by Robert Wilkinson
This distributive, opening, inspiring, and mobilizing Full Moon showing us greater truths and more optimistic possibilities falls at the 15th degree of Sagittarius and Gemini. This is the power of a greater freedom to quest toward future potential by expressing our skills and how we’ve trained. Tenderness will yield extraordinary results.
At a Full Moon, that which has opened since the previous New Moon surfaces in a public form, and heads toward the culmination and fruition symbolized by the second half of any cycle. First half, birth into form and field. Second half, culmination and completion of the purpose of that cycle.
That’s why it’s important to regard the New and Full Moon charts as “God’s Footprints in Time,” since one follows the other in an unending sequence of births of newer and newer seeds. The New Moons show us the seeds that will flourish under the reflected light of the Full Moon.
Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. This particular Lunation has one other forming opposition, that being Moon opposed Venus.
As Venus is a personality planet opposing the Moon, we can use Venus (social feelings and sense of value and relatedness) to express the Moon (personal feelings and a sense of security) and vice versa. So while there will be polarization, we can also come to a transfiguration by asserting the deeper parts of our personalities in straightforward ways so we are not taken for granted or as irrelevant to what’s going on.
Dispositors - What's the Backdrop to the Energies?
The Moon in Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and the Sun in Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter in worldly affairs and Neptune in spiritual matters. This makes the Air and Fire elements strong in how the Moon expresses itself, while the Fire and Water elements predominate as the backdrop to the Sun.
In this chart, in worldly affairs all of the planets are ruled by 4 planets in two mutual receptions. We have Mars in Aquarius and Saturn in Scorpio, as well as Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo, which are in an extremely powerful forming trine. Both of these pairs are in mutual reception, since they occupy each other’s home sign. This is a very strengthening and self-reinforcing energy loop that makes them the final dispositors for all the other planets except Neptune in Pisces, which is its own final dispositor.
That makes these planetary powerhouses the primary directors behind the scenes in this chart. You can find more about dispositors by going to Astrology Class – What Is A Dispositor and What Is Mutual Reception Between Two Planets?
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon
This Full Moon falls at 15 Sagittarius-Gemini. It is said that the second third (decan) of any sign deals with the emotional, social, and cultural levels of life, and being the second decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Aries and Libra.
Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take. Though I’ve given you a sense of what this is about up to now, here’s where we go into detail.
The Solar degree symbol for the 15th degree of Sagittarius is “The ground hog looking for its shadow.” In the original Jones class notes, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “Revelation of basic life purposes and cycles through omens,” “universal patterning of life relationship,” and “Keen divination.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree symbolizes “The value in anticipating new turns of events and ascertaining future prospects.” He says this is a degree of planning “with an eye on probable future developments” based in past cycles and trends.
He also says that this symbol can indicate a need to be aware of larger “social or planetary rhythms” in using a broader awareness, which he terms “prospective.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Receptiveness, Act of Group Integration, and Scene of Abstraction at the culmination of the Individual-Mental level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “the creative interest” on which we depend in the drift of events. He says this symbols indicates our “direct rehearsal of experience through an anticipation of eventualities, or an unhesitating and thoroughly practical trial and error.” He continues that this is “a consistent sensitivity to straws in the wind, and a willingness to make any amount of self-adjustment in order to capitalize on the situation of the moment.”
He offers us the keyword REASSURANCE. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree “is a natural talent for determining the proper course of action or reaction in any given issue.”
So the illumination available via this Full Moon is through the light of individual-mental abstraction fulfilled that shows us the shapes of things to come through extrapolating what has been and how it led us to here and now. This shows that the illumination quality of this Lunation is about a creative capitalization on the moment as a result of how we’ve rehearsed for the life experiences we’re going through.
The Lunar degree symbol for the 15th degree of Gemini is “Two Dutch children talking.” In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols, Rudhyar ways this is a degree of “conscious approach to spiritual truth and underlying meanings,” “open mindedness,” and “clarity of thought along traditional lines.”
In the Mandala he says this is a degree of "the need to clarify one’s experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals.” Here we “test and clarify” our new experiences through a spirit of open minded discussion with others, checking our discoveries to assess their validity. He states “the need for objectivity has to be met; and this implies the confirmation of any subjective realization by some similar experience.”
So the form builder in this Full Moon is through how we test our discoveries and experiences in open-minded discussion with others who have had those experiences, so that we can be more conscious in our approach to spiritual truths. He says this degree falls in the Span of Zeal, Act of Differentiation, and Scene of Discovery at the culmination of the Individual-Mental level.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of our “creative interest... in the broad range of potentialities on which (we) may draw,” where our “rehearsal of experience” facilitates “a more effective grasp of life on every practical or everyday level.” Here we experience “common elements of background and skills” in our interactions with others.
He offers the keyword CLARIFICATION. He states that when operating positively, the degree is a “self-confidence of spirit by which (we are) able to establish (ourselves) advantageously at ease in any possible situation.”
So the focus of the light of this Full Moon requires us to be willing to share our discoveries with others, so that we can get clear about spiritual true and “underlying meanings.” These can express as forms that show the light of the “universal patterning of life relationships.
We can learn how to adapt to new ways of learning and expressing by finding new ways to communicate and share our discoveries, and through “self-confidence of spirit” we can establish ourselves to our advantage in life situations. This can help us to a greater power to shape the drift of potentials, and through self-adjustment, find reassurance through knowing how to be and what to do in those life situations.
Remember to be alert to soft and tender responses as you jump into action. Be willing to acknowledge greater potential futures based in trends you’re seeing right now. Move into a greater skill and truth while letting go of old distractions in the mind.
TransPluto, Divine Mother, Neptune, and the Polarization in the Collective Atmosphere
In the Full Moon charts of 2009-2012, Neptune was in a very close opposition to TransPluto, the planet symbolizing Divine Mother Energy. That’s a major factor in why things became so polarized during those years, teaching humanity compassion and the need for Viveka, or Divine Discrimination. This has offered all of us opportunities to join together in the Great Mother and realize our interrelatedness on a feeling level with All-That-Is.
The energies of Divine Mother will only grow stronger throughout this century, and these will be demonstrated each time the planets make significant aspects to TransPluto. In this chart TransPluto continues to occupy the first degree of Virgo, showing us the long term future of humanity. Again, the Divine Redeemer is showing us ways to show a higher and broader level of discernment through understanding the place and function of individual differences.
In terms of the larger Era, we’ve now ended the TransPluto (Percephone, Parvati) in Leo era that we knew from September 20, 1935 through a few months ago. Since October 2011, we’ve been a transition period where this planet has danced at the last degree of Leo and first degree of Virgo.
On July 4, 2014, TransPluto left Leo for many centuries, and entered into Virgo for the next century. It made it to 2 Virgo on October 16, so we’re now experiencing “a liberating ordeal.” Because it’s Divine Mother, I would think that would mean we all will be tested to allow compassion and understanding to come forth as humanity stands at the crossroads of time.
So we’ve officially entered a different Spiritual Era will last through July 2107, when it leaves Virgo for good and re-enters Libra for the first time in many centuries, also after a few years of dancing on the cusp of Virgo and Libra. If you want to know more, please revisit the article Astrology in the Age of Aquarius - Transpluto, a.k.a Divine Mother, Parvati, and Percephone, Just Left Leo and Entered Virgo
As the Lunation articles have grown to impossible lengths, this closes part 2 on this Full Moon. Part 3 will cover important chart factors, New Moon themes, Jones Patterns and more, so I’ll see you soon!
Shameless plug time! One important factor in this Full Moon is that Mars is the exact degree where Mercury will go stationary direct after its late January and early February retrograde period. If you want to know in advance what to expect when Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius, if you haven't already gotten your copy, please go over to the Amazon or Barnes and Noble ebook websites and get a copy of the new 2nd edition of my book A New Look At Mercury Retrograde.
In this new edition I rewrote and expanded the chapters on Mercury retrograde in the houses and in the signs. There’s also in-depth information about Mercury retrograde periods and people and what the entire Mercury Retrograde phenomenon is about, including how it works, what it means, and when it’s going to happen. It was written for both astrologers and laypeople, and will help you understand what’s in play during every Mercury retrograde period, regardless of what signs or houses in your chart are affected by Mercury retrograde.
By knowing more about 2014's Mercury retrograde periods in Pisces/Aquarius, Cancer/Gemini, and Scorpio/Libra, you may see patterns in what was going on in your life, what you were taking a new look at and why, and how this "looking back" influenced your choices as you moved through the past year's events. And of course, you will have the advance info on 2015's Mercury retrograde periods in Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. Here's the link to where you can order your copy of the new edition of my ebook, A New Look at Mercury Retrograde.
© Copyright 2014 Robert Wilkinson
Move into a greater skill and truth while letting go of old distractions in the mind.We’re now experiencing “a liberating ordeal.” Because it’s Divine Mother, I would think that would mean we all will be tested to allow compassion and understanding to come forth as humanity stands at the crossroads of time.
So we’ve officially entered a different Spiritual Era...
Doing some editing from your post, this sums it up for me-
Interesting times full of opportunities!
Blessings be
Posted by: Nic | December 05, 2014 at 07:22 AM
I really enjoyed your book on Mercury retrograde!! It was a great read and I learned much about mercury retro, so glad I read it. Thank you!
Posted by: Rebecca | December 05, 2014 at 03:33 PM
It's my birthday today. Grooving Gracefully Into Fifty!!!!! Thanks Robert for your reading. I am digesting. Learning and being Inspired. Empowered by it!!!!
Posted by: Micheline | December 05, 2014 at 04:02 PM
I'm so thankful for ur guidance, Robert. U R such a bright LIGHT in such dark times.
Pluto's been opposite my natal Saturn/Moon conj. @12'&11' Can for quite a while. There've been some cruel and unnecessary threats to keeping a roof over my head and feeling safe in my home (I moved 3 times in the last 2 yrs.), as well as threats to my right to work without harassment. In the meantime, I let go of a 4yr-long romantic relationship built on a lie (partner's Asc.@12-13'Cap). A Grand Doosey to go with my natal grand trine.
Starting to be more thankful for Neptune conj. my natal sun too, now that I've gotten used to seeing into & thru the fogs of irrationality. Now, when I see the white choppy water coming, I batten the hatches and can maneuver by FEELING what the current will do. When I see the darkness creeping close, I turn on a light (or, a hidden camera:)
May be able to look back and laugh, someday. For now, the irony is comedy minus time. So, I just keep my head down...
Posted by: ThanQ | December 05, 2014 at 09:13 PM
"be willing to share our discoveries with others"
This is what you have done - Thanks!
The time has also helped me to have courage to be "real",
after having time of looking back (past 3/4 of the year).
I wish to be more friendly and share, for someone that is enough.
And Hope to listen more, I have sometimes difficult to be quiet.
Music helps :)
List of the countries, which are having an impact of this full moon, may
include also my homeland. We are celebrating our independence day today in Finland.
Morning is rising gray, we are having a little rain, mostly fog. Seems more autumn
than winter still.
Posted by: helina | December 06, 2014 at 12:08 AM
So good Robert, so good. But in retrospect, it's kind of whacked. I know I went through a phase where I had to set limits. I just couldn't take being pushed anymore. I borrowed one of my sister's line, 'I ain't goin there.' I modified it to 'I'm not with that.' Now I feel as if I have surpassed those limits, they don't exist. It seems like my mind has been freed. And I know there is a future I am walking into. But that's one thing. The other thing is just maintaining a loving space around me. I seem to have room to do that now in my day to day. It works. These awarenesses come after weeks of mindlessness. Nothing quite like surrendering to love? And, quite the performances going on, eh? That's another thing. :D
Posted by: caliban | December 06, 2014 at 10:28 AM