by Robert Wilkinson
Today we will take a new look at what Mercury retrograde in Gemini is good for. Mercury re-enters Gemini at 3:05 am PDT, 11:05 am Greenwich, Tuesday, June 17, and will remain RX in that sign until it goes direct on July 1, 5:50 am PDT, 1:50 pm Greenwich, at 25 Gemini. This article offers insights into what Mercury retrograde in Gemini is about, and what it’s good for.
Before we go into the specifics of Mercury RX in Gemini, we'll briefly revisit what I told you earlier in this retrograde series. We know Mercury retrograde is supposedly not good for signing contracts, making purchases of electronics, making major moves or decisions, and are supposed to hang out with the energies, taking a view that that things may not be as they appear, and so on. I also offered that Mercury retrograde can be good for traveling, as long as one is flexible.
Mercury retrograde periods are also good for research, reflection, review, rehearsals, and reconnecting with old friends. It's a good time for doing things left undone, or neglected, from previous times.
It's good for resuming something from the past, while remembering it may not look like it used to or will require a different approach. It's also good for filling in gaps in understanding or activity, and doing things that seem to go in one direction but lead you to new information and understanding.
It's a good time for resuming things begun in previous retrograde periods, or for picking up threads that had to be set aside while other things developed. It usually indicates a time when you need to be able to build in a time lag with whatever you're doing, since retrogrades often show that there are things yet to develop that will ultimately fill in whatever is missing in the present.
In my book, "A New Look At Mercury Retrograde," I included a chapter on Mercury retrograde in the signs. And yes, the second edition is almost done, and it should be published as an ebook sometime this year (maybe in the next Mercury retrograde period!)
Obviously what sign Mercury retrogrades through makes a huge amount of difference in what is appropriate during that period. Since it is retrograde in Gemini, I'll offer you some possible manifestations of what we may expect, regardless of what Sun sign we are or which house(s) it moves through in our individual chart. That said, here's a bit about Mercury retrograde in Gemini from the book.
Here Mercury’s energies slow down to re-think what has been explored and how it has been explored. There may be vacillation between indecision and thorough examination, and trying to factor in too much information may be a problem. There is an openness to the “other side of the coin” and alternative possibilities, and seeing different interpretations of any information.
In this position Mercury plays with ideas, as though swinging from one vine to another with no particular direction in mind. This position is inquisitive in unusual directions, leading to completely impersonal points of view, and views unconscious factors as tools to be explored.
Mental restlessness can lead to unusual discoveries to be shared, and many paradoxes can be resolved through oscillation between points of view, revealing factors not previously considered. This position fills in gaps in unresolved arguments and dilemmas through reframing old questions by asking new questions.
Mercury in Gemini is in its own 1st sign. Here knowledge reveals itself to itself. There is a seeking within itself for that which is simultaneously beyond and within it. All concepts are applied to self, self’s experience, and self’s prior information first, i.e., “Is this a different take on a previous idea?” This position shares qualities with Mercury retrograde in Virgo.Mercury in Gemini is also in its own 10th sign, where the culmination of thinking is its own flowering; knowledge for its own sake culminates in itself. This is the fulfillment of the mind discriminating between distinctions of differences to show it is its own authority. Mercury in this sign claims its right not to decide, or conclude, unless it chooses to do so, and then reserves the right to change its mind when it sees fit. This position shares qualities with Mercury retrograde in Pisces.
On a final note, I would suspect the coming two weeks will be a good time to take a look back on recent discoveries and information you’ve collected, and see how some views must be adapted in order for you to move forward. Find new ways to understand and communicate, use indirect means to get something across, and be willing to defer judgment until after the pruning process is over a few weeks down the road.
Do not allow the mind to wander off into self-contradicting points of view. You can bet that thinking will go all over the place, so there may be misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and self-deceit, or the reversal of these. Remember that things may not be as they seem, or won’t be as they are represented. There may be new information come to light that corrects and old view, or a re-evaluation of things already discussed due to information being brought up to date.
Which brings us full circle to something I said in the first paragraph: Hang out with the energies and information, pay attention to details while remembering that a lot of it won't make sense for several weeks or months, and don't believe everything you're told. Things often don’t turn out to be as expected during a retrograde.
Still, we’re in a very productive period right now due to Venus sextile Jupiter. Of major importance is that Mercury’s re-entry into Gemini sets a long term quintile to Uranus in Aries into play. That brings flashes of genius and unique insights that synthesize a lot of disparate information into a cohesive understanding that shows how we must do a dignified withdrawal from someone or some situation.
While Mercury is in Gemini, it’s a great time to research ideas to find different ways to understand the information, or different ways to communicate it to others. While there may be delays, there can also be unique events set into motion that are perfect gifts for where we’re at.
So take a look back at the threshold of a new future that you’ve already glimpsed. Get a new view of how to use your mind productively, and reprogram your thinking, speech, and expectations to make what you say expressive of your highest good.
A whole new set of life patterns symbolized by Mercury going stationary retrograde at 4 Cancer have already begun to stabilize. By the end of this retrograde period on July 1 when it goes stationary direct at 25 Gemini, we’ll begin to move into a set of new life forms, shaped to express what we truly care about.
As usual, here are links to recent articles on what this June 2014 Mercury Retrograde in Cancer and Gemini is all about:
The Guide of Souls in June 2014 - Mercury Slowing Down Preparing to go Retrograde at 4 Cancer
It’s Mercury Retrograde - Time For A New Look at the Guide of Souls
Copyright © 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Looking forward to going over the abundance or perhaps being aware of and retrieving resources I missed from the unknown, 8th house stuff ya know?
Posted by: debbie | June 16, 2014 at 09:20 PM
Interesting period and much to gain from it if we learn not to be confused with what is non essential.
Posted by: Nic | June 17, 2014 at 12:26 PM