by Robert Wilkinson
Mars is now direct in motion! It occupies 10 Libra, a platform for everything Mars springs forth to achieve for many months to come. So what does this mean, and how can we use it wisely?
After 11+ weeks of extreme slow-mo, where much got put on hold, got diverted while other things were taken care of, or went into reverse while other things caught up, Mars begins to speed up very quickly. Things will develop VERY rapidly from this point on, so get ready to rock and roll!
As I’ve pointed out in recent articles, even though the Great Fracturing of late April is now in our rear view mirrors, now that Mars is direct it will continue to square Pluto and oppose Uranus for several weeks, bringing forth aftershocks of the Fracturing. This will be especially noticed when the Moon is in mid-Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Regardless, 10 Libra is now the platform from which Mars launches into its next long wave phase, moving from here toward its next conjunction with the Sun at 24 Gemini in June 2015.
So Mars is direct at 10 Libra. The Sabian Symbol for 10 Libra is "A canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters." In the original Jones’ class notes as Rudhyar gave them in “The Astrology of Personality,” we are told this is a degree where we find "a sure destiny" through being rewarded for our sincerity and daring in reaching out to a greater life. We also are told it is a degree of "reliance upon skill and circumstances."
In the Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar comments that this phase is where we find "the self-control and poise necessary to reach a steady state of inner stability." Here we can find relief through an inner revelation on a past "dramatic confrontation" that calms our mind. He states the degree is in the Span of Expectation, and the Social-Cultural level of Transfiguration.
Dr. Jones says this degree where the risks we have taken validate our experience and refine our skills in everyday life. Here we can find forms of genius through "a fresh and constant participation in life's transient situations" that enable us to develop our powers.
He offers us the keyword COMPETENCY, and says that when operating in a positive manner, it's said to be a degree of "conscious and skilled resort to the course of action which leads most surely to success." He gives us the formula as Manipulating, Critical, Ingenious, Specializing, Social and Inspired.
As Mars begins to speed up, you can expect more energy in the coming weeks, as well as a sense that the momentum is picking up, moving substantially faster than it has the past 11 weeks. Much we've been waiting for will now develop more rapidly than it has so far this year.
For some, a real sense of relief as things begin to move forward. This can help us shed old projections as things finally “come in from the wilderness,” or are “taken down off the shelf.” There will be unique gifts and interactions in the future, with many things denied finally asserting themselves forcefully. Whatever is natural that has been repressed or suppressed up to now will begin to show up, rather dramatically!
Without doubt we now have the understanding and power to pull out of nosedives and shift the trajectory of events if we choose to use them. Regardless of how weird recent spirals and gravitational pulls have been, we now can plan anew, freed from our own and others’ obsolete assumptions.
Mars will still be in its “shadow phase” of 10-28 Libra through July 22. For everyone on Earth, during the coming weeks we’ll experience a third pass of Mars over this Libra span of degrees, offering us opportunities to act in some way appropriate to what we’ve learned and done since last December.
As I told you in part 1, we experienced the span during Mars first pass of this Libra span between Christmas 2013 and when it went retrograde March 1. It then retrograded back from 28 to 10 Libra, where it now goes direct. It will make a third transit of this span from now to when the Sun enters Leo.
This has activated our Libra houses and planets in radical ways, reworking our life affairs and forms of planetary self-expression. We now stand ready to express those Libra affairs and expressions in more perfect forms, having been educated in some way connected to Mars in Libra.
I wrote a little about what we could all expect during these past weeks in the article Astrology in March 2014 - Mars Stationary Retrograde at 28 Libra. I gave you the Sabian Symbols in that article in part one. While I touched on a few key concepts, please revisit the link to find out more about what’s been happening the past 11 weeks.
Remember also Mars in Libra has been dancing over points made important when Saturn transited that sign between October 2009 and October 2012, and especially those things related to when Saturn was between 10-28 Libra. That makes the period from October 2010 to September 2012 directly related to those Saturn themes.
One possible manifestation is that since the theme of 2011 was thinking about the consequences resulting from prior actions and inactions, and potential consequences for future actions and inactions, that the recent period is somehow showing us what we did or didn’t do that resulted in what has recently been. The theme of 2012 was about coming to a philosophical completion, so perhaps we’ve all come to a philosophical finality about something related to what happened that year.
During this time, Mars has also begun to finish the cycle it began August 15-16 2012 when it conjuncted Saturn at 25 Libra. It made the first contact in early February when direct, again in late March while retrograde, and will move across that degree a final time this go-round in mid-July. From there it conjuncts Saturn in late August at 18 Scorpio, a transfiguration degree. I’ll write more about that in a few weeks.
So we had a Mars-Saturn cycle that began at 1 Libra on July 31, 2010. That ended and a new one began when Mars conjuncted Saturn at 25 Libra on August 15-16, 2012. We’re now closing that cycle, preparing for the new one in late August at 18 Scorpio.
Given there is a Yod, or Finger of God, just separating, coupled with some great spiritualizing novile series aspects and a strong tredecile from Mercury to Mars, this should really be a fairly good transition out of the recent slow pace into a vastly quickened pace. Mercury in its home sign of Gemini is very strong, and Venus, being in a mutual reception with Mars, is also strong. These two have been in sextile, with Saturn at 20 Scorpio at the inverse midpoint, making it the nozzle for the Finger of God.
We’re all productively moving into the unknown, and as per the noviles cutting the trine between Jupiter and Saturn, will see things we’ve been waiting on for a while finally take shape. This is where we get to find balanced, refined, moderate, and elegant ways of expressing ourselves within a harmonious feeling-understanding.
For astrologers, the novile patterns involve these degree spans: 9-10 of Air signs (Moon and Mars) , 19-20 of Water signs (Jupiter and Saturn), and 29-30 of Fire signs. When there are transits to these, effects related to this stationary point will be triggered.
So from here we go on! Be balanced, gracious, moderate, and persistent. Remember to enjoy the accelerating process, and much that was promised earlier this year, will leap forward dramatically between now and late July.
This is when we move forward with confidence, knowing we can achieve what we’ve prepared for. Just get ready to finish your emotional, social, or cultural transfiguration, and see the ideal about to take shape in positive actions over the next 10 weeks.
Copyright © 2014 Robert Wilkinson
An excellent second part to fulfill what was pointed to in the first part.
Thank you Robert for your ability to "read the stars" and communicate the experience.
Blessings be
Posted by: Nic | May 20, 2014 at 12:34 PM
Oh for sure. This Mars Rx definitely brought a back wash of my Saturn Return lessons of 2010-2012... although now, like then, since I was receptive to what Saturn was showing me, what I had to give up, I didn't find my Saturn Return to be stressful as much as it was annoying. There was also a certain amount of impatience that resurfaced in the sense that goals that I had set back then not having been reached yet. This Mars Rx seemed to be a refresher on "What it would take" to realize those goals + provide some illumination on facets that I might have minimized back then.
All-in-all, I much preferred this Mars Rx to the last one in Virgo. That one was beyond tedious.
Posted by: Matt | May 20, 2014 at 09:01 PM
Wow talk about moving forward fast. Where I live, we have had an earthquake and tornado and hail storm with exceptional flash flooding all within 48 hrs!
Posted by: Jay | May 23, 2014 at 06:28 AM