by Robert Wilkinson
Over the next 11 days we are in for many changes and a wild ride! Expect aftershocks of the Great Fracturing of the Spring of 2014!
First in our sequence of celestial events, we have Mercury leaving Libra and entering Scorpio on November 8, 3:08 pm PST, 11:08 Greenwich, preparing to leave the shadow zone of its recent retrograde period on Nov 10-11. That completes the retrograde direct effect, and from there we launch into 4 months with the Mercury retrograde effect in the background.
In terms of transit to transit aspects, from now through November 17 we have several different and important events happening. We have Venus square Jupiter and conjunct Saturn through November 13, the Sun square Jupiter through November 14, Mars conjunct Pluto and square Uranus through November 15, and Mercury trine Neptune and sextile Pluto for the third time November 11-17.
All of these are in play simultaneously, and represent an interesting mix of building and releasing, understanding and either turning corners or putting the brakes on something. They are all forming as you read this, so we’re already experiencing effects related to these aspects.
Since the squares and conjunctions involve Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, it’s obvious some heavy completions, renewals, and turning points will be evident wherever these fall in our charts. It will impact planets and houses in our charts with Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, and thus 2/3 of our reality! I can’t really elaborate on how it will impact individual charts, but keep in mind that some things are emerging, some things are fulfilling, and some things are ending with new beginnings in our Scorpio and Capricorn sectors.
Generically, squares from Scorpio to Leo require the expression of the good traits of Taurus and Aquarius. Keep it simple, enjoyable, detached, friendly, and big picture. Square from Capricorn to Aries require the expression of the good traits of Cancer and Libra. Play it safe, moderate, keep a sense of balance and perspective, and be as diplomatic and reasonable as you can. At least we got to practice good Cancer and Libra skills these past several years, so they shouldn’t be unfamiliar by now.
On a related note, just after Mars conjuncts Pluto it makes a septile to Neptune, setting the Grand Irrationality into motion. I promise to write an update soon on this important configuration that’s been in play globally for over 20 years. Expect important turning points in global affairs, with some very intense energy building around the time of the conjunction and then cutting loose at the square to Uranus, since the septile to Neptune is also exact.
Of importance is that the Mars at 14 Capricorn square to Uranus at 14 Aries falls exactly where the Great Fracturing of April 2014 took place. Please consult the archives to learn more about that dynamic frictional configuration that fractured a lot all over the world between March and June 2014. During this square we should see events related to whatever fell apart back then.
We will also see general themes for the year, since 14 Capricorn is where Pluto went stationary retrograde at the time of the Great Fracturing. Also, we will get clear indicators for what will become “illuminated” or powered-up in 2015, since there’s a Sun conjunct Pluto at 14 Capricorn on January 3-4 which will set the new Sun/Pluto year cycle into motion around the themes of that degree. Time for a “valid historical perspective,” letting go of non-essentials and getting clear about what images are permanently relevant to our life narrative.
Mercury trine Neptune should make our “feeling-knowing” clear as a bell, since it links individual mind to collective consciousness. While it may or may not be harmonious, at least we’ll be clear about the bigger picture! The voids make for understandable karmic adjustments, and for some, it will be a time to curb recklessness, while others will come to understand their obligations to society have a bearing on their obligations to themselves.
The sextile to Pluto shows we can get to the heart of any matter, and see clearly the structural strengths and weaknesses of view and information. Great for accurate research and detective work! This sextile and trine makes for harmony and understanding for any planets we have in the early degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. Just keep in mind that Mars’ volatility is going to stir things up for those with planets in early Cancer and Capricorn, so stay balanced, keep a sense of perspective and proportion, and be as moderate as possible if you’re encountering extreme situations and people.
At 11:06 pm PST November 15, 7:06 am November 16, Neptune goes stationary direct at 5 Pisces, resuming its direct motion. When the outer planets go stationary retrograde or direct, it marks collective “sea changes” that affect everyone on Earth. Neptune represents collective consciousness, and the degree is one of “mastering discouragement” and an “interchange of spirit and understanding on which groups are built,” as well as “new self-development.” Collectively we’re moving into a new era, where we will get to fit in with the new dedication we’ve been following since last May-June.
At the end of this run of celestial events, Venus will leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius at 11:04 am PST, 7:04 pm Greenwich, on November 16. This will shift the quality of our experience of planets and angles we have in Taurus and Libra in our charts, and at that point, Venus is no longer disposited by Mars in Capricorn and begins to be disposited by Jupiter in Leo. Big shift in the energy of how Venus expresses in the world!
The entry of Venus into Sagittarius also marks the beginning of the inner planet transits to the tracks Mars first laid down in the last half of September. Whatever trails Mars blazed in each of our lives between mid-September and late October are about to be traversed by Venus, and then the Sun, and then Mercury, between now and the end of December. Expect to be propelled into the future by events that will probably be (or seem to be) somewhat fast-paced!
That’s all for now!
Copyright © 2014 Robert Wilkinson
And, the dance is on!
Posted by: Nic | November 07, 2014 at 04:55 AM
I love it. And holy moly looks like I'm getting a sun conjunct Pluto transit on my natal sun for my solar return chart next year. Yikes. Always a new challenge isn't there.
Posted by: Phoebe | November 07, 2014 at 08:02 AM
Powerful Robert...This time I'm taking the seat belt off :)
Posted by: Linda | November 07, 2014 at 07:26 PM
..and, I wonder how I'm still alive, with my natal Sun, North Node and Uranus in 25, 21 and 4 Scorpio respectively iron-pressed by transiting Saturn+Venus+Sun, and transiting Uranus tripping back and forth with its Capricorn-bound squares over my Jupiter in 15 Aries.. could be the press is eased by my airy Ascendant in 5 Aquarius, Neptune in 10 Sagittarius, and Saturn in 2 Leo, as they "gently" nudge to pay the dues to the Higher Self... and my Mars in 1 Cancer, as well as Venus and Pluto in 9 and 10 Libra respectively add up to the encouragement :) ... and my Moon in 19 Taurus says "hi" to the full moon of November 6th :) Thank you so much for your detailed write-ups, Robert. They help navigate in those stormy waters and fires.
Posted by: Olga | November 09, 2014 at 09:39 AM
.. oh, and how could I forget to mention that my natal fast-winged Mercury is having fun in 19 Scorpio :)
Posted by: Olga | November 09, 2014 at 09:41 AM
Briz is in lock-down for the G20 meeting starting on Friday - is the timing of this beneficial for the world Robert?
Posted by: Ann | November 10, 2014 at 04:54 PM
Hi all - Yes, it's a fairly intense time. At least Mercury trine Neptune allows us clarity if we've tuned our mechanism the past year and a half.
Various G 20 meetings go on all week. Sat Nov 15, the official opening of the final Summit, features a forming Moon in Leo square Venus in Scorpio with Neptune going stationary direct.
The chart of the opening shows the Moon is separating from the conjunction to Jupiter and past the squares to Sun and Saturn, along with Jupiter not quite getting to the square to Saturn this go around. That would indicate the fundamental financial macro-issue in our world is symbolized by the square between Leo and Scorpio, with results to show Summer 2016 when Jupiter at the end of Leo squares Saturn in late Scorpio next July and August. The separating aspects show the system is already dealing with sand in its gears.
ps - the friction between Fire and Water creates a lot of release of power. This time is both inspired and deep, and shows us the eternal relationship between fire and ice.
Posted by: Robert | November 11, 2014 at 10:55 AM
Thank you Robert. The G20 people are certainly going to feel the heat. The forecast is for a hot weekend here - 36c on the Saturday - perfect temperature for talks on climate change.
Posted by: Ann | November 11, 2014 at 01:08 PM
” letting go of non-essentials and getting clear about what images are permanently relevant to our life narrative."
Thank you Robert as always.
14 degree Capricorn is dominated in my chart, I have Natal Saturn @ 14 , now Progresses Sun Mercury and Jupiter are all at 14 Cap with Transit Pluto and Sun Coming this December sure changing my foundation all trine my NN at 13 Virgo. I hope this will be the last lesson I needed to pass. As a Scorpio Sun native being reborn is natural but hoping to have a stopping point somewhere sometime in my life even phoenix needs a break.
Posted by: Mina | November 13, 2014 at 07:13 PM