by Robert Wilkinson
And also the Vernal Equinox down under!! The Autumnal Equinox occurs Sept 22, 2014, at 7:29 pm PDT, 10:29 pm EDT, and Sept 23, 3:29 am Greenwich daylight time, marking the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. It is said that a chart done for this point in time offers a snapshot of the cosmic and literal weather for the next 3 months.
Today is the last day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the last day of Winter in the Southern. If you’re wondering how I reconcile the seemingly opposing energies between the hemispheres, when you’re done here please take a look at The Mirroring of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere Year Cycles in Astrology. It may help readers “down under” see how the important points of seasonal change, though opposite in physical manifestation, actually have similar challenges at each point of shift.
There is an old tradition that offers us two times when "the year begins," one at the Vernal Equinox, the other at the Autumnal. Perhaps that tradition came from explorers who saw the seasons flip between the Northern and Southern, going from the beginning of warm to the beginning of cold as they moved up and down the latitudes.
This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended and what is emerging. We up North have done our Summer labor, and are reaping the harvest of what we've done and not done. In the Southern latitudes, they're beginning to plant the seeds that will grow over the next 180 days.
So if you're "down under," it's the beginning of Spring and beautiful weather. Just remember to have a little compassion for us up here when December 21-22, the Winter Solstice, rolls around and we're freezing while you're enjoying the beach!
Whether North or South, keep following through on the new roles, new initiatives, new feelings, new flow, and new ways of relating to others on more refined levels you’ve already begun to experience since Spring, since the season to come is the time to transfigure our future into more perfect forms. Regardless of where we live, what follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 13 weeks.
The charts for the Solstices and Equinoxes provide guideposts for what we can expect the following 90 days in the way of weather, both actual and symbolic. The Autumn Equinox chart shows a majority of planets in the second decan of their signs, with 3 in the first and 2 in the third decan of their signs. This indicates a three month period of activity involving a lot of emotional, social, and cultural focus, with a lesser amount of actional, physical, and material focus, and relatively little individual-mental focus.
The nights will now begin to be longer than the days for 6 months to come in the Northern Hemisphere, with lengthening days in the Southern. The Sun is now in Libra, promising enhanced and expanded relationships and social interactions. We can find new ideals, new ways of measuring and evaluating the balance in things, and new perspectives that offer us a well-rounded understanding.
Aspect Configurations and Other Important Factors in the Season to Come
The outstanding quality of this Equinox chart is the very powerful Grand Fire Trine between Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo, and Uranus in Aries, coupled with Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto occupying three points of a Great Quintile, which is an exceptionally specializing and gifting configuration! So the next 90 days should be lit up like the sky, with many unique qualities and blessings for those with planets in affected zones.
The Grand Fire Trine affects everyone with planets between 5-18 degrees of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, though of course each sign will experience it differently due to where the trine falls. As the next few weeks evolve, the Fire Trine will tighten up to the zone of 14-19 of these signs for the first half of October.
Mercury at 27 Libra is quintile Jupiter at 15 Leo, and quintile Pluto at 11 Capricorn. Jupiter is making a biquintile to Pluto. This generates 3 points of a 5 Pointed Star Pattern, which is exceptionally favorable.
The 5 zones most affected involve 8-12 Capricorn, 20-24 Pisces, 2-6 Gemini, 14-18 Leo, and 26-30 Libra. If you have a planet or angle in these zones (or even a degree or two to either side) then expect some highly specialized or unique circumstances and gifts to come your way, or see some of your gifts and special qualities come forth that will be perfect for the circumstances you’re in.
Besides these specializing aspects, we also find even more! Venus is quintile Mars and tredecile Pluto, and Saturn is biquintile Uranus. So if we figure Venus into the above configuration through its tredecile to Pluto, then we have to add the same degree spans of the opposite signs to those above, thus doubling the number of affected zones!
Because of the sheer quantity of Quintile series aspects in play, it’s safe to say the next three months will bring some extraordinary and unique events to just about everyone. So if you have a chance to cultivate a skill or gift, or find yourself in a unique situation where specialized things can happen, go for it!
Other significant aspects include Moon conjunct Venus, sextile Saturn, and triseptile Uranus, Mercury novile Mars, Sun sextile Mars and triseptile Neptune, and Jupiter quadranovile Neptune. The novile series aspects show spiritual realization and things either going up on the shelf for a while or coming down after a period up there, and the Moon sextile Saturn and Sun sextile Mars show maximum productivity between force and form, light and how plans are executed.
The Moon triseptile Uranus marks a turning point in how cooperative we can be in tapping our inner guidance and expressing our individuality so that our curiosity takes us into new ways of learning. This creates 7 zones of “fork in the road of destiny” types of energy related to wherever this triseptile transits in our charts, and any planets we may have in the hot zones, which are approximately 13-17 Aries, 4-8 Gemini, 25-29 Cancer, 16-20 Virgo, 8-12 Scorpio, 30 Sagittarius-4 Capricorn, and 21-25 Aquarius.
The other big non-rational aspect in play at this Equinox is the Sun triseptile Neptune triggering the Grand Irrationality. So it’s another season of choice and change, this time involving the Great Light and the Collective Consciousness. “Symbolic deaths” opening the door to a greater spiritual perfection and a greater group dedication are going to be in the atmosphere!
The zones most affected at this time include 10-14 Capricorn, 2-6 Pisces, 23-27 Aries, 15-19 Gemini, 6-10 Leo, 28 Virgo – 2 Libra, and 19-23 Scorpio. Even though transiting Saturn is still in the Scorpio zone and thus a part of the party, the Sun is separating from its septile to Saturn, and Saturn is separating from its septile to Pluto. So in a sense, this Equinox brings those septiles back into play.
The End of Saturn septile Pluto
This will be the last season of having Saturn septile Pluto as a driving energy to outer global events. It was an active power in the December 2013 Solstice, as well as the Spring 2014 Equinox. That’s part of why things were re-shaped so radically between December 2013 and June 2014!
We now face 90 days of the final experience of Saturn in Scorpio septile Pluto in Capricorn. Powerful forces shaping the future of the world have been set as magnetic patterns and seed structures. Still, with Moon sextile Saturn collecting the Light to bring Venus sextile Saturn back into play, overall Saturn is completely unafflicted, which should prove very nice for the next season!
I’ve already addressed the Pluto part of the equation, since it too is very beneficial in this chart with a quintile from Mercury, a tredecile from Venus, and a biquintile from Jupiter. Really, there’s no prominent afflictions to or from any planet except the usual Uranus square Pluto which is indicative of the larger general revolutionary tensions pervading our world.
So welcome to a season of productivity, gifts, unique circumstances and interactions, with turning points involving wherever we have Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Really, the lack of afflictions is pretty astounding, since that almost never happens!
Given the Moon conjunct Venus, despite the occasional worries and nitpicking that comes with Virgo, things should be pleasant and practical. Many will understand how the values and standards they decided to uphold beginning 2009 have produced something of beauty or value in their lives, as well as the ability to find the inner guidance they needed to get to where they are now.
With the exceptionally productive Moon conjunct Venus sextile Saturn, this should be a season of practical education and adjustments of our ability to use Scorpio energies in beneficial ways. This is another important step in learning how to reverse Magnetism using Scorpio energy, which is now in its end game, preparing to move into Sagittarius in late December.
The End of a Long Era of The Sun Afflicting Uranus and Pluto at the Change of Seasons
2013 ended a long era of very heavy Cardinal T-squares, and especially Pluto in early Capricorn, in the Solstice and Equinox charts. The Sun and Pluto were conjunct at Winter Solstice 2012, but were binovile at the Vernal Equinox in late March 2013. They were in wide opposition at the Summer Solstice, and the 2013 Winter Solstice conjunction was be the last aspect in this series.
Some important backstory: In December 2006, the Sun was in close conjunction with Pluto at the Galactic Center. After that point the Sun always conjuncted, squared, or opposed Pluto at the Solstices and Equinoxes. This started getting more drastic at the 2009 Summer Solstice since the Sun conjuncted Uranus (still in late Pisces), and Uranus began to square Pluto. Once Saturn in Libra joined the Sun-Pluto dance at the 2009 Autumn Equinox chart, we entered a period of very intense Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto T-squares and/or Grand Crosses until Winter Solstice 2010. Lots of articles in the archives explain it in great detail.
The Sun-Pluto hard aspects at the Solstices and Equinoxes from 2007-2013 challenged us all to find confidence in the midst of chaotic conditions, and use self-discipline and deep insights to pioneer in new directions. We’re now done with those Solstice and Equinox hard lessons, and have entered a new era of spiritual evolution.
I wrote quite a bit about the Cardinal squares and oppositions to Pluto in several Equinox and Solstice articles in past years. You can find out a lot via this article on the bigger picture involving Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto squares and oppositions between 2011-2015 as well as what everyone on Earth went through in 2009-2011. It also has internal links to other articles on each of the squares and oppositions and what they mean.
As it was composed during the T-squares of the earliest degrees, it is very relevant to what’s been triggered at these Equinox and Solstice points. At the bottom of this one, I’ve included links to two more articles that can help explain why 2009-2011 turned everyone on Earth in new directions.
Jones Pattern, Dispositors, and the Lunar Phase
The planets in this chart are in a Locomotive Jones pattern, which I explained in the recent article The Super Full Moon in Virgo-Pisces Pt. 3 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means This chart shows a wide distribution, with one or more planets across 8 signs and the tripod quality anchored by the Fire planets.
In this chart, Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception, and the final dispositors for all the other planets except Neptune in its own sign. That makes Mercury and Venus very powerful, as they form the backdrop to various energies of the other planets. Because these planets make nothing but favorable aspects, you can expect some highly productive specialization over the next 90 days.
Since Venus rules the Sun it strengthens the Sun, and facilitates a more loving approach to all life and relationships. As Venus is at 22 Virgo, the backdrop to the Light will be on finding ways to value and externalize those practical standards we’ve been living in some way since 2009.
The Balsamic Moon Lunar phase clearly indicates this season will be the end of the end, completely future oriented, and may involve some sacrifices to feed the future. Some will get visions of the future as a result of inner guidance, and everyone has the chance to value what is venerable and live it in practical ways.
With the element distribution, there should be a good balance between inspiration, practicality, interactivity, and feeling-flow. In fact, due to the extremely productive Saturn, this is a season of feeling deeply as we “part the veil” and move into unknown zones. One we know how and where to flow, then we’ll see clearly what we need to do. Act with strength, courage, conviction, imagination, and creativity!
Still, regardless of how productive and positive the coming season is, remember to continually update your perceptual files, your understanding of things, and your vision of what you want to see made manifest. Do not cling to old ideas and interpretations when a new set of glasses is needed!
So feel deeply to know what to do, and then get the new information and understanding you need before going even deeper into your experience and feel the power of the flow. Then go do whatever you need to do. Buena suerte, and Godspeed!!
Aum and blessings as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life!
For some perspective on 2014 so far, here are the past Solstice and Equinox articles.
Summer Solstice 2014 - What's Coming in July, August, and September
It's the Vernal (Spring) Equinox 2014 - What's Coming in April, May, and June
Happy Winter Solstice 2013 - Part 1
Happy Winter Solstice 2013 - Part 2
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Wow! I'm speechless...awesome info
Posted by: Elizabeth | September 21, 2014 at 06:47 PM