by Robert Wilkinson
I just posted something on a comment stream, and figured I should post it here as well. The question was "Is fear the mother of God? I mean, did the concept of God surface out of fear?"
I wrote: "Fear has nothing to do with God. It has everything to do with human vulnerability as experienced by our 5 senses and our minds. Fear is the illusion. God is the reality.
When we stop identifying with fear, we find God is everywhere, all the time, in everything imagined and unimagined. Love is truly letting go of fear, and in Love we find God. Every time."
Yes, I know from direct experience that this is true. It is true for everyone who has ever gone to God in the depth of their fear. When we experience "God," we are not experiencing fear. We cannot experience God and fear at the same time. Those who do are substituting fear for God.
Do not give the illusion any more power than it deserves, which is none at all.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Hi all - Someone came along and offered that we need to "Love Him, Fear Him, Obey Him, etc." To which I responded,
Suppose God is a "Her." Do you believe Divine Mother might not work off of fear, and be beyond that unfortunate human construct? Do you believe God the Mother might be beyond needing us to "fear" her? Why would "God" want us to fear at all? Seems contradictory to the universal teaching that God is Love.
Posted by: Robert | February 28, 2015 at 05:26 PM
Oh, well,someone has to comment. Or maybe not.
Anyway, your post bemuses me. In the church I grew up in, God was All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All-Wise. I can't remember All Loving or All Fearful, though. He and then She and then It were and are everything. All consciousness. All energy. All potential.
The place from which I came, the place to which I return. And, of course, the place where I am.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | February 28, 2015 at 05:40 PM
Robert, thank you for your beautiful brings me happiness.
Posted by: Sara | February 28, 2015 at 11:23 PM
Hi all - My next observation that came as a result of reading some other comments.
I have found the eternal experience of non-dual "Is-Be-Ness" is always there when I'm not referencing my 5 senses and my mind. However, even in my most transcendent non-dual experience there is always that which some have termed "I AM THAT I AM." One can be aware of being one with the infinite and eternal and still not be identified with that which "is aware."
Direct experience of "God," both transcendent and immanent, is available in the Now 24/7. Many seek a "God Immanent," the personal experience of something greater than they have a name for. Others desire a "God Transcendent," since they want to "know the glory of the Lord."
It is the nature of the mind to give "name and form" to the objects of perception. A religion arises when enough who have had similar experiences and/or desires agree to agree that there is a set of "names and forms" that define "God" and the pursuit of knowing that "God."
Posted by: Robert | March 01, 2015 at 01:06 PM
"It is true for everyone who has ever gone to God in the depth of their fear."
Yes, exactly. My current thinking is that fear (also pain and guilt and shame) are signals that we have long misunderstood. When we are in proper relation to them, they serve as alerts or warnings: letting us know that we have 'apparently lost connection' with or are 'heading away' from Source/God/Love.
We were never meant to live unendingly in these emotions. For centuries, even millenia, we have increasingly forgotten how to 'turn back' and even 'What' we are to 're-connect' with. Once upon a time, we understood the signals, and quickly 'turned back' and 're-connected' … and were welcomed and soothed, and knew ourselves loved and cherished, as children, with(in) All That Is.
In their roots and hearts, all religions are about this 'turning' and 'reconnection.' Hardening into dogmas, though, they only create more confusion.
But I see too, something you mentioned in a recent post :: Mighty changes are rolling in as more and more of us are awakening, turning within, re-connecting -- or rather recognizing that our connection was never, ever broken -- just 'inaudible' to us for a long while.
Thank you, again, for all you do.
Posted by: Bonnie | March 01, 2015 at 02:19 PM
Sometimes I don't understand God. Someone I know has just died at 25 yrs old in a car accident in Australia. Struggling to understand how this could happen to someone who was so trusting of life and travelling on an amazing soul journey. I have just created his chart and he has a massive natal opposition between Jupiter in the 8th and Uranus, Saturn and Neptune in the 2nd House (!) not to mention Chiron in the 8th house and pluto in the 12th conjuct the ASC. As part of his departure Jupiter was in his 9th (he was travelling and exploring himself), Neptune was conjunct his IC (the departure of the soul to the outer realms), Unbelievably to add to all this Saturn is in his 1st house and uranus is in the 5th (not sure of the signficance of this) On the day of his death he had many transits, including mars square saturn (the death bell?) and moon opp. Saturn and Neptune, moon conjunct natal chiron (in this 8th house!!!!) I have to say I was quite sceptical when I looked up his chart but its difficult to come to terms with the death of people you have known. Can these things be predicted? Probably not because there are too many variables in astrology. He had a chiron opposition progressed sun as well but also lots of other positive transits. His 12th house pluto was well aspected natally and also his mars in the 10th house was very positive. sometimes I think we are over looking a lot of awareness of Jupiter and the power it has to "expand" can be good and bad perhaps? I've had a lot of apparently "very lucky" Jupiter transits the last 6 months, including a transiting conjunction to my natal Sun/Venus/Jupiter conjunction; yet I have been going through nothing but growing pains, major life upheaval and challenges (prob aggravated by this bloody Uranus/Pluto square going on)Perhaps its the way you look at things. Either way the beautiful person I knew is no longer with us.
Posted by: Helen | March 01, 2015 at 03:14 PM
I just realised the significance of that Uranus in all of it is not the house, but the conjunction to the south node which although it is happening to all of us, must have had special significance for my dear friend in his soul's journey..past life karma?
Posted by: Helen | March 01, 2015 at 03:26 PM
I think Confusion is the mother of Fear.
& INTENTional Confusion is my very definition of Evil.
Too much of that going on. Thank U 4 shedding light, Robert.
Posted by: ThanQ | March 01, 2015 at 03:27 PM
Brilliant post and brilliant comments what a community gathers in this "Cosmic Cantina".
Sorry about your loss Bonnie- It is always a hard thing/lesson to go through. I know by experience that these situations can bring blessings and a greater understanding. Hope they do to you some time soon.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | March 02, 2015 at 01:25 PM