by Robert Wilkinson
As I told you a week ago in the article Astrology in November 2014 – Mercury and Venus Sign Changes With Mars Heating Things Up! we’ve had an extraordinary number of celestial events happening! And yes, they continue. Today we pick up the trail...
These are aftershocks of the Great Fracturing of the Northern Hemispheric Spring (Southern Hemispheric Autumn) of 2014, the first turning and/or correction point to everything we learned via Mars retrograde in Libra opposing Uranus and squaring Jupiter and Pluto. Squares bring challenge, friction, release, and either braking actions or turning corners. Oppositions bring well, opposition. That can mean holistic awareness as well as that which directly opposes you.
The sequence of celestial events began with Mercury leaving Libra and entering Scorpio on Nov 8, after which it left its shadow zone of its recent retrograde period on Nov 10-11. That completed the retrograde direct effect, and now we’re into 4 months with the Mercury retrograde effect in the background.
Venus squared Jupiter and conjuncted Saturn in the past week, the Sun squared Jupiter, and Mars conjuncted Pluto and squared Uranus! Wow. At least Mercury provided us support, clarity, and the ability to get things done in a coordinated way via its third and final trine to Neptune and sextile to Pluto.
As I told you in the linked article up top, since the squares and conjunctions involve Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, it’s obvious some heavy completions, renewals, and turning points will be evident wherever these fall in our charts. It will impact planets and houses in our charts with Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, and thus 2/3 of our reality! Keep in mind that some things are emerging, some things are fulfilling, and some things are ending with new beginnings in our Scorpio and Capricorn sectors.
It’s impacted my life in some very critical areas, and I’ve spent the past week putting out a metaphoric mega-forest fire that I dared not ignore. I’ve also come to some more-or-less “final” decisions about what I want to do in the emerging season, and what I just don’t want to do any more. The Scorpio energy has given me a depth experience of a new magnetism that I must learn to direct in the best way.
Due to the Fixed squares, we’ve had to keep it simple, enjoyable, detached, friendly, and big picture. The Cardinal squares required playing it safe, moderate, diplomatic, reasonable, and staying balanced with a sense of perspective.
Mars conjunct Pluto and square Uranus triggered BOTH the Grand Irrationality and the aftershocks of the Great Fracturing of the Northern Spring/Southern Autumn of 2014. And yes, that Grand Cardinal Cross zone of influence definitely impacts my chart in a huge way! In putting out the extreme conditions I had to deal with, the past week has definitely set forces shaping my future destiny into motion, and required discipline, focused concentration, attention to details, planned activity, and proactive organized practicality.
Mercury trine Neptune helped us get clear about things very quickly, and the ability to practice our “feeling-knowing” led me to be clear as a bell about the bigger picture! I certainly had a huge karmic adjustment where I got to take control of something that should never have gotten out of hand to begin with. It definitely dealt with “social obligations” in my life and others’ lives.
Today we have Neptune going stationary direct at 11:06 pm PST November 15, 7:06 am November 16 at 5 Pisces, resuming its direct motion. As I’ve noted, when the outer planets go stationary retrograde or direct, it marks collective “sea changes” that affect everyone on Earth. Neptune represents collective consciousness, and the degree is one of “mastering discouragement” and an “interchange of spirit and understanding on which groups are built,” as well as “new self-development.” Collectively we’re moving into a new era, where we will get to fit in with the new dedication we’ve been following since last May-June.
Mercury sextile Pluto is exact on Sunday Nov 16. This has given us the ability to practice getting to the heart of any matter, and seeing clearly the structural strengths and weaknesses of view and information. Great for accurate research and detective work! This aspect helped me immeasurably in what I was dealing with!
This sextile, coupled with the trine to Neptune, has made for some degree of harmony and understanding for any planets we have in the early degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. The volatility was generated by Mars stirring things up for those with planets in early Cancer and Capricorn. As I told you earlier, it’s been a real testing time to stay balanced, keep a sense of perspective and proportion, and be as moderate as possible if you’re encountering extreme situations and people.
On Sunday, Nov 16, we end of this run of celestial events as Venus leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius at 11:04 am PST, 7:04 pm Greenwich. This will shift the quality of our experience of planets and angles we have in Taurus and Libra in our charts, and at that point, Venus is no longer disposited by Mars in Capricorn and begins to be disposited by Jupiter in Leo. Big shift in the energy of how Venus expresses in the world!
As I told you, the entry of Venus into Sagittarius also marks the beginning of the inner planet transits to the tracks Mars first laid down in the last half of September. Whatever trails Mars blazed in each of our lives between mid-September and late October are about to be traversed by Venus, and then the Sun, and then Mercury, between now and the end of December. Expect to be propelled into the future by events that will probably be (or seem to be) somewhat fast-paced!
After these, through Saturday, Nov 22, we have Sun conjunct Saturn, Venus square Neptune, and Mercury sextile Mars. Then on November 22, 1:38 am PST, 9:38 am Greenwich, there’s a New Moon at 1 Sagittarius. As it features Mercury square Jupiter and conjunct Saturn, you can bet the end of November and early December will bring finality to some issues related to the squares between Leo and Scorpio set into motion this past week. As the Lunation also waning squares Neptune and shows Venus trine Uranus, it’s both culminative AND anticipatory!
So from here we go on, into some great fire trines from Sagittarius to Uranus in Aries and then Jupiter in Leo! As the inner planets move through early Sag, they square Neptune while beginning the trine to Uranus. And soon after, they’ll quintile Neptune while trine Jupiter. That should make for some exquisite and unique experiences!
And that’s the Cosmic Weather between now and the beginning of December.
Copyright © 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Well ... That's going to keep me busy. When you say end of spring I assume you're referring to northern hemisphere?dont forget us down under people. Youre more famous and well read than you know. This sounds hectic! Thank your for the weather. :)
Posted by: Phoebe | November 15, 2014 at 10:01 AM
Thanks, Robert, for the interim update! I needed a reminder about the difficulties of this past week, and an encouragement to keep truckin'. Knowing Sag is on the horizon puts air in my balloon.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | November 15, 2014 at 10:36 AM
Hi Phoebe - Already corrected. Would not want my friends down under to feel neglected!
Hi Jo - Yes, the past week was a gigantic mess for me. Didn't want it, didn't need it, didn't ask for it, didn't volunteer to be part of it, but wound up having to deal with it immediately over about a 48 hour span.
Posted by: Robert | November 15, 2014 at 10:59 AM
Robert, thank you for this message of encouragement during a time that's been a morass of frustrations and challenges. Sharing your personal experience of this time is especially validating as it's good to remember we're not alone in this.
Much appreciation!
Posted by: Valerie | November 15, 2014 at 11:33 AM
Robert. This had to be one of the worst weeks on record for me and with almost everyone I know talk about the dark night of the soul. I don't know how I did it but I do think listening to your reading that you gave me last August really many of my friends had a similar week can you explain it a little more like just what happened? Thank you grateful for your information.
Posted by: peggy | November 15, 2014 at 09:46 PM
Thank you for sharing your tumult.I guess even knowing that the energies are wild and woolly doesn't prevent the events from happening.Neptune is stationary on my natal Sun and Moon(6 and 7 Pisces), and hovering trine my natal Neptune(9 Scorpio).I've tried studying what that might mean, but I've no clue. I'll just keep swimming. Peace Robert.
Light and Laughter,
Posted by: Veronica Norman | November 15, 2014 at 09:59 PM
I have been AWOL for a couple of months now and it has been productive although quite a needed alone time. With natal chiron at 5 pisces opposing natal pluto in virgo, am more than happy to be feeling the disorientation as neptune moves forward again, feel like Noah in the ark, very fortunate place to be, however, rainbows and dry land are well received now, thank you very much :) I have moon at 14 Libra sooo its been a challenge from the uranus opposition and now of course lord pluto is moving towards squaring it, fortunately I will be out of this cave and able to dodge it at least a little with my chart ruler free flowing through sagittarius, at least that is my hope, I am really ready to come out and play now.
Posted by: debbie | November 16, 2014 at 01:06 AM
Dear Robert, thank you for your good work as always!!
Posted by: Ilse | November 16, 2014 at 02:00 AM
Hi Valerie - I wondered if sharing some of my own challenges would illustrate just how impossible the past week has been. Glad to see that it has.
Hi Peggy - I've pretty much explained it in as much detail as I care to. Suffice it to say it's been a disaster that has required ALL my time and energy just to stanch the avalanche. The astrological explanations were in greater depth in the linked article at the top.
Hi Veronica - Yes, even though we know what's happening, we still have to live it. We can know a wild ride when we get locked into the roller coaster car, but that's not the same as actually taking the ride! Neptune on your lights can give you illumination as to where the collective is at, as well as a significant form with which you can express a greater ideal. You're totally wired into the collective, and your intuition should be sky high. Just stay clear about your role to play, and don't get lost in unrealistic ideals (unlikely since Pluto has been sextile your lights for several years before now).
Hi debbie - Welcome back! Uranus opposition your Moon is liberating you to feel what you need to on your own terms. And don't underestimate Jupiter in Leo's long term benefit to your Moon. Pluto square your Moon shows you clearly need to focus on larger effective expression, don't look to others to find what you need to care for yourself, and move into larger humanitarian or reform efforts where your personality gifts and skills can have a purposeful, recognized, and valuable expression.
Hi Ilse - You're most welcome as always!!
Posted by: Robert | November 16, 2014 at 07:47 AM
Very tough week and year for me also. I'm really looking forward to Saturn getting out of my sixth house! Sending you gratitude and much hope for brighter days ahead.
Posted by: Lainie | November 16, 2014 at 12:08 PM
Robert, thank you for the valuable information on these celestial storms. I am very glad you took an authorative control over your own personal situation.I know you did not want to or ask for it but. I am glad you handled it.lam sure you did so with great dignity because you are such a lovely soul. Congratulations for making your truth known where you needed to. I commend you for your strength. I sincerely hope you find smoother sailing in the days ahead, you certainly deserve a breather. Wishing you joy and love.
Posted by: ellen | November 16, 2014 at 09:48 PM
It’s actually a nice and helpful piece of information. I am satisfied that you simply shared this useful information with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Isads Jaipur | November 17, 2014 at 10:44 PM
Robert, it's the words you've given us and this past week - when I've faced what seemed insurmountable odds for a while - one word got me through: Indomitability. I am now in awe of just how that one word can clear things. Perseverance and Patience were also good companions. Thank you.
Posted by: Ann | November 18, 2014 at 03:05 AM
Thanks for the up date and follow thorough of what has and is happening. I can testify that things are as you have read the skies. An interesting ride, often sunken in grey but needing to sail on regardless. Much will be understood with hindsight as it often happens. For now, sailing along, careful with the "Mermaid songs" and using patients and diligence and discrimination to build the new as the old fades away.
Sometimes progress on the making can show a "grey" face.
Blessings be to all,
Posted by: Nic | November 18, 2014 at 08:10 AM