by Robert Wilkinson
A huge portal will swing open the next few days as Mars moves through 29 and 30 Aquarius, the cusp of the coming Age of Aquarius!
Mars first hits 29 Aquarius at 1:30 pm PST, 9:30 pm Greenwich on January 9. It then moves across 29 and 30 Aquarius, before entering Pisces at 2:20 am PST, 10:20 am Greenwich on January 12. During this time we can use Mars energy to activate our transformational possibilities, and find at-one-ment in a greater field of Light/Life.
The symbols for the last two degrees of Aquarius deal with the technique to fulfill a concept of management. 29 Aquarius is a transfiguration degree, where we “graduate into a new realm of being,” breaking free of a chrysalis and moving into a new life. 30 Aquarius is where we can experience that we are an individualized sentient spark of Light in a limitless sea of Light/Life, and realize our place within the whole of the greater Light field in which we live and breathe and have our Being.
30 Aquarius is also the cusp of the new Age, since the precessional point moves backward about 1 degree every 72 years. By my computations, we are now at 1 Pisces, and by 2060 will be into the Age of Aquarius with Pisces done and gone for 24,000 years. This is the Age of Electromagnetic Remembrance!
While it’s true that the Sun, Mercury, and Venus each cross this point every year, and we can gain insights via those planetary lights into the mystery of how the New Age will supercede the Old Age, Mars only visits this degree about every two years. So this activates all the new patterns in the atmosphere that were formed since the last time it visited this zone in late January and early February 2013.
When the outers cross this zone, it infuses the larger field with this energy. That’s why it was such a big deal when Uranus danced on 29/30 Aquarius from April through July 2002, Feb-Mar 2003, and September through December 2003, since it awakened the energy. Jupiter crossed this degree in January 2010, putting the energy into Jupiterian forms, which was good, since Jupiter is visible, unlike Uranus. Neptune then absorbed the energy into the dreamscape in April through July 2010, Feb through April 2011, and August 2011 through Feb 2012.
I described more about this in the article The Sun Enters Pisces Today Illuminating the Cusp of the Great Age, Where The Age of Pisces Gives Way to the Age of Aquarius
So if you are moved to “graduate into a new realm of Being,” or undergo a metamorphosis in some way, consider yourself attuned and aligned with the greater Way of things. And I have no doubt that any honest intention and effort toward experiencing your place as a Being of Light in the larger scheme of things will produce a beneficial result. We are all Light, you know? Just like everything else.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Great post, short, clear and to the point. So many opportunities being opened at this time. So many things changing at individual levels and the collective we call humanity. Time to gain awareness, learn from the past and move forward and become light.
Blessings be to all
Posted by: Nic | January 09, 2015 at 12:12 PM
Robert! Exciting energies. At the moment Mars moved over 29 Aquarius, I was writing to the editor of a new press specializing on publishing spiritual books, to congratulate him and make a small donation. I intuit the contact signals a cooperative future project. What a joy to read your article immediately after I made the contact.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | January 09, 2015 at 04:07 PM