by Robert Wilkinson
If you’ve been wondering why the news is so HEAVY these days, and it seems like major decisions must be made as things go to extremes, welcome to Jupiter biseptile Saturn!!
Jupiter is now at 4 Leo, and will be at 7 Leo by mid-month. Saturn is now at 17 Scorpio, and will be at 18 Scorpio by Aug 10. A biseptile is an angle of 102d 51m degrees between two planets. That means for the past week and for the next 2 weeks, Jupiter is biseptile Saturn.
These are heavy socio-cultural planets, showing both growth and limitation, possibilities and the ability to bind these in forms. They are where the limits of imagination meet the need for structured, organized endeavor. It also shows that Divine Mercy and Divine Understanding are at a turning point relative to each other.
All the planets make septiles, biseptiles, and triseptiles to all the other planets at various points in time, and these mark important turning points in time where “destiny” is created. In this case, the world is at a turning point between expansive Heart Fire and the binding force of ancient Ice. Where love and death meet, we find worlds in upheaval.
These times are especially important in the lives of those who also have planets in the zones that make any septile series aspect to any of the planets in play. This particular set of zones include 15-19 Scorpio, 7-11 Capricorn, 29 Aquarius-3 Pisces, 21-25 Aries, 12-16 Gemini, 3-7 Leo, and 24-28 Virgo.
Of note is that the sequence of biseptiles from early Leo to Saturn began with the Sun making the aspect between July 24-29, immediately followed by Jupiter from then to mid-August. We get a Mercurial set of triggers between Aug 1-3, and Venusian influences between Aug 13-17, around the time Jupiter finishes its run. So the Mercury and Venus conjunctions with Jupiter make the biseptile.
That will make for an interesting year ahead for those affected! For some, it could show as breaking out, breaking free, or breaking through to a more effective life, or a new strength or heart power. Having purified all that is no longer needed, beginning late August we can feel a real sense of having completed a life chapter while also finding a deep transfigured state of Being.
Septiles, biseptiles, and triseptiles are all non-rational aspects, and have a variety of possible effects depending on individual circumstances. They all bring points of decision that alter the course of the live of individuals and nations. Remember here that transit to transit aspects are generic for the world, and each responds according to where the aspects fall in the houses, and what houses are ruled by the planets making the aspect.
Because of where these biseptiles happen, this very heavy period of septile-driven events is directly related to “The Grand Irrationality.” The current zones of that long-term configuration are approximately 12-16 Capricorn, 4-8 Pisces, 26-30 Aries, 17-21 Gemini, 8-12 Leo, 29 Virgo-3 Libra, and 20-24 Scorpio. You can see that the current Leo-Scorpio biseptile hot zones are just before the Grand irrationality sequence of degree zones.
That means the first set of energies is triggered, then the Grand Irrationality. The Sun biseptiled Saturn in late July, and is now triggering the Grand Irrationality through August 4. Mercury is currently biseptile Saturn, and will trigger the Grand Irrationality August 4-6. Major events, followed by Neptune and Pluto transpersonal influences.
It’s like a “set up” and “delivery” type of pulse. The changes we’re going through now will be “answered” during the various points the Grand Irrationality is triggered. However, due to the angle between Neptune and Pluto, they are not triggered simultaneously, but first one, then the other, after a slight time lag.
For example, right now a planet at 6-8 Leo triseptiles Pluto but quincunxes Neptune. By the time it hits 9-12 Leo, it’s triseptile Neptune but quincunx Pluto. This is not the same as when simultaneous triseptiles are formed to both Neptune and Pluto when the Moon is in early Leo in the months between October and April.
So Jupiter will be anchoring the Grand Irrationality between mid-August and mid-September, putting the entire configuration into constant effect via other transits. Notable points are the end of August and beginning of September, since Mercury will occupy the late Virgo/early Libra zone, and Mars will transit the Scorpio zone, anticipating Saturn’s transit through the Scorpio zone in September, October, and early November. Of course the Moon will trigger it several times during late August and early September.
A brief note on the Grand Irrationality. Long time readers know that I’ve given the term “The Grand Irrationality” to the effects associated with the Neptune septile Pluto that’s been active since the early 90s. It’s triggered 7 times every month by the Moon, and at least 21 times every 12 months via the inner planets.
This is a major backdrop to the general weirdness and hard edge to what’s been going on the past 20 years. I believe future historians will look back at the period of 1993-2018 as an era when some pretty crazy things were happening and humanity was behaving in some incredibly irrational and compulsive ways before the Era began to end between 2015-2020. This period really is a time when humanity is being forced to wake up, and is already dealing with consequences of its choices, past and present. The future will look much different than the past 20 years that has led to the current chaos in the world.
We’re already beginning to feel the influence wane during part of the year since between May and September Neptune and Pluto are too wide to be in septile. By October they’ll be back within orb, so the configuration will be fully focused by transits from October through April. I’ll compose more about the Grand Irrationality in coming weeks, and update older articles explaining it in greater detail than I can here.
Anyway, in case you hadn’t noticed, it’s a very heavy time! And it’s just the beginning of a fairly wild ride for the next few weeks. The roller coaster left the landing about a week ago, and has just hit the first plunge!
Enjoy the ride, feel the heart Fire, cultivate courage, and if things don’t make sense, well, they don’t have to. And of course, some compulsions are more harmless than others, so cut yourself some slack. Just remember that the heart is a muscle, and benefits by being exercised in loving ways.
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
You never fail to end on a high note. Thanks!
Posted by: Tasha | August 01, 2014 at 09:48 AM
Hi Robert--very helpful, as always!
One question: if the North Node is In a zone of the grand irrationality, how might we interpret that?
Thanks much!!!
Posted by: Kristin | August 01, 2014 at 10:01 AM
Hi Tasha - Thanks.
Hi Kristin - It would mean that from time to time, especially when the Moon is in any of the 7 zones, you'll make critical decisions about your line of greatest development and how you want to move into that energy, whether challenging or promising.
Posted by: Robert | August 01, 2014 at 10:36 AM
I have
MC 4 Leo
Pluto 28 Virgo
Venus 8 Capricorn
Posted by: u | August 01, 2014 at 11:45 AM
Brilliantly clear! Thank you.
Posted by: Kristin | August 01, 2014 at 11:46 AM
I penned today's date twice as 8/1/18, this morning, and felt both frustrated and weirdly relieved. Happy to say, your writings have helped nudge the relief further forward. Thank you for roller coaster image, too. Whew!
Posted by: ka | August 01, 2014 at 12:33 PM
Hi Robert
where can i find in one place the definition and meaning of all these aspects which keep coming up in the articles? septiles biseptiles etc?
Posted by: saba | August 01, 2014 at 01:47 PM
Hi all - thanks for your feedback and praise.
Hi Saba - Nowhere that is accurate, except this site. There's a lot out there on other site, most of it garbled or incoherent, some of it completely wrong. I'll be updating an article I did 9 years ago on the subject soon. For now, I gave you this back in late May: The 4 Primary Essential Factors In Astrology Pt. 2 - Astrological Aspects, the Septile Series, Destiny, and Fate
Posted by: Robert | August 01, 2014 at 03:17 PM
As always, thanks so very much for keeping us updated on these wild cosmic influences. I thought the late 60's and early 1970's were wild but whoa boy, what a ride this has been! The phrase "hold onto your hat Martha" comes to mind...but Martha's hat blew off years ago and bit by bit, well, I think she's doesn't have a stitch left on at this point!!
I have 3 Pisces North Node, 3 Libra rising, 27 Virgo in Saturn, 12 Leo in Mercury, 28 Aries. My life has changed so much in the past15 years....challenging at times to say the least, but such growth for my soul. Thanks again!
Posted by: Diane S. | August 01, 2014 at 06:29 PM
Thank you for your faithful reminders of how and why we are being transformed. Your words put me in mind of this fragment from Gibran's Prophet:
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.
Posted by: Sabina | August 01, 2014 at 09:18 PM
Beautifully articulated Robert - your insights are much appreciated during these troubling times. Definitely a time to be gentle with others as well as ourselves.
Posted by: Zephyr | August 01, 2014 at 11:33 PM
Thanks Robert for the link to the article!
And i thought the grand cross gone past recently was wild enough a ride!! there is more!!
Posted by: saba | August 02, 2014 at 03:12 AM
Hey Sabina,
Thanks for sharing Gibran's Prophet lines. Too cool! I'll have to get out my copy from many moons ago and read it again.
Posted by: Diane S. | August 02, 2014 at 09:09 AM
Thanks Brother Robert!
Well said, it's going to be quite a ride I see. Sometimes fun and other times a little frightful.
Love Is
Posted by: mel | August 02, 2014 at 10:26 AM
Thank you Robert, good opportunities from left field that focus their potential in areas that matter to me like a laser beam and yet need to make commitments one step at a time when solid, also suddenly being seen in a good light and feeling rewarded at heart due to what others may think are simple things. MC is at 5Leo30 a bit of irrational reaction from myself yet more from others as things change and perhaps breaking free of the limited past now with my DC at 26 Aries, so this all makes sense now :)
Hoping it serves everyone else well too and that all find themselves in a good place by the full moon in September, it will be spring down under and looking forward to it for a change.
Posted by: debbie | August 03, 2014 at 03:50 PM
Thank you Robert for the heads up about the heaviness. The awareness of that helps greatly with an assignment that's going nowhere - my brain doesn't want to work or make connections. Yet the heaviness feels like the earth must to a seedling pushing through its casing on up into the light of the Sun - a bit of a struggle, but worth the effort.
Posted by: Ann | August 04, 2014 at 03:54 AM
The major decisions people are making seem to be in response to being asked to sell their soul. The goofy rationale they are being confronted with as a reason to sell their soul is just plain ridiculous. It doesn't hold water. The situations were stressed leaving them in limbo as to what to do, but this extra push by the hungry soul eaters is just too much. It seems to be providing resolve. My particular situation with the 'force feeder' is very mundane. The threats aren't working any more.
Posted by: caliban | August 05, 2014 at 08:36 AM