Yes, the past 72 hours has seen the passing of 3 giants of our time. The first offered that our prayers and thoughtforms matter, as does our attitude toward water; the second made sure the story of Nixon's perfidy got told; and the third had and set a lot of celebrity styles. RIP gentlemen.
I came across Dr Masaru Emoto's Research on water only recently. I consider it very interesting, regarding its implications. I have studied a lot about it and used material from his Research, classical music affecting water - the substance of our body - with healing effects. Plus some other kind of water applications. I have found Dr Emoto's work really effective. I feel reallyy privileged to have got to know this spiritual consciousness teacher's work.
Posted by: Kate Minogianni | October 22, 2014 at 01:32 PM
Thank you Dr. Emoto for all your ground breaking work. Thank you Ben Bradlee for having the kahunas to do the right thing when it really mattered.
Posted by: Clay Uptain | October 22, 2014 at 02:24 PM
Ben Bradlee. Elegant, eloquent and one of the last of his class. In more ways than one. We all moved up a notch.
Posted by: peggy | October 22, 2014 at 04:19 PM