by Robert Wilkinson
I was reminded of this article and the passing of a member of our community.
The last time I gave this to you, I had been meditating on the recent death of a dear Spiritual Sister, Sue Moon. I went to her site and found an article I wrote years before that she thought was important enough that she posted it on her site at the time. So in her honor, today we’ll revisit some things I wrote about this larger transitional Age we all are moving through.
We have entered a long wave period of living on the edge of change like few other generations in history. There are global forces in motion affecting us all that will alter the course of destiny on every continent in ways unimaginable to our grandparents. By the time this transitional period is done, we will confront a new world, a new way of viewing matter and energy, and a new sense of the interrelatedness of life.
Due to a number of factors, both physical and metaphysical, it is evident that we've been in the heart of a 24 year rendezvous with making the history of the future as we sort through the creation, preservation, and transformation of our assumptions about matter, time, space, electricity, magnetism, life, our planet, and each other. The good news is that everything points to a much better world in the future, despite the many current vectors showing us the need to learn, adapt, and become skilled in new ways to move safely through the difficult times ahead as the old systems crumble and die.
Very often in our world, surviving is less determined by who is "the fittest" than by who is learning to "think in the future." We may be doing well in the present, but time and conditions always change, and much that we assume today will be irrelevant in the future.
It is through our ability to anticipate changes that we move toward models of sustainability that will endure despite the radical events going on around us. Collectively, this will bring forth the environmental, economic, and political solutions we so desperately need to correct the on-going wreckage of the obsolete models of war, harsh competition, and wasteful pollution that poisons our land, air and water and threatens the very existence of entire nations.
There are on-going breakthroughs in every field of study in the world. Old ideas about the environment, economics, religion, health, government, and what constitutes social sustainability are being discarded as never before. New ideas never imagined present themselves every month, sometimes as solutions to our pressing problems, sometimes a new ways of valuing things, and sometimes just the spur of necessity showing us we must adapt or face dire consequences.
While some of these ideas are "bridge forms," and not meant to endure past this transitional era, others are "seed forms" that will form the basis of things to come. Over time, many apparently separate systems will be seen in the light of synergistic, holistic understanding, and assist the development of more integrated ways of approaching the material creation.
Thanks to such things as the Internet, Quantum Mechanics, mind-body medical breakthroughs, and an ever-increasing global knowledge base showing us we are interconnected in astonishing ways, the inevitable conclusion is that millions are embracing the power found in community and shared knowledge and skills as antidotes to the avarice and separateness of the old era. Utilizing the principles of economy of energy, magnetic attraction, and synthesis, the cooperation of various beings coming together in the next decade will create a radically transformed Earth and humanity.
Now is the only time there is. Now is the only time to learn, to know, to dare, to embrace, and to break free of the inertia of the past. Now is the time to prepare for what is, and what is coming.
By moving beyond old assumptions and limitations, we can recognize and accept a greater wisdom, intelligence, and effectiveness, and find our community within which we can live well and contribute our gifts to our world. As we move through this heart of "the Winter of the 21st Century," this is the joyous challenge.
We only have about 1600 days to go before it will be evident that we're all living a radically transformed reality that is the beginning of a 2100 year era where we will remember more about the nature of the electromagnetic creation than we can currently imagine. Enjoy the ride!!
ps – While we’re on the topic, I just rediscovered the files for a book I wrote years ago about the 21st century titled “Age in Transition.” At first glance, it’s still spot on, so after some rewriting, I'll publish it as an ebook!
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Nice tribute to Sue Moon.
1600 days. Often, I feel the presence of the future to come.
I wish you best success publishing your next ebook.
Posted by: Jason Powers | September 25, 2014 at 04:43 PM
While it is sometimes a headache, I really do grok the 'joyous challenge.' Meeting the challenge is what gets me through some days. Happy we are all finally ready for your new book. :) Timing timing timing.
Posted by: caliban | September 27, 2014 at 07:15 AM