by Robert Wilkinson
As noted in previous parts of this series, any given birth chart could produce a person capable of "evil" behaviors or a truly virtuous leader of humanity. It’s the nature of the Spirit who inhabits that body that determines whether a being will choose the high road or the low road in any given moment. So how can we recognize someone who has given over to the dark side?
I have known people who could easily be perceived as "evil" because of the deeds they do to others. Evil derives power from introducing or fostering fear, violence, separateness, dualistic thinking, desire, avoidance, and vain imaginings. That means we will find evil in all forms of mental, emotional, or physical enslavement (control) and the need for extreme sensory upheaval (deliberately manipulated chaos) in people and situations.
In my personal experience, I believe there is no truth, no honor, no integrity, and no goodwill in what we call evil. Where these qualities of truth, honor, integrity, and goodwill are absent, there the seeds of "evil" are permitted to grow in the life and expression of our personalities. They are also present when a behavior that might be appropriate in moderation goes to extremes and leads to suffering of some sort.
Here we need to be aware of those situations we were seduced into that went where they didn’t need to go. While some do believe (for whatever conscious or unconscious reason) they must externalize evil behaviors, we do not have to participate in them.
I believe that for all of us, our Eternal nature is essentially good. I also believe our reality is designed for the "best" to come forth, if we only do our part. Each absolutely determines their own karmic rewards and punishments, and even something apparently "bad" today may serve to bring forth the skill or insight you need tomorrow.
That does not excuse the abusers, because we're not supposed to be doing things that generate forms of suffering. It creates a stink in the world, and only contributes to future suffering on the part of the perpetrator. Someone who persists in behaviors that hurt others only destroys themselves through self-generated effects guaranteed to lead to suffering.
All hurtful behaviors are a product of fear-based ignorance. I believe people can fall into fear-based delusions, but they can also come out of them if only they release the need to control outcomes resulting from fear-based delusions.
Those who persistently seek to hurt others, or use separateness to further selfishness and lies are ultimately living a delusion. That part of the suffering will end for us when they leave the body at the end of their miserable lives. However, they will take their suffering with them to be resolved on other levels entirely. Until they leave the body, though, I am reminded that "one fool can keep a thousand wise men very busy."
I have tremendous compassion for people put through difficulty by seemingly evil people using all kinds of nasty attacks and machinations. Eventually, though, one's need to stay personally involved with the mischief-maker ends, and they are left with their own ugliness while you are living a life freed from such a one. What is important is to use the time and karma you must stay involved with "evil" people to lift your life into the Light.
The evil ones will eventually come to realize the error of their ways, or be removed from this fragile Earth to live out their violent and selfish karma in another bandwidth of reality. Even the Earth can only endure so much pollution (mental and emotional as well!) before its own higher karma dictates it go through its changes, whether we like them or not. Such is the nature of Nature whose cycles are unerring.
All that said, I also know that as you cultivate even the least of what is good, true, and beautiful, you further those in your life, and come to know the richness of all the textures of these. There is no such thing as “permanent evil,” and much of the evil that presents itself in our lives is so we can get clear that we can repel certain thought forms as well as attract them, whether actively or passively. While evil people may present themselves, we do not have to dance with them, indulge them, or approve of their behavior.
So the bottom line for me is that I truly believe that while all Souls are “good,” some personalities are severely dysfunctional to the point of being dangerous to others. Souls are not psychopathic, but personalities can become that through repeating psychopathic thinking that leads to psychopathic behavior. The danger here is that unless a pattern is changed it continues to manifest, putting the Soul of the psychopath at risk of being buried under an impossible load of dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors.
Since we cannot change anyone else, we can only learn how to respond in our enlightened self-interest when confronted by people who are hurtful, and learn how to antidote what we can and remove ourselves from what we cannot. Stay mindful that regardless of what seems to be, eventually we will use up our karma with those who are hurtful and can then have relationships that truly bring us joy and fulfillment.
By keeping evil at arm’s length, we eventually leave nasty people behind, not with hatred or anger, but compassionate indifference. Then we can recognize them at a distance, and know what to do or not to do, depending on our particular karmic circumstances.
On a final note, as we move into a life of higher awareness and higher service, sometimes we encounter evil ones because of that Dharma. The trick is to recognize them, not buy into the drama or believe we can change them, and do what good we can in that moment, moving on at the right time. And have compassion for suffering humanity, while doing all we can to live the Light and Love we eternally are.
Can We See If A Person Is Evil in an Astrology Chart? – Pt. 1
Does An Astrology Chart Show If Someone is Good or Evil? - Pt. 2
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
thank you for this article, Robert.
It gives me support and wisdom for having had a major run in w an evil person, the effects of which I've been facing since October 2008 when the encounters first occurred.
One reason I felt validated by what you write here is that one of the emotional consequences which I needed to face and clear internally, was my sense of shame to just exist.
I tend to hide my feelings from myself and others, and during the past several years, had to uncover my reasons.
This was searingly painful at times.
So I feel a calm resonance w what you describe as the higher purpose of such run ins w evil. I came to similar conclusions on my own.
Only there is increased meaning to read it from someone who studies and meditates on higher living, as you do.
Posted by: Sherry Katz | June 04, 2014 at 04:53 PM