by Robert Wilkinson
This stabilizing, wisdom-producing, transformational Full Moon at 24 Scorpio-Taurus shows that while we’re still in the center of the T-square storm, we’ve moving beyond the wreckage of the past and finding new ways to transform using our “feeling-knowing” we’ve been developing since last Summer. Forks in the road of destiny throw us all into new ideals calling us to some form of life renewal.
Important Chart Factors
Despite the various difficult fracturing of the Grand Crosses and T-squares in play since December and for the next 2 months, we’ve learned how to keep our balance and target what we care about that are related to why certain things had to pass away. As I told you last month in the run-up to the Great Fracturing, at some point, when we’re sailing to the new world, we must lose sight of the old lands and accept the wisdom of the course we’re already on.
Between the death of the old and the beginning of the new, we must spend some “down time,” whether in the underworld of our existence, or in solitude, going deep to experience whatever that death or ending was about. That is the value of Scorpio. There is deep wisdom in finding our magnetic root with the source of life if we are to live a deeper, more fulfilled existence.
Many are finding a new stability, structure, or new sense of permanence via Saturn experiences and lessons wherever they have Scorpio in their chart. However, others are being forced to confront various life voids, and learning to “hold the empty space” to get a better sense of the limits and possibilities of their magnetism.
The interesting thing about this period where the seed of the recent New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus is coming to fruition via this Full Moon is that we’re actually in an extremely favorable period. There is an enormous capacity to experience life more joyfully and playfully, and we’re all being educated in moving through deep feelings with a sense of what’s being born. This is a call to a joyous life renewal, the birth of a new way of learning or teaching through a more natural playfulness, or seeing the great Leela or play of Life itself so we can remember how our Eternal Self views various life dramas.
Jupiter at 18 Cancer gives us a final practicum at seeing what nourishes us and what doesn’t, and can help us flow through and past endings, voids, and deep feelings into a new way of taking care of ourselves and others. We are now living a greater Life Mystery, or Revelation. This began as a feeling in August 2013 related to what nourishes or sustains us, and this past Winter we went deeper into the flow of our new “feeling-knowing.”
Don’t clutch as you move deeper into something you’ve been feeling or experiencing since then, and allow a greater sense of your Eternal Nature to infuse your personality. Cultivate a sense of humor, or see the irony in the major changes in play since last Summer related to your ambition.
We are now completing the third and final phase in the process of taking a new look at our conception of what success might look like, and putting ourselves out so that others can see and applaud our talents. We’re still in an active process of personality integration via the affairs of the house that Jupiter is transiting in our charts. This process hit critical mass with the recent Solar Eclipse, with our “final exam” in May, June, and early July.
Major Aspects and Configurations
As I mentioned earlier in this Lunation series, the Moon biseptile Neptune shows the Grand Irrationality is in full play for the next two weeks. Along with Mercury triseptile Saturn and Sun septile Jupiter, there will be more than a few areas in our lives where we hit a critical point of choice that creates major changes in what happens down the road.
Jupiter trine Saturn shows us something about repair and/or reconstruction of individuality is favored, and offers us a chance to put our creative self forward to the world in a crucial way, with the inevitability of finding our needs met among those with whom we are related to within the web of life. Overall, there are so many productive aspects that this should continue to be a very favorable time to get things done. These include Mercury sextile Venus and Uranus, Venus biquintile Saturn, and Saturn tredecile Neptune.
So we have three huge septile-series aspects in play in this chart. The Moon biseptile Neptune sets the Grand Irrationality into play; current hot zones include 22-26 Scorpio, 13-17 Capricorn, 5-9 Pisces, 26-30 Aries, 18-22 Gemini, 9-13 Leo, and 1-5 Libra. If you have a planet or angle in any of these zones, your life is definitely on the edge of radical change! You can find more about this long term phenomena by going to the links I gave you in part 1 of this Lunation series.
The Sun septile Jupiter should be pretty important in terms of “self-gathering” what we need, or being assertive about something important to our well-being. Zones where this energy is put into play include 23-27 Taurus, 15-19 Cancer, 6-10 Virgo, 28 Libra-2 Scorpio, 19-23 Sagittarius, 10-14 Aquarius, and 1-5 Aries.
Mercury triseptile Saturn teaches cooperation both within and in externals. Those affected by this aspect will move into the unknown in order to “put on the show” or demonstrate some form of expertise. This can bring a “supreme realization of a life ambition,” and/or “a sense of emptiness at the end of a quest.” Zones where this is put into play include 12-16 Gemini, 4-8 Leo, 25-29 Virgo, 17-21 Scorpio, 8-12 Capricorn, 30 Aquarius-4 Pisces, and 21-25 Aries.
The latter triseptile is noteworthy as those are the zones of the Grand Irrationality in 2012-2013. That implies the events precipitated by Mercury triseptile Saturn in the coming two weeks are directly related to major choices we made during that time span. This is a perfect example of choices made in the past, whether conscious or unconscious, lead through the timestream to subsequent events that only occur because of those prior choices. If something major occurs that relates to Mercury triseptile Saturn, take a look back to see where they originated.
Other aspects of note that I haven’t mentioned so far include Moon semisquare Mars, Mercury quincunx Pluto, Venus novile Sun, Venus conjunct Uranus (Freedom Suite!), Sun sesquisquare Mars and novile Uranus, and Mars binovile Jupiter, novile Saturn, and keeping the T-square going via its opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto. Taken as a whole this will bring numerous spiritual realizations across all life sectors, and either a) the need to put some things on hold for a while so they can ripen, or b) some things that have been on hold for a long time will finally begin to see some movement.
While there will be irritations, they won’t be crisis producing. But the constant drumbeat allowing no true rest can bring us a sense of relief by seeing things as a whole, and reinterpreting past events in terms of their liberating us into a new life. The one allows a sense of completion so we can move into the unknown, beyond old fears, dualities, and egocentricities.
Since late February, Mars has been showing us how aggravated or frustrated we are or aren’t at the pace of things, and whether we’re still plagued by ghosts of isolation and separateness that need to be reconstructed and repaired. This repair or reconstruction work has its structural roots in late 2011 through October 2012, and this is the final exam of how we’ve been working on our connectedness since late 2009. Ultimately this Mars retrograde in Libra period has helped us refine our Mars function through a solid understanding of “right proportion” or “right perspective,” or perhaps show us the way toward a fair, elegant, refined, or balanced way of doing things.
I touched on the importance of Saturn in part one of this Full Moon series. There may be a need to see loss and death in terms of the power it provides us to regenerate, and many will come to a deeper understanding of the permanent spiritual factors in their existence, as well as a deeper courage that will never desert them.
The Moon in this chart is in the Scorpio zone of the Grand Irrationality brings the Saturn in Scorpio threshold lessons into full focus, so take a look back at the transformation in progress since late February that came into full focus in March. This is leading all of us to a rendezvous with destiny between mid-August and late October this year when Saturn returns to the Scorpio zone of the Grand Irrationality.
That time will be extraordinarily important due to Jupiter in the Leo zone triseptile Pluto during the second, third, and fourth weeks of August, after which it triseptiles Neptune through the first 10 days of September. Also triggering the configuration are Mercury triseptile Pluto and Mars septile Pluto at the end of August and then Mercury triseptiles Neptune while Mars biseptiles Neptune the first 4 days of September. This window sets up whatever Saturn will crystallize in the last half of September through October, with echoes in November as the inner planets move through the Scorpio zone and Mars conjuncts Pluto.
Overall, the Grand Irrationality in play these past 20 years has affected various generations at different times, and everyone has been touched at some point in huge ways. This continues the important releases of energy, people, and elements that would prevent us from being the spiritual potential we hold in the depths of our Being. This is a threshold, and some people cannot go through it with us, nor can we cross their threshold with them. So let go, let God, and show your stuff with focus and compassion. The experiment nears completion!
Spirit walks with this configuration, as well as any major septile series aspect between the planets. The choices we make as a result of these non-rational aspects show us our “direction of destiny,” and determines if the Spirit will grow stronger and closer with you, or if you will move in directions away from Spirit. Given that most of this community is intentionally trying to live in harmony with Life, Nature, and each other, chances are that whatever you – yes, YOU the reader – are confronting will show you a deeper, richer, more powerful Spiritual life. Which is a good thing.
So Just What Was the New Moon Theme for this Period?
Remember that the qualities of the Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the previous New Moon. You will recall it was a very beneficial Solar Eclipse. While the effects won’t last that long, they will ultimately prove favorable in leading us to the ability to create happiness in dark hours, and allow us to touch our immortal Self and rededicate our lives to something more worthwhile, enjoyable, and easy.
Some themes included our ability to stabilize by eliminating the detritus of the recent Great Fracturing. It is earthy, stabilizing, compassionate, gifting, productive, and joyous, even though we are still dealing with the aftershocks of that configuration. We’re still in a period of cross currents, due to Mars continuing to activate the Cardinal T-square. This challenges us to find the right balance and proportion in what we do and how we do it, based in the new individuality we’ve been experiencing the past couple of years.
There is a lot of potential for joy in this time, moving forward using economy of energy and clarity of what details are important and why as continue to let go of old perceptual separateness arising from an imbalanced view. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is changing energy significantly for the good! It’s stabilizing and reinforcing, and while all Eclipses take things away, they can also bring something that replaces what was lost.
The Taurus seed indicated by this New Moon can help us get a new technique of enjoying life, and what we let go of will attract new substance that can bring us a greater joy and fulfillment. Continue to be moderate and reasonable in your responses while continuing to use your greater understanding or stability in the emotional intelligence awakened last Summer.
This will show us the dance of relationship as bringing opportunities to individualize and not “hide in shame at our nakedness” while simultaneously experiencing a sense of relief after many months of strife and friction. We continue to move through a time of major life rebalancing and re-prioritization, finding a reasonable perspective and balanced approach to long term pressures.
For the rest of this year, Saturn continues to put a focus on eliminating stagnant feelings and responses, finding appropriate boundaries and a sense of responsibility for our magnetism as we continue to shed various “skins of personality.” This Moon shows us how to transform what we need to, from the core to the limit.
Other Factors of Note
First, this is the second Full Moon of the Northern Hemispheric Spring, the second of the “Three High Moons of Spring.” This “second High Moon” is known as the Wesak Festival, marking the Buddha’s birthday, when a new type of wisdom-compassion is poured out into the world, moving the life force of the First High Moon into a stable form. The third High Moon is called the “Christ Fest,” and is marked by the Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius. It is said this is the point when the World Teacher takes the life-infused “Buddha Wisdom” and distributes it across the world as a teaching for that year. I’ll write more about this in a few weeks when we’re celebrating the “Christfest.”
This is the third Full Moon with the North Node in Libra. We have now finished a long wave process of learning to “shed skins,” and let go of echoes of memories of perceptions by taking a new look at what we used to believe. Factoring in last November’s Scorpio Solar Eclipse, we’ve been in the heart of learning “gain through loss,” so that we could have faith, go deeper, and receive impressions from higher planes.
The Scorpio focus for the past 1+ year is helping us intensify our striving in structured ways so we can unveil the life Mystery we’ve been chasing for quite a while. This helps us get a broader view of the potential of last Spring’s new initiatives. It’s also helping us see a) how we have shifted our magnetism on relationships since then, and/or b) how we need to find a new view or way of understanding the losses and eliminations of the past we’ve been through. Now we’re flowing into a long wave period of finding the right focus to bring forth a higher way to be with other.
In past Full Moon articles I included a page or more lifted from the articles on the previous New Moon. Since I am trying to shorten the articles for readability, I will no longer lift whole sections from those articles. Instead, please go back to part 1 of this Full Moon series where you will find links to those New Moon articles. They will help you understand the themes for this Full Moon period.
Jones Patterns and Element Balance
The planets in this chart are in odd angles to each other with differing distributions among the signs, creating a “Splay” Jones Pattern. As Marc Jones put it, “the arrangement is neither even nor symmetrical,” revealing “strong and sharp aggregations of the planets at irregular points.”
Dr. Jones states “This suggests highly individual or purposeful emphases in the life, where the temperament juts out into experiences according to its own very special tastes.” This pattern “makes its own anchorage in existence,” and has a quality of “rugged resistance to pigeonholing, either in the near conventional compartments of nature, or in the idea-pockets of associates.”
He goes on to state this pattern gives a “persistent emphasis on individuality,” and the “spokelike emphases of the planetary groupings” are random, but have a “tripod” footing and approach to life circumstances. He says this pattern “reveals a very intensive personality who cannot be limited to any single steady point of application.” This temperament is “particular and impersonal in its interests,” rather than “universal-impersonal” or “particular-personal.”
This implies that affairs will be diversely spread out, some will not mesh well with others, and there will be a “hub and spoke" quality to what happens during this time period. The trine ensures a flowing, moving, stabilizing quality, but the spread shows a wide diversity of things going on that promotes individuality.
With 4 planets in Water, 2 in Fire, 2 in Air, and 2 in Earth, we have an emphasis on feelings, with a balance between inspiration, relatedness, and practicality. Since Air and Earth are “cool” elements and Fire and Water are “hot” elements, feelings will run high, with moderation and balance combined with gracious initiatives there for us to use thanks to the Aries-Libra emphasis. Be inspired as you flow through events, and keep it as practical as you can even though everything is in motion!
More on how Uranus Square Pluto Is Ramping Up Radical Energies!
As I’ve mentioned off and on over the past 3+ years, we’re all learning to manage the “out of control” energies of Uranus square Pluto. They are certainly front and center at this exact point in history!
’ve discussed this aspect at length over quite a few articles in the archives. Please use the site google box to find out more about this years’ long disruptive revolutionary influence. Welcome to the 21st century of upheaval, transformation, and titanic collisions between a new world being born and an old age that’s digging in even as it’s dying.
That square represents the ongoing revolution of our times, with innovations and pioneering energies in conflict with restrictive and controlling power structures. We’ll be dealing with this for a few years, and it promises to make this year and next very “electric and eclectic,” moving the world through a revolution unlike any seen since the 1960s!!
Uranus is now moving through a span of degrees active between 2013 and 2015, and in this chart it’s on a degree of glimpsing our ultimate fulfillment, while Venus occupies the degree it was on in the last Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. So we continue to see the dance of relationships in our inner and outer worlds as showing us how to overcome fear, shame, and the need to hide. We’ve now seen how our Soul fits into a bigger picture and larger life pattern, and a greater freedom and aspiration within a larger pattern of Soul growth through our ability to rise above lesser things.
This continues to lead us to a new identity and patience as we continue to synthesize concentration, reinterpretations of the past, and a sense of a new worldly order while moving into new realms of self-expression. We are now awakening to a technique of relationship between individuals, or individualizing parts of ourselves. Allow Spirit to dance through you, and you may experience yourself directly as totally at one with Nature.
As usual, beware of those who are impatient, since explosiveness is in the air due to this square. Again, the T-square with Pluto as the driver throws the void into Cancer, showing we need to use the qualities that Jupiter in Cancer have been teaching us since last August to make the best of the square. In some respects, this time when Mars has been retrograde and part of the squares and crosses has assisted us to moderate the extreme responses of Uranus square Pluto, coupled with Jupiter’s very benign influence in Cancer.
Pluto has now finished its time teaching us harmlessness, kindness, and magnetism that brings forth a more gentle set of interactions through the deeper transformations going on in our lives. This Lunation shows us another way of embracing the feelings and experiences of that emergent transformational role we accepted 2009-2010. Keep purifying yourself in every way, since the less sludge we carry forward the lighter and freer we’ll feel.
We have now been guided through deep experiences that taught us how to get beyond fear, see things from the past differently, and find relief through expressing the Higher Self that’s been “cut and polished” in past months. In this chart Pluto occupies its stationary retrograde threshold, indicating the need for “a valid historical perspective,” where we separate out the core principles from the events surrounding them.
As we learn to master Uranus square Pluto, we will be able to see the true causes of any social disorder, constructive versus destructive justifications and motives, and see where mistrust and mischief-making originate. This allows us to grow into a greater power when we’re confronted by old Pluto roles, coercions, and heavy-handed corrosive behavior. We can use the square between Uranus and Pluto in two big ways, both now and into the future.
We can exercise good Pluto function to put the brakes on negative Uranian manifestations, and good Uranus function to put the brakes on negative Pluto manifestations. Look to the harmonizing aspects to each to show which is building and which one is the release point for those energies. In this chart, Uranus is specializing many things in everyone’s lives, so go with the new rather than the established.
What's the proper sequence at present of deciding, feeling, and thinking, and an Overview of the Lunation
This Full Moon is stabilizing, and helps us balance “the pairs of opposites” so we may move forward as individuals, dancing in more fulfilling relationships while feeling a sense of relief at having navigated some life “rapids” now past. As I told you last month, whether we know it or not, we’ve all graduated into “a new realm of being.” Continue to find a deeper faith in your individual Self and process as you release elements of your life that no longer suit your magnetic needs.
As a process of moving through events, get clear about what you feel and why you feel it, and then follow that feeling into a decision or action. Once you’ve done what you need to, then get a new vision, a new understanding, or a new way of seeing things. Once you have the information, understanding, or vision you need, then move into a new sense of flow into the next set of decisions and actions.
So follow your feelings into knowing what must be done, and then do it. After the decision or action, get a new vision, a new understanding, or newer, more up to date information on the basis of that action. So allow your quest for a newer vision, communication, or understanding to follow your decision, and then a new feeling or experience will naturally arise from that new approach.
Because of the Scorpio Water emphasis, we continue to eliminate all we no longer want to carry in our emotional field while finding a newer, more moderate, gracious, or elegant way of dealing with the rhythm of elimination and regeneration. Due to the numerous Water trines in play since last June, we continue to move through a period of an incredible amount of feeling energy, and continue to have opportunities to practice the emotional intelligence and “feeling-knowing” that has emerged over the past 17 months.
While it may feel like there’s been a hard edge to circumstances in recent weeks and months, these choices have been months in the making. We now have been shown the way to a higher Life through all that has fractured and all the abrupt changes. Many life voids have been created and/or filled, offering us new perspectives on what to retire from so a new potential can be embraced at this time. This one helps us ground our transformational process and potential in specific ways, so stay open to what has fulfilled itself, and hear the call to renewal that requires entrance into unknown zones of feeling and faith.
For your contemplation, a final meditation I offer each month at the end of our Full Moon journey of exploration.
We are Light. All things are composed of Light in various frequencies that express as limitless forms. Some light frequencies are of greater density than others.
All shadows result from light hitting a dense object. Psychological shadows too. Therefore, it’s good to become as translucent and translucid as possible to dispel lurking shadows.
If you must look at and/or deal with shadows, whether your own or another’s, then refocus your Light on the object being illuminated, since that form is the source of the shadow.
Find the correct 4 angles of illuminating whatever you want to focus on, and all shadows will be dispelled. Then you’re seeing things with an illuminated mind, and can act accordingly.
Previous articles in this series:
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
"follow your feelings into knowing what must be done, and then do it. "
I still change my mind too often. I hope to get some e-mail, call or something to make my mind. At least "push" from friends who know me better.
My Aries is in 7th and Mars is navigating in 1st house. I really cannot do anything than just "balance".... I wish the mars should go direct. And it will :)
Posted by: Helina | May 14, 2014 at 09:47 AM
Hi Robert Thank you for this meditation.Can you say more about "Find the correct 4 angles of illuminating whatever you want to focus on." One angle is the Source, the other is the Shadow Object. What is the way to find the other two angles. Thanks Burke
Posted by: Burke | May 14, 2014 at 11:27 AM
Hi Helina - All Mars in Libra did was slow us down a little, and make our ability to respond more moderate and reasonable. We always have to take responsibility for our choices, since that's what the Age of Aquarius is about. No more saviors, no more traditional gurus, no more asking mommy/daddy god for permission to do or not do. We will know we ARE ONE with All-That-Is, and have all knowing, all feeling, all love, all wisdom within us. We don't need anything outside ourselves to choose what we must; our advisers can only suggest courses of action. And remember that sometimes, balancing and recalibrating are the only things to do.
Hi Burke - Think of it this way: an object is to be illuminated from a variety of angles. In lighting a set, we have a key light, the brightest light source that creates a shadow. We then turn on the fill light, which helps balance the light of the key light and illuminates the object from a second angle. Then we have a back light, which dispels lingering shadows left from whatever the key and fill lights illuminated. Even then, though, there is still another shadow which can only be dispelled from lighting the object from a fourth point. As for the fourth angle, I'll leave that for you and other readers to figure out for yourselves.
Remember, in this case "light sources" means that we really, truly MUST find various illuminated approaches to any thing from more than one knowledge source. That means we have to learn what creates more shadows, and what dispels them. Some types of knowledge cannot dispel a shadow, since it is not knowledge that sheds light on anything.
For example, there are illuminated approaches to interpreting the Sabian Symbols, and approaches that cannot illuminate because of a lack of understanding of how those symbols actually apply within the context of their appearance. That's why I give you what the Masters of those symbols have stated, and let readers interpret how those concepts manifest in their lives. In interpreting any dream, we cannot assume a symbol means anything outside of the internal references of the dreamer. In that sense, to paraphrase Freud, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Posted by: Robert | May 14, 2014 at 12:21 PM
Thanks R.
Last New moon at aries was so powerful - and many things happened I still don'ẗ understand (mystic dance). Deep feelings - but no contact "in reality" I know for sure or how I have lived my everyday life.
I have managed to live after that almost unharmed (trying to be more creative) and I have benefited from slow progress.
Cannot go back. And I did only my best. I just hate myself worrying so much and being so passion ...
Good night anyway. Tomorrow a new day for sure.
Posted by: Helina | May 14, 2014 at 12:49 PM
In June, transiting Uranus forms an opposition to my natal Moon. And of course, Pluto has been squared my Moon. My living situation is already in chaos; and it seems I won't be likely to find a stable residence for a while with these transits taking place.
I've been silently reading your articles for some time, Robert, but haven't managed to say anything until now. Happy Full Moon..
Posted by: Lelithe | May 14, 2014 at 05:39 PM
Just sharing that to me what I have been guided to understand is that being neutral, or in the silence, is about bringing together the feminine (emotions) and the masculine (mentality) together in sacred union of equal harmonizing parts yet they need to be clean and clear, so they are no longer warring with each other, that they work together in their strengths as intended. The conscious tool of mind over matter is very valuable in order to temporarily overcome physical and emotional pain until one is safe to feel it, release it, surrender it, to genuinely be safe and secure in order for the power of love to flow through for a good manifestation of one self and the world intended to be lived in. To use it as a permanent measure is simply to deny the power of the emotions in relation to the intent, it does not make it go away, it simply pushes it down restricts it under pressure and the temporary mind over matter tool, eventually wears out as the pressure of the power of the emotions builds to resume its place of equal power, it will not be contained/restricted forever, best to clean them by letting them flow through by surrendering them to be transmuted into something good, all energy is renewable, scientific fact.
The Divine mother is the nurturer and nourish-er, a warm hug from her, renders it impossible to hold down what one really feels, be safe and secure in the release of it that no karma by having others "wear it" as this is disrespectful and they like each of us, are loved, without conditions.
Descendant conjunct Sedna (female victim becomes nourish-er) 26Aries, Divine Mother/BML within Leo range 10th house,
Chiron 6Pisces, 4th house, it would be irresponsible for me to not offer what I have learned, in the hope it may help someone at this time, it is not that what I understand is right for another, I am not them and do not fool myself into thinking I know what is better for another than they do, even my own children, however there may be something of value in my expression of this. I was a victim of emotional abuse for many years, due to being born female with very strong gifts of the feminine, I gratefully have a Venus ruled chart to dare me to find the courage in my values and a Libra 12th house moon, at 14 recently compacted under the weight of the grand cross to stir the passion for being fair to myself and others, I am not above anyone, I am with as many as possible and I am grateful for the companionship and wisdom others share too. Be safe, blessings.
Posted by: debbie | May 15, 2014 at 06:45 PM
I also have MC at 5Leo, so I apologise if my post is received in any way, negatively, it is not my intent, yet the power to share what I have learned through my vocation in life, just is being powered at times and I trust it is needed when this occurs.
Posted by: debbie | May 15, 2014 at 06:52 PM
Hi debbie, thanks for sharing, I found the part starting "To use it as a permanent measure is simply to deny the power of the emotions...." hit the spot & is something I realized/grew through via life changing circumstances.
Interestingly your Chiron conjuncts my MC - am intrigued at present by synastry.
Posted by: H | May 18, 2014 at 01:28 PM