by Robert Wilkinson
As we navigate the heart of the Uranus square Pluto storm and finish the fire trines to Jupiter, we’re headed for next Sunday’s Winter Solstice New Moon at 1 Capricorn!
Yes, we now say a fond farewell to the various trines from Sagittarius to Leo which should have brightened the past weeks and given us a sense of movement wherever the trines fell in our charts. Though there have been some rough aspects due to the various squares and crosses made in both Cardinal and Fixed signs, these should have helped us turn various corners and break free of old patterns.
Because Uranus exactly squares Pluto today (Sun, Dec 14) at 10:14 pm PST, Dec 15 at 6:14 am Greenwich, you may be excused if you feel a bit out there! We are in the heart of the storm, akin to the eye of the hurricane.
As one who experienced being literally in the eye of a hurricane as it passed over my childhood home, there is an eerie calm when you’re in the eye. The barometric pressure drops, and it’s the weirdest “calm” you will ever experience. It begins with house rattling intensity that builds as the eye gets closer, then there is period of spooky “calm,” followed by a quick intensification of every beam rattling again as the eye passes and you’re in the heart of the storm swirl!
That’s where we are now. Because it’s being triggered by planets in Capricorn, let’s take a look at how this could be playing out in the public sector.
I note that the powers that be are even now making a bold grab to have the US taxpayers again held responsible for bailing out the banksters playing casino with our bank deposits, which of course will happen. Another “Great Recession” is on the way, now that the banksters get to play with taxpayer money and will not be held responsible.
This is the next intensification of the destructive forces that are forcing us all to transform in radical ways. As I’ve told you before, because it involves Uranus and Pluto, it’s not like much of this is under our personal control. We barely “control” our responses to things more or less under our control, those things within the realm of Saturn.
These forces of chaos and transformation are global, and so we can merely do the best we’re able using our ability to BE the most productive Uranus and Pluto responses we can be. However, if we keep responding as best we can during the time this is in play, eventually we’ll become “the corrective force of Nature Herself” and find ourselves skillfully “doing our Being” in the midst of chaotic conditions.
During this Old Moon before the New Moon Solstice, bring things to completion as best you can. See the forming Venus conjunct Pluto square Uranus as giving an opportunity to clean out toxic inner and outer relationships.
This of course is related to the challenge of self transcendence and the Great Fracturing of the first half of 2014. Also, merging past and future transformational energies, this is the first of the new Pluto year cycles set into motion as the inner planets conjunct Pluto. And there’s a lot of power in this Old Moon period, even if some things are rapidly waning in the midst of the storm.
I have lots of articles that will post over the next few weeks all related to the season. As you navigate this last week before the coming Solstice, take stock of what you’ve accomplished since this time last year, finish up what needs finishing, feel gratitude for the visions and truths you’ve been shown, and get ready for a new expression of Galactic Center energy! (Yes, I’ll explain more in the coming Solstice articles!)
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
another recession??? did i miss something?
Posted by: jon reddish | December 14, 2014 at 10:09 PM
Thanks for the heads-up Robert. Looks like we're headed for choppy waters - perhaps best navigated from a boat without oars.
Posted by: Zephyr | December 15, 2014 at 01:48 AM
Hi Jon -Don't know. Were you around 2008-2012? It was pretty bad globally in 2008-2009 with frozen credit markets, stock markets losing thousands, the insurance industry on the edge of total collapse, and the job sector losing a half million a month. The exact scenario Dodd-Frank was supposed to prevent from ever happening again, and the legislation that just passed Congress sets it up so taxpayers are again on the hook to back exotic financial instrument trades. And now even more money can be donated from virtually any source to any candidate! The banksters just got a huge Christmas present courtesy of the taxpayers.
Hi Zephyr - I wish I could just say steer to safe harbor, but this one is a wild ride! Again, it may not play out on a micro level immediately (since Uranus and Pluto are global influences), but it's certainly playing out on a macro level, which is where Uranus and Pluto operate.
Posted by: Robert | December 15, 2014 at 06:24 AM
ah yes, i was taking a break from the news, but i see your point now... perhaps this falling oil prices will surely dice up global markets... on top of what you pointed out.. ((fastening seatbelt))
Posted by: jon reddish | December 15, 2014 at 09:34 AM
Hi jon - Yes, it's also interesting that the past few weeks have seen the collapse of the "peak oil" scam that has kept prices artificially high for more than a few years. A quick look shows the price of oil peaked a few bucks over $100/bbl in June (Mars opposed Uranus, Saturn quincunx Uranus).
By August the price had slipped below $100. (Jupiter in Leo biseptile Saturn in Scorpio, the sign that rules oil.) Add Jupiter triseptile Pluto, and we see the Grand Irrationality was in direct focus, indicating global shifts and long range changes. Since that time, the price of oil has been sliding down a ski slope, and it seems may go even lower than it is now.
Of course, that's great news for consumers around the world. But it is a play by the big oil producers to drive down the price so low that is squeezes out other producers, like the frackers. Which is also a very good thing!!
Posted by: Robert | December 15, 2014 at 10:13 AM
[Ed: I had to edit this comment for needless snark. On this site we treat each other with respect and don't take cheap shots. If there are any questions, please consult the guidelines for commenting. I also don't know why this would be posted in this article, except that it could be correlated with Uranus square Pluto.]
This brief piece is the newest on something that will affect every country on Earth. The Chair of the Department of Geological Sciences at the U Miami in Coral Gables and the science committee for the Miami-Dade Climate Change Advisory Task Force just issued a statement about ocean rise. From this past Sunday courtesy of the CBC, Coastal Florida and Miami are doomed says scientist Harold Wanless
Posted by: Sabina | December 15, 2014 at 10:56 PM
Hi all - Following up on the previous comment, if you want to know more about this on-going phenomenon that will affect every nation on Earth, and most immediately low lying islands and coastal areas, please take a new look at this article from 2011, South Florida Underwater - An Inevitability and this 2012 article, Studies Confirm that Sea Levels Are Rising Globally Putting Coasts at Risk. Both of these articles go into more depth than the CBC article about what is actually happening. The reason I posted that CBC link is that it is a brief statement made by the lead scientist at Miami-Dade echoing the 2011 and 2012 studies.
Posted by: Robert | December 16, 2014 at 09:32 AM
Thank You...Enlightening indeed
Posted by: Tanvi | December 17, 2014 at 07:49 AM
And...., there we are Pakistan, Australia, Reports on the CIA, Wow! to say the least. Also, on a more positive sign; Palestinian moves to be recognized as a State and the peace process is taking a different course (for the better I hope). A lot of motion every where. Looks like First Ray energies are getting busier in the destruction and construction of this world. The New Moon energies are playing to that tune too.
Blessings be to all
Posted by: Nic | December 17, 2014 at 09:20 AM