By Robert Wilkinson
This is a piece I wrote 10 years ago when a friend asked me about the present widespread assumption that there are some sort of "dark entities" creating the evil in the world and perpetuating the “good versus evil” duality. This may also help those who still struggle with the old Adam-Eve-Serpent (as Devil) mythology of the rapidly fading era.
Friend of the site Clay asked me to reprint this for the community. Part of my original intention in writing it was to dispel the illusion that there is a gigantic struggle by “bad Aliens” trying to enslave humanity with “good Aliens” trying to rescue us. I’ve done an extensive rewrite to elaborate on some key concepts, and make it more readable.
As I originally wrote, simply put, NO part of the Spiritual Plan for humanity was created by or perpetuated by "dark ones" as most people conceive them to be. In the nature of evolution of individual and collective human and divine consciousness, it simply is not possible, given the spiritual mechanics of how our evolutionary system is constructed.
Viewpoints that hold that any form of darkness can stand equal to the Light are usually based in fear and duality, and are by-products of the delusion of human separateness. All views that are self-separate, polarized, or dualistic create huge problems when we’re trying to find an integrated understanding of the various departments and phases of the evolutionary Plan, since fear and duality prevent an unobstructed view of the whole of creation.
Remember -- all the forms of our apparent existence are God's dream. We all are products of Light force consciously directed into our Life forms.
How can ANY "higher being" be a badguy, whether a "space being" or any perceived powerful consciousness operating on the "invisible" level? If we are Eternal Consciousnesses, learning and growing through infinity and eternity, then “evil” can only be that which seems to prevent or counter our growth toward understanding that we ARE Divine Love-Wisdom-Intelligence.
Since nothing can prevent us from attaining a higher view then “evil” cannot exist for very long after we decide we want to learn and know a higher view. That’s why I insist that we should never give the illusion of “evil”any more power or credence than it deserves, which is none.
We are Eternals having human perceptual experiences, with different levels of awareness operating simultaneously. On the human level, our search for understanding, and therefore Higher Consciousness, is a one-way street. We can only become more aware, not less aware. And the more we integrate what we are aware of, the more we understand how our life fits into the greater life around us.
Eventually we glimpse and experience the Oneness of our life within a greater Life, as well as the vibratory principles at play in the various fields due to thought-forms, both our own and others. Some of these thoughtforms are beyond our comprehension, such as a black hole, or the nature of other universes. Other thought forms are there for us to understand what created them, how they are or are not manifesting, and in some situations, the need to “uncreate” them.
Some thought forms are apparently or conditionally “evil,” but at the spiritual level of existence, there is no “evil” per se; what we call evil only exists on the lower levels of existence. Being completely impermanent, what we call “evil” is eventually subject to passing away. Therefore “evil” is unreal, from one angle of vision.
That doesn't mean that "evil" doesn’t appear to be temporarily or apparently "real." Still, we must always consider the source of what we’re perceiving. Where did that perception come from? Why do we believe it is what it is? In that sense, some forms of “evil” really aren’t that, while other forms seem to be that.
I believe in reality, there simply is NO battle between good and evil, except within ourselves. It is a struggle for our Eternal Spirit-Soul to break free of the traps of inertia and ignorance. It is the only battle we ever fight throughout our eternity of existence, and once we win it, we live in the NOW and have positioned our consciousness to fulfill our higher purposes.
Once we are consciously aware of how to move through time and space to further our evolution and find various levels of fulfillment, we then can find creative and skillful ways to use our hearts and minds together to create a better world, however we define that. That fulfills our higher ability to generate "an altruistic intention," as His Holiness the Dalai Lama puts it.
Personally, I've never yet seen "evil" that didn't originate in human behavior. All that we consider "evil" seems to involve the results of human behavior, where a person has forgotten their true nature and purpose, and wound up trapped in perceptual and sensory attachments, aversions, and illusions.
Though there may seem to be such a thing as collective evil, embodied in certain institutions, governments, groups and their ideas, it could be argued that these are merely vortices of dense ignorance. There are thought forms of slavery, brutality, torture, as well as a myriad of lesser evils. All of this is human generated mischief, and does not originate from any “space being,” “devil,” or “spirit of evil.”
I regard these forms of “evil” as just more generic and collective human inertia perpetuating forms of suffering. We humans participate in some of these until we awaken to the reality that we are here to lessen suffering, first our own, then others. Of course, it could be argued that in lessening the suffering of others, we lessen our own.
At various points in our existence, we are challenged to deal with forms of apparent “evil,” internally and externally. We learn through the encounters that either we can do something to counter these, or are limited in our ability to deal with what presents itself. Here the primary consideration is what to learn and how to act.
Ultimately, it all is an exercise in how we are to choose to become fit for the goal of delivering our light and truth of being to our world. And if we are to challenge evil, we surely must begin with ourselves.
Also, since all “evil” arises from separateness, then we will always be more effective when we find our allies. This allows synergy within collective striving, and even large tasks can be successfully accomplished.
If it is our duty to combat forms of "evil" directly, then we need to see which individual and collective entities are also involved with combating that "evil," and put our intention and skills at their service the best we’re able. Even then, it will still be important to expunge all the hooks of evil within ourselves, so we don’t get hooked by any external foe that objectifies our sense of "evil.”
So to some degree, regardless of what "evil entities" may or may not show up in our perceptual field, we must always be willing to examine the sources of our own suffering, and find ways to be “the better angels of our nature.” This usually means we must deal with our own lower nature first so we do not allow our misunderstandings and desires to hinder our battle with ignorance.
It's easier to put the focus on some external "evil," or "devil," than it is to stay focused in an open-hearted and open-minded approach to dealing with various problems of our lower self. It's always easier to see an external problem than to deal with one's own out-of-control desire nature or ignorance.
If we cannot be clear, firm, and compassionate with our lower self, we cannot be fully clear, firm, and compassionate to another. So any perceived “evil” from external sources needs to be examined in the light of our reaction to what is presented, and how much positivity we generate in response.
I have found that beyond all the dramas of good versus evil, we need to remember that it is always better to light one or more candles than curse the darkness. As the venerable I Ching puts it, "The best way to fight evil is to make energetic progress in the good.” Eventually the persistence of positivity creates an ability to shine a greater light on our ability to make a positive change whenever we get clear about what our greater good looks like.
We’ll continue the theme in part 2.
© Copyright 2004, 2014 by Robert Wilkinson
if something/one has enslaved humanity it is other humans and/or corporations (since they are legally humans in this country). 'We' think we are free, but have been programmed into being organic robots and are too busy working to accumulate mostly useless stuff that feeds the corporations monsters...sorry, just had to spout...
Posted by: [email protected] | August 21, 2014 at 07:57 AM
A very apt subject but Robert are you denying the existence of black magic of various kinds? it is after all a deadly force which can kill.
Posted by: Dehi | August 21, 2014 at 10:31 AM
Hi prosun - I completely agree. The system would gladly delude us into thinking we're mere millstone horses who walk in circles eating from the feed bag until they get too old.
Hi dehi - Actually glad you raised the issue. Yes, I deny the power of "black magic" to affect me in any way, shape or form. Voodoo only affects those who give it the power to do so. We are Light, we are Eternal, we are Unconditional Love, Wisdom, and Intelligence. "Black magic" could never have an effect on us.
Think about it - do you really think black magic could work against Babaji? Ammachi? Sai Baba? Ramana Maharshi? Sri Yukestwar Giri? Paramahamsas Ramakrishna or Yogananda? Do you really think black magic could kill a Master of the Wisdom, an Arhat, or Paramahamsa? If it cannot work on a realized Being, then it cannot work against us unless we buy into the illusion. To note, I've always known this. The last time a jerk tried it against me, it boomeranged on them in terrible ways. I took no pleasure in their self-destruction, but unfortunately, that's karma. Focus on Self-realization, and "black magic" will be seen as the superstition that it is.
Posted by: Robert | August 21, 2014 at 11:16 AM
If these space people are so advanced as to be able to travel here from far off galaxies, what the heck would they want with our stupid dna? I mean really, what kind of test would we pose for that kind of intelligence?
Posted by: caliban | August 21, 2014 at 01:02 PM
While i appreciate the sentiment I'm not sure about that Robert because in Islam it is noted that the Prophet Mohamed was seriously harmed by black magic. While belief is very important wearing some basic protection like an iron bracelet is fairly common in India.
Posted by: Dehi | August 21, 2014 at 01:51 PM
Hi caliban - I've actually used that line in the past. Very true! It has been said we're the juvenile delinquents of our solar system. That sounds more like ego than anything else.
Hi Dehi - Then Mohammed bought into the illusion. Or maybe those who chronicled the tale bought into it, because they lacked clear understanding about what is and what isn't. Wearing iron bracelets was addressed by Sri Yukteswar in "Autobiography of a Yogi" in the section about bangles.
For those who believe bangles have a power to prevent something, then to the extent of that belief, it is true. But enlightened Beings never give the power to a thing. God is the power, God is all that IS, and we are the God we seek. To me, a bangle has no more power to prevent bad things than someone doing "black magic" has to affect me. I will never give the illusion any more power than it deserves, which is none.
Posted by: Robert | August 21, 2014 at 02:58 PM
"If we cannot be clear, firm, and compassionate with our lower self, we cannot be fully clear, firm, and compassionate to another. So any perceived “evil” from external sources needs to be examined in the light of our reaction to what is presented, and how much positivity we generate in response.
I have found that beyond all the dramas of good versus evil, we need to remember that it is always better to light one or more candles than curse the darkness. As the venerable I Ching puts it, "The best way to fight evil is to make energetic progress in the good.” Eventually the persistence of positivity creates an ability to shine a greater light on our ability to make a positive change whenever we get clear about what our greater good looks like."
I love this post, Robert, especially the last part that I put above. This is the highest outlook, I believe, and your words are so inspiring!
I'm currently reading "Forbidden Faith" by Richard Smoley, which sheds light on the many strains of Gnosticism and dualism in early Christianity, their roots, and the "heresies", and how some of that seeped into mainstream Christianity despite the church battles. It's very interesting to analyze, and helps us to see where those beliefs that are prevalent in our culture (and many others) came from historically. Knowledge is power. It's easier to let it go once you can really see it; like understanding psychology helps to prevent getting suckered by the advertising industry. I recommend the book to everyone who is interested in looking at those beliefs within themselves that they have unconsciously absorbed.
Thank you for the light, Robert!
Posted by: Sara | August 21, 2014 at 09:08 PM
I did not mean to imply that earthlings are juvenile delinquents. Just that it takes so much physical labor and effort for us to launch a ship and motor around the solar system.
About the boogie mans, and I don't mean saturday night dancin party mans, ha ha. Anyway, those not fun boogie mans, they can creep me out so I don't commingle with them. Old catholicism programming dies hard. They weren't just tellin me about the boogie mans, turns out they are my boogie mans. Mwahaha!!
Posted by: caliban | August 22, 2014 at 02:19 PM
Hi Sara - Yes, the gnostics were heavily persecuted by the church when the powerful greedheads took over. Always good to look at the images in subconscious mind and root out the ones the undermine our higher awareness!
Hi caliban - Well, as I noted in the other stream, there is at least one Eastern Master that believes humanity are in fact the juvenile delinquents of the solar system. I figure we're not even the most intelligent or evolved beings on our own planet, so how could we ever be the most evolved in the solar system or beyond?
Posted by: Robert | August 22, 2014 at 03:28 PM
Thank you so much Robert for taking the time to edit this and put it up. If it helps one person not be afraid of "the shadows" then it is worth it. Hari Aum! Clay
Posted by: dcu | August 26, 2014 at 02:19 PM