by Robert Wilkinson
This article continues our exploration of whether we're in the Age of Pisces or the Age of Aquarius.
As I've made clear in many past articles, I believe we are on the threshold of the Age of Aquarius, and it’s approaching rapidly, in terms of Cosmic Time. However, since Cosmic Time is somewhat more stretched out than our way of perceiving changes in our larger reality, it’s going to be a while before we will finally bid adieu to the old, rapidly-fading Age of Pisces.
We have already had major elements of the Aquarian Age awakened at two different eras in recent history. Yesterday we explored when Uranus awakened the energy. Today we'll take a look at the recent Neptune in Aquarius era, as well as the coming Pluto in Aquarius years.
From early 1998 through early 2012, Neptune weaved and blended Aquarian energy into the holographic matrix of both collective consciousness as well as the collective unconscious. Beginning in 2023 and intensifying in 2024, at the advent of the "Spring of the 21st Century," Pluto will activate the seeds of the coming era which will look completely different from anything we’ve seen in over 230 years, ultimately manifesting as a completely transformed humanity. I'll offer more about this in a few paragraphs.
To assert that we are on the Cusp of the Age, about to enter a new era radically different from the old, is not idle cheerleading. The outer Triad, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, while subtle in the lives of individuals, symbolize the pulses of radical Transpersonal Transformative change in the collective life of humanity. As Uranus moves the fastest of these 3, taking only 84 years to make a complete cycle, it awakens patterns, and individuates all it touches through its revolutionary qualities.
Neptune moves more slowly than Uranus, and through its dissolving while preserving quality spreads the energies throughout a larger field. Its association with the oceans is not inaccurate; it is the vastness, fluidity, and all-encompassing nature of Neptune to diffuse all it touches. Yet nothing at all is lost, as it is merely spread out throughout the entire field, whether of ocean, space, or consciousness itself.
Pluto, the transformer, symbolizes the seed-core of whatever is left over from previous cycles. It is concentrating, purifying, and like a seed, contains within itself the entire pattern of all that has gone before, stripped of obsolete forms. No seed ever exactly duplicates the plant from which is came, but it does encompass all the primary qualities of that generic plant species, plus the special qualities of the specific plant that produced it.
Neptune takes about 165 years to make a complete cycle, and Pluto takes about 250 years to do the same. Uranus was in Aquarius between 1912 and 1920, and again between 1995 and 2003. Both of these eras awakened Aquarius energies, and revolutionized our world with implications for everything that followed.
The world of 1910 was very different from 1922, just as the world of 1993 was radically different from the world of 2005. These two transits awakened Aquarian energies that have affected all we think we know and believe today.
Neptune entered Aquarius in 1998, and transited that sign through early 2012, which has been said to be a significant point in time in the larger human evolutionary scheme. During that period, Neptune diffused the Aquarian energy into the collective unconscious, as dream-forms and subtle ideal patterns of that energy.
It could be said that during those years, Neptune established various textures of the Aquarian Age to come, which will show as the qualities of collective Contribution and Management within a larger sphere of synthesized, synergistic cooperation and impersonal Love. And of course, I’ve written about the various qualities of the energies of the coming Age in many articles, offering some signs and signals of its constantly strengthening approach.
As I mentioned earlier, Pluto will briefly enter Aquarius in 2023, and re-enter in 2024, staying there until 2044. As you know from previous articles, this will be the “Spring” of the 21st century, when collectively we shall awaken from the “Winter” of 2000-2025, and see the growth of what this coming century is all about. It will certainly be a welcome change from the barrenness of what has been and is, and will be a period where much that is good will be redeemed from the wreckage of the destroyed failed systems we presently live within.
During that season of 2025-2050, Pluto will reawaken the seeds of life-light that humanity is in its collective nature, and we shall see things not dreamed of in hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The collective will become aware of things that up to now have been revolutionary ideas and ideals dreamed and revealed by the trailblazers who have tuned into the Uranian and Neptunian patterns.
As befits the qualities of Aquarius (and coincidentally, the Dwapara Yuga), new forms will show us new ways of being alive and using the miraculous electromagnetic principles of creation to bring forth a much more effective and loving way of being Spirits in this material world. We will re-discover miracles of how the natural world works, and find solutions to everything that plagues humanity.
The workings of these 3 planets are preparing us for an era to come, as different from our present mechanistic collective delusion as we are from the inquisitors of the 15th century. On a final note, I can definitely tell you that the long-term future of humanity is very bright, but don’t count on it looking anything like what we value or think today.
© Copyright 2006, 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Love your reflection! As a future oriented Aquarian I can't wait until Pluto enters Aquarius. But we still have to work with the energy of Pluto in Capricorn and the other heavenly bodies. Sometimes I wonder how the world will be when Pluto has finished his journey in Capricorn. I hope we will be able to rebuild on sustainable structures by then...
Posted by: Ilse | January 13, 2015 at 01:55 AM
i agree totally with the answer above me, i also hope structures, specially sustainable ones will finally stablish down, just look at it, when scorpio pluto finished its transit through the middle 90s, nothing was that dark anymore, like humanity finally "overcame" the dark side, by 1994 everyone was already so used to this energy, that somehow society was growing up normally from it, music, movies, etc, "we got used to the dark side" and so we started to make art and a normal life over it, within the last decanate (cancer), people were more in tune and "in home", they started thinking more of a beautiful life and less dark, but philosophies and ideals for a huaminity, so yeah, then voilà, we were already ready for a philosophical, thoughtful era, pluto in sagg
then again, what was a philosophical mystery in the hands of the world by 1996, became such a mastered skill, (meditations, yogas, practices, hindu studies) by 2008, so yeah, i guess we should expect a revolutionary structures by 2024, right now we are just in the middle of pluto in capricorn, on the taurus decent, and to be honest I've seen so much advance compared to 2009, right now everything seems more "established", we are so used to be cold and raw by now, we can't care less about anything,we are building strucutres everywhere, we are conscious and responsible about many things, we have become less material and more back to basics, i know capricorn is materialistic, but we are aware of this "material side"that we end up more interested in structure itself, responsiblities, and the "things that matter", by 2019, virgo decanate will drift in, capricorn pluto will get a nice shift, more focused on helping the others, and pretty much more interested in other things than just jobs and money, its true, its a crazy insane decanate, we might go a little insane by then, but that will bring more focus on the sustainable and more important things, we will be ready for aquarius pluto by 2025, don't worry about it, neptune in pisces will also leave by that year, so capricorn pluto will never "loose its guidance"
Aquarius pluto, with neptune in aries, sounds like crazy stuff, but in a good way, like if people isn't being happy or doing something humanitarian, they will become extremely sad and depressed, i see it like two points of humanity, the people that will rejoice in this new aura of humankind and soul, and the ones rebelling, detached, destroying things, etcetc, thats the landscape i see for puto in aquarius, don't forget that the adults by then will be scorpio plutos and saggitarius pluto, two crazy generations together, and libra pluto will be spoiling them, allowing them do their stuff
can't wait for it either XDD, 8 years left guys, 8 years left.. lol
Posted by: derek | January 22, 2015 at 10:36 PM