by Robert Wilkinson
On July 24 at 1:44 pm PDT, 4:44 pm EDT, 9:44 pm Greenwich (BST) the Sun conjuncts Jupiter at 2 Leo. This is important, because it’s time to play!
Each year the Sun conjuncts Jupiter, illuminating and powering up the Jupiter lesson of that degree for the next 13 months. Where the conjunction falls is where we get a new set of truths, higher and/or broader understanding, or maybe just opportunities to expand our lives.
This conjunction is at 2 Leo, where we are told that since “the school is closed by an epidemic of mumps,” it’s time to play! In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the Sabian Symbols, we read this degree is about the “constructive result of inconveniences of life in developing communal values,” “self-sensitiveness,” and “subtraction from things.”
Dr. Jones goes on to say that this degree is about “the momentary appeal of escapist ideas whenever the self fails to remain alive to its own immediate needs or ultimate interests.” He states this is about the absolute need of Spirit to “retain a passionate sensitiveness to the practical import or organic usefulness” of what we encounter in our everyday lives. The keyword is INFECTION, and we are told when operating positively, the degree is “continual self-dramatization as the basis for participation in current affairs.”
2 Leo is a counterpoint to the spontaneity and conflagration power of 1 Leo on the actional level of the Scene of Combustion. Wherever this degree falls in our chart will show us what we’re learning about “gain through subtraction,” or how to play when we’re “quarantined” or “the school is temporarily closed.”
This degree will separate us from certain people and situations and people who are “infected” with a “communicable disease.” So if you’re wondering why you cannot make certain connections this next year, maybe you’re being protected from something or someone you don’t need to be exposed to. Then remember it’s time to play, or be creative, or go somewhere else for awhile.
In 2013, the conjunction fell in mid-June at 29 Gemini, which taught us how to can take new "collective materials" and weave them so they offer our world a sense of what our special gifts and talents could look like. This is a technique to exteriorize some discovery in an individual or spiritual way. Wherever this degree falls in our chart has been the point of the Sun conjunct Jupiter affecting the period between June 2013 and July 2014.
In 2012, the conjunction fell in mid-May at 24 Taurus, forcing us to see the broader context of our "mission," or perhaps utilize another's expertise in some effective way, or even defend who we are or what we are here to do. Wherever this degree fell in our chart was been the point of the May 2012 through June 2013 Sun conjunct Jupiter period.
In 2011, the conjunction fell at 17 Aries, affecting April 2011 through May 2012. In 2010, the conjunction fell at 10 Pisces, affecting March 2010 through April 2011. In 2009 the conjunction fell at 5 Aquarius, affecting January 2009 through March 2010. In 2008 the conjunction fell at 1 Capricorn, affecting December 2007 through January 2009. See where each of these fell in your chart to see the patterns of growth implied by these conjunctions.
So we’ve finished a year of discovering new ways of expressing our special qualities in versatile or adaptable forms (Gemini), and now begun a new year of playing with our creative potentials (Leo) that will last until August 2015, when the next Sun conjunct Jupiter falls at 4 Virgo.
That means there was no Sun conjunct Jupiter in Cancer during this time in history. The last one was in 2002, and next one will be 2025. Because of the speed of Jupiter's orbit, every so often a sign will be skipped, which has its own interesting implications.
So consider a new adventure has been launched wherever you have 2 Leo in your chart. This adventure will be easy or hard on other parts of your life depending on what aspects are in play. Because the conjunction is biseptile Saturn and biquintile Neptune, it definitely indicates that destiny is on the move, and what’s been difficult will now become easy for those who embrace as process of hearing a call to renewal.
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Great and all these is happening in mid-Summer. Time to let go and to go for it!
Express, manifest, embody, change and move forward with joy. We only need to recognise what we are and what we have.
Thanks for the post.
Posted by: Nic | July 24, 2014 at 04:36 AM
Wow, its conjunct my natal mercury rx and Sun in Leo, plus upcoming Solar Return. Interesting read. Thanks!
Posted by: Sunny | July 24, 2014 at 07:49 AM
Come on out every body, its time to play! Whoopeee!!
Posted by: Diane S. | July 24, 2014 at 04:53 PM
I made it a point to manifest what a Jupiter conduct the Sun is all about today. While I did have to go to work, after, I had a wonderfully productive sculpture class and then met some friends for some well-crafted cocktails. And I even ran into another friend at the cocktail bar who was on a date (with a lioness!).
Posted by: Matt | July 24, 2014 at 09:47 PM
That conjunction in cancer back in 2002 was a doozy for me, it was sun merc jupiter and vesta all opposing my 28Cap saturn, its been quite a voyage :)
Posted by: debbie | July 25, 2014 at 03:58 AM
I work around street entertainers, and the stages, in various ways. Was a lovely early bday party, with some coworkers/friends. Love the different cultures I am surrounded by. Traditional foods and beverages with meaning is way cool. Longevity. Seeing Jupiter can be so Theo and Leo so Godly.. How is that affecting the World and Collective Stage?
Posted by: Sunny | July 25, 2014 at 11:22 AM