense “brightening influences” all around us.
So before we take a look forward, let’s take a look back at what has been a HUGE influence since late February! From the article I gave you went Mars went stationary retrograde at 28 Libra,
As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, the Mars stationary retrograde degree at 28 Libra is the same as the Venus stationary direct degree of November 2010. This would imply that the Venus oriented lessons and experiences related to overcoming isolation and realizing the life that’s all around us will now “be proved in action,” whether through reminders of what we were learning via Venus back then and after that SD station, or through actions that move us beyond feelings of isolation and separateness that we fell into around that time. This can un-do a lot that has left us feeling alienated since then.The Sabian Symbol for 28 Libra is “A man in the midst of brightening influences." This is a degree of learning to experience the life that's all around us in order to overcome feelings of isolation and separateness.
Rudhyar, in the Marc Jones class notes, says the last half of Libra is the "Span of Revelation," and the Scene of Reconstruction. He states this degree is one of "spiritual sustainment given to him who opens himself to his full destiny," "unsolicited help," and "slow realization of betterment."
In his "Astrological Mandala," we are told that this degree is one of realizing our community is sustaining us, and that we are as surrounded by life and our spiritual community as a fish by water. Furthermore, he states that through this degree we can find a sense of "belonging to a greater whole," which in turn can lead us to an "inner assurance."
Dr. Marc Jones says this symbol is one where life's "enduring rewards" come by accepting the "underlying friendliness of the world." We are told this offers us encouragement through our "courage in pressing forward on (our) pilgrimage from darkness to light," which confirms our potential.
He says the keyword is RESPONSIVENESS, and when positive, this degree is "a complete spiritual fellowship with human kind." The implication is that through Mars retrograde, we can and will realize a broader connectedness with others as we again re-trace our Libra lessons from now through mid-May, and then again re-trace the ground through mid-July.
Think about these words, since everyone has been going through experiences related to this symbol for the past 11+ weeks. This has now shown us a new way to express Mars, and many are not so hassled by old ways as they were before this period. We’ve all found a type of moderated assurance, a sense of who we do and do not belong with, have had a sense of what fellowship we yearn for, and found a “spiritual sustainment” as we’ve opened to a greater destiny. Now the living of that destiny begins!
In part 2, we’ll go into what this stationary direct degree is about, and what we can reasonably expect as Mars now moves forward. From here it gets faster and faster for many months, so things will again seem to be moving quickly, if not very quickly. Feel the sense of relief, get focused, get ready, see how you are living a transfigured reality in some way since December, and know you’ve made it through the worst part of the rapids!
Copyright © 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert....
"we've been getting a new sense of our sense of separation from others or connectedness to them, and despite the occasionally “gloomy” periods, have also been able to sense “brightening influences” all around us"....I've felt like a ping pong ball between the gloomy/discouraged and sensing the brightness. The same for how I feel about my partner...feeling both deeply connected-this is a good place to be, and alienated-why am I still here? I wish I could land in one camp or the other. I feel a bit trapped between my past and my future. I guess it's part of my grand cross. Very uncomfortable.
Still, I am inspired by your writing and the Sabian symbols. Thank you!
Posted by: Sara | May 19, 2014 at 09:50 PM
Beloved Robert - somebody must be really threatened to feel the need to HACK this site. It says more about them than it does about you. who you are is an inspiration and perfect model of love, tolerance and spiritual integrity. I don't know if THEY believe in Karma, but I do. Divine Order rules the day, with or without Mars Rx, and Pluto-Uranus Sq. :-) And the beat goes on....
Posted by: Jeannie | May 19, 2014 at 10:23 PM
After weeks of Biblical rains and floods under mega cyclone all south-east Europe - Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, we're all under water.
It started in second and third week of May (talking about the after shocks of Grand Fracturing and Saturn in Scorpio).
This is disaster.
We have dead human and animal bodies floating around, all military, police and Red Cross from Europe and Russia is here to help us, but this is not enough. We need food, water, soaps, medications, blankets and clothes for survivors.
Temperature is rising and we expect diseases to start spreading from corps.
(We have tons and tons of dead animals to take care of.)
And we'll hardly survive till next year, our crops, plants and animal farms, and main energy plants are ruined.
Last night when Mars finally stationed direct we had second big evacuation and second flood wave in rivers.
All surrounding countries came right after to help us with their rescue teams, and so many countries sent help even before big media finally started to publish information.
And my people are thankful for all this help.
"underlying friendliness of the world" and "...we can and will realize a broader connectedness with others" as you wrote.
We just did.
I hope you'll be right and things will start to move faster.
Posted by: Yzse | May 20, 2014 at 01:33 AM
" Feel the sense of relief, get focused, get ready, see how you are living a transfigured reality in some way since December, and know you’ve made it through the worst part of the rapids!"
Indeed this is so true and it seems to be only a beginning of things to come as speed is gained. A clear sense of direction is something to keep in mind.
Blessings be.
Posted by: Nic | May 20, 2014 at 11:49 AM