by Robert Wilkinson
On July 20, Saturn went stationary direct at 17 Scorpio. On July 21, Uranus went stationary retrograde at 17 Aries. Both of these events would be huge if taken separately; the tight quincunx they’ve been making since mid-June is a major adjustment for us all, wherever they fall.
Uranus represents our eternal ability in the NOW to individualize our lives and consciousness. It is the Divine Revolutionizer within us that is directly connected with Spirit. It shows us how to live in a truly free way, not reacting to the world’s inertia, but instead moving into the eternal unknown adventure where we are forever free to explore, discover, and revolutionize our lives and consciousness.
Saturn, on the other hand, symbolizes the universal binding force in Nature, the “Ring Pass Not” of Dharma that permits all things if they serve Dharma and no thing if it does not serve Dharma. Saturn is our “skin of personality,” the boundaries of what we are able to master, found through the ten thousand things that temporarily enslave us through various types of mental, emotional, or material inertia.
Uranus is the Higher Law, Saturn is the worldly law. Uranus helps us break free, break out, and break through the binding force Saturn represents. Saturn helps us give structure through discipline to our eternal discoveries along our Path to Truth. In one esoteric system, Saturn is Divine Understanding, whereas Uranus is Divine Wisdom. Both serve each other in the Great Work each of us is here to do.
Uranus now begins to re-trace ground it’s covered since it last went direct in December 2013 at 9 Aries. Since then, we’ve explored how to individualize in the span of experience from 9-17 Aries. Now that it’s retrograde, we will take a new look at what Uranus awakened in us to since April 2014 when it entered what will be its “shadow zone” between 17 Aries and 13 Aries, where it will go stationary direct in December 2014.
This period will complete our realization that we’ve had a new identity revealed, have entered into a more timeless dance with others, gotten glimpses of a higher or greater fulfillment, and opened and renewed our minds. Now we sit at 17 Aries, requiring that we focus our potency or potential through “a dignified withdrawal” from whatever we don’t need to act on or react to any longer. We now get to practice that new identity that was awakened in Spring 2013 through “looking back” on how we are more individualized since then.
By contrast, Saturn now resumes its forward motion, and will re-trace ground it covered since it went stationary retrograde in early March 2014 at 24 Scorpio. Since then, we’ve been challenged to allow inspiring teachings to transform our everyday lives, and taken a new look at our faith, whether through what we act on or don’t, or how we have shown or been shown faith in social or emotional contexts. Now that it’s direct, we will take a new look at past lessons Saturn showed us since March, with an eye to demonstrating maturity, organization, and patience in taking command of our magnetism.
Saturn will be in its 2014 “shadow zone” until it again moves across 24 Scorpio in late October and early November, after which it begins its final transit of the final degrees of Scorpio, preparing to move into Sagittarius in late December. This will bring us “concrete manifestations of faith,” in the infinite ways that can manifest. “This is about trusting the God within,” so trust your Truth and move forward, with deliberation and intention, casting off all that is outmoded, corrosive, or fear-based that has limited your ability to fulfill Dharma.
The fact that both of these heavyweight outer planets hit their stations at the same time would be a heavy enough sea change to get all our attention; that they are in an exact quincunx is the kicker. Qunicunxes are hard adjustments and corrections, usually involving a degree of sacrifice. Where this quincunx is happening in our charts, these are happening, which may include an element of physical, emotional, or mental health focus, whether in us or someone in our lives.
So you’re probably experiencing adjustments and sacrifices wherever you have Aries and Scorpio in your chart. Definitely where you have Capricorn and Aquarius, since Saturn and Uranus are the respective worldly and spiritual rulers of these signs. If you have to make an adjustment between your spiritual truth and worldly duties, look no farther than this aspect.
Or alternatively, it could create a situation where you have to withdraw from something for spiritual purposes, trusting your truth or “God” within so you can make progress in breaking free of a limiting condition created by a perception or understanding. This is where your individuality and magnetism are helping adjust each other to make your higher expression more precise, more authentic, or more open and flexible in some way.
So consider this the Summer of the Saturn quincunx Uranus. It’s been in play since mid-June, and will continue to be a huge influence through late August. At that time, pay close attention, since Venus will be around 17-18 Leo at the same time Mercury will be around 17-18 Virgo and Mars will be around 17-18 Scorpio, and all of these will be in aspect to Saturn at 18 Scorpio and Uranus at 17 Aries!
Of the various influences in play, Mercury makes a very powerful “Finger of God,” or Yod, with Mars and Saturn as the builders and Uranus as the nozzle. At the same time, Venus squares Mars and Saturn while trining Uranus, creating both harmony and friction simultaneously!
Those with planets near the middle of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius will find productive inspiration, though there will be the gear grinding energy of the square from Leo to Scorpio challenging everyone with planets in the middle of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. If nothing else, by the end of August we’ll all have gone through adjustments that help make us more precise or detail oriented, and open to new ways of understanding the power of ideas to transform our physical lives.
This is a Summer of adjustment, correction, and sacrifice. Make the most of it, since the voids we create will attract what we need down the road. Withdraw with dignity from unworthy situations and relationships, and have faith that as you act, the road will rise up before you and show you both the Way and why you had to say goodbye when you did.
Since these two power players are front and center on the world stage, if you want to learn more about the power of Saturn and Uranus to shape our Spiritual and worldly existence, please re-visit Uranus and Saturn – Inspiration and Reality, Freedom and Dharma, Individuality and Destiny You can also learn more about Saturn's function as "the Ring Pass Not" in various articles in the archives. Just use the site google box.
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
The "goddess" is within also, she is at the bottom of the emotional pool, the bottom of the Lake, ready and willing with "excalibur" the sword which wields only love.
Posted by: debbie | July 21, 2014 at 06:37 PM
Yep this sounds pretty big for me: Sun 14 Leo, Mercury 17 Leo, Sat 17 Gem, Uranus 16 Aries, Chiron 17 Aries. Splash in Ascendant at 17 Aries, things have been I turn 42.
Always great stuff Robert!
Posted by: Jason Powers | July 21, 2014 at 11:23 PM
Ah, ah. Withdrawn from unworthy situation/relationship and now just stunned. As always, your good words make it a little easier to bear. Thank you, and blessings.
Posted by: ka | July 22, 2014 at 07:21 AM
Robert, your articles are always right on!!! Thanks for a providing great information as you do every time. My Sun is on 17 Leo - So I will be affected in my 4th and 9th house? Also getting ready for fireworks in my 6th (Capricorn) and 7th (Aquarius) houses! Yes, things have been little frictioning in all these houses to say the least! Can't wait for the big bang - ooh-la-la:)
Posted by: Jasvin | July 22, 2014 at 01:10 PM
......and just realized that ruler of my 9th house is in my 1st house!
Posted by: Jasvin | July 22, 2014 at 01:13 PM
Thanks Robert, a very practical and enlightening post. Sets things in perspective and provides understanding as to what is happening and how to deal with it better.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | July 23, 2014 at 02:37 AM
Down in it. And lovin it.
Posted by: caliban | July 23, 2014 at 11:42 AM
No wonder I've been cranky these past few days - 17 Gemini Asc and Jupiter at 17 Taurus. Thanks, Robert!
Posted by: Diana | July 23, 2014 at 05:36 PM
Like clockwork......Robert,
Your articles validate my world....or I am finally in tune with my inner voice :)
I just walked away with dignity from an unhealthy connection that wasnt good for me, that I didnt seek, and that was not happy about being let go of.
I seem to check your site or get an email just after i have listened and validation of action I have taken.
Your writings, knowledge and service to the "cantina" .....
is most appreciated!!!
Thank you for helping support my new "identity"
Posted by: wild horse running | July 23, 2014 at 07:05 PM
Dear Robert, Thank you for your guidance, timely insight and sharing of knowledge. I think I would like to re-visit my chart. As an Aries w/Scorpio rising, perhaps further analysis will help me move toward the light. Adjustment, correction and sacrafice=my life. I need a change. More importantly, your Uranus/Saturn role(s) have expanded w/classes and webinars, wonderful.
Posted by: Kathleen Savvides | July 31, 2014 at 11:09 AM