by Robert Wilkinson
Checking in with the astrology of what’s happening during this holyday season, we find that between the squares, there’s a great run of lunar aspects for the week to come. Things should be pretty good as we rock on down to the Western world's New Year's Eve and Day!
The bigger picture, as noted in recent Capricorn New Moon and Solstice articles, are the squares from transits in Capricorn to Uranus in Aries. We’ve begun a new Plutonic year, with the next set of seeds to sprout January 3 when the Sun illuminates the best “Light” of Pluto as it culminates an old Uranus cycle. Venus was herald this year, with Mercury doing coordination work just after the Solstice. Perhaps a new appreciation of Pluto, leading to understanding and then action?
These squares provide us a lot of power to turn corners, put the brakes on old erratic behaviors and attitudes, and move from an old impulsive willfulness to new focused practical activities. Because it continues the agitation of the sector of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn that was the focus of the Great Fracturing of January through June 2014 (more here), these changes are related to those passages. We’re learning radical transcendence through creative imagination, strength, and flexibility, leading us to illumination through relaxing into a more natural rhythm between work and rest, and timeless truths about the relationship of creativity and play.
While all this is going on, so are a run of fantastic Lunar aspects for the next 6 days! We now have the Moon in Pisces making great sextiles to planets in Capricorn, culminating in quintiles, a sextile, and a trine on Fri-Sat PST/EST Dec 26-27. After that, the future-oriented focus of the Moon in Aries on Sun-Mon PST/EST Dec 28-29 accents the tension between Aries and Capricorn. The Jan 29 Moon in Aries trines Jupiter, followed by the Moon in Taurus on Dec 30-31 making very favorable tredeciles and trines to the planets in Capricorn.
Usually we’re quite affected by the Lunar “tides” shown by the transiting Moon. With this string of great aspects, we should be able to get a lot done and find a harmonious groove to move into a more stable understanding in our lives. Just remember to pull it in a little and show some reasonable restraint on New Year’s Eve if you live between PST and EET since the Moon in Taurus will pull the Mars opposition Jupiter into a very tight T-square with Scorpio the void. (This happens New Year's Day morning for points east of IST.)
That should help us get focused of what we learned in 2014 about how to manage Saturn in Scorpio energy in our lives. Learning patience and maturity through loss, magnetic malfunctions, stuck feelings, and corrosive people has not been easy, but it’s safe to say we’ve learned how to manage problematic Scorpio energies along the way. We’re now ready to take what has been bound in Scorpio and cut loose in Sagittarius!
During New Year’s Eve and Day, say goodbye to an old way of being bound, don’t hold on, and show grace when your emotional intelligence shows you it’s time to “let go, let G*d.” Also, when the Moon enters Gemini on Jan 1, it makes an opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius and square to Neptune in Pisces, creating a powerful mutable T-square with a void in Virgo. If something comes up, it’s showing ways to release power that will yield huge results and a greater future this August, September, and October.
Please keep in mind that Mars opposition Jupiter with the Lunar fixed and mutable T-squares can make for some pretty extreme conditions, so if things look like they might spin out of control or are getting overblown, dial it back a little, show restraint, and forgo the extra drink! The opposition of Mars to Jupiter can lead to exuberance, grand visions, and inflated expectations, but also the surfacing of new group work dedicated to a greater progressive future requiring good management skills.
This aspect makes for doing things in a big way, with grandeur and optimism. So New Year's Eve, Day, and weekend, show restraint where appropriate, and move into a bigger, wider future. Where the plan is solid, the possibilities are virtually limitless. And they will spring forward pretty quickly between January and April!
In the meantime, enjoy the music!
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Woohoo!!!!!! Bring it on!! Awful solar return chart. This is great! I'm gonna have Venus at 29 degrees capricorn on my birthday. Can't bloody wait! Merry Xmas Robert x thank you for all your amazing posts. You rock x
Posted by: Phoebe | December 26, 2014 at 04:59 PM
I meant to say 2014 was awful in terms of solar return :)
Posted by: Phoebe | December 26, 2014 at 05:00 PM
Oh dear, I keep reading mars opp jupiter. I got that natally by a few degrees. I wonder if that transit is nudging some of this stuff home too. And I do have fixed squaring in my chart as well. Not lunar, but still. Extreme by comparison or so I've been told. Even though I've been told I've been through more than most, I always just thought it was normal. :D Maybe those tellers had something there. :D Dialing it back, that's good. Why ask for trouble. Just because someone else can get away with it, doesn't mean I can. Oh well, at least I grew a conscience.
Posted by: caliban | December 27, 2014 at 09:06 AM
Great information to plan and enjoy the festive season and the crossing into the New 2015.
Blessings to all in 2015!
Posted by: Nic | December 30, 2014 at 03:30 AM
Posted by: Jenny Alice | December 31, 2014 at 03:38 AM