The Maestro behind the Four Seasons just died. There from the beginning, he and writing partner Bob Gaudio cranked out dozens of top ten hits in the 60s. Bob Crewe also had a brilliant career before and after the Four Seasons, so we all owe him a lot. I'll try to find time to compose a tribute soon.
Mars leaves its home sign of Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on Saturday, Sept 13, at 2:57 pm PDT, 10:57 pm BST. This marks the third of four important stops Mars makes in 2014, and promises that much that has moved slowly will begin to flame on!
Today we get the final one of these for the season! Having already experienced Mercury and the Sun opposed to Neptune while also quintile Saturn, this one should show us how the third time’s the charm!
This distributive, explosive, and regenerative "Super" Full Moon at 17 Virgo-Pisces helps us blow old repressions up and out, freeing us for a social rebirth. This is protective, productive, frictional, and blesses us to flow down the time stream with forgiveness and compassion.
It seems “levels of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rose at a record-shattering pace last year,” which has led climate scientists to believe that there is “a diminishing ability of the world’s oceans and plant life to soak up the excess carbon put into the atmosphere by humans.”
This distributing, explosive, loving, and forgiving Super Full Moon showing us how to blow out stagnant psychic material and find a more practical imagination falls at the 17th degree of Pisces-Virgo. This is about an “educational experiment” in learning to focus power in actions, where repressed contents in our subconscious minds must be released so we can become whole.
This practical, distributive, explosive Full Moon will show us the light of an explosive regeneration educating us in a form of action, and express as a form of compassion, forgiveness, and rebirth at the end of a cycle. For those who get to see it at sunset, it's going to be huge!!
Given the current atmosphere, I thought it was time to revisit the subject of attracting others of like mind and heart so we can know who our community really is.
Now that Mercury has entered Libra and Venus is entering Virgo at 10:07 am PDT Sept 5, they are in mutual reception and therefore powerful backdrops to what’s happening in the sky.
A while ago I was asked to explain what I meant by the title statement. I explained what it means to all of us, and why we really cannot take suffering personally, or even hold on to things that were difficult in our past or could be difficult in our future. If you’re interested, read on.
It seems that I just keep learning more and more about the Art and Science of Astrology! Today we explore the Kite pattern that has been termed “The Hammer of Thor.”
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