by Robert Wilkinson
Venus is about to make its first conjunction with Mars at 9:13 pm PST February 21, 5:13 am GMT February 22. This one will fall at 2 Aries, while the one in late August will be at 15 Leo, and the final one in early November will be at 25 Virgo. So just what does Venus conjunct Mars hold for us?
Well, whenever the forces of "love and war," beauty and strife, diplomacy and directness get together, it begins a whole new cycle wherever it falls in our charts. This conjunction fuses energies that rule our Aries, Taurus, Libra, and Scorpio houses, and marks a point where something begins to concretely manifest in whatever house we have early Aries.
2 Aries is a degree of learning objectivity through humor and contrast. This promises more “objectivity of consciousness,” and an evolved objective awareness of existence. Dr. Jones says this symbol of “a comedian entertaining a group” represents “the mirror which life holds up to itself,” facilitating understanding through our identity “projected back into the wholly naïve potentials” of our experience, “providing a fresh and transcendent self-perspective.”
He goes on to state this can lead us to heightened individuality through our discovery of roles we may play that are useful “together with the continual self-reassurance” we gain “in self-rehearsal.” He offers us the keyword RELEASE, and when positive, this degree is said to be “the power of personality through a full and completely uninhibited self-expression.”
I’ll discuss the future conjunction points in other articles. For now, this begins phase one of the dance of Venus and Mars this year. I’ve also pulled together some prior conjunctions for your perusal and reflection about how this important planetary cycle may have influenced your chart in the past.
We had one in Oct 2006 at 2 Scorpio, which was followed by one in Sept 2008 at 16 Libra. The next conjunction was a pair that happened close together in 2009. They occurred after Venus RX, when it was slower than Mars. The first happened in April at 30 Pisces, and then once Venus sped up, it conjuncted Mars again in June at 16 Taurus.
The next conjunction happened three times in a 9 month span, which is very similar to the ones we’re having this year. The first of that series happened in August 2010 at 14 Libra. Venus then pulled ahead of Mars before slowing down to go retrograde in early October just after their conjunction at 13 Scorpio. After Venus went direct, it again sped up and conjuncted Mars in May 2011 at 10 Taurus, which should have resulted in us all embracing a new “consecration” to a larger ideal or group work.
The next conjunction in the series happened in April 2013 at 20 Aries. Now we face the next cluster of Venus-Mars conjunctions in 2015! As you can see, these two actually conjunct fairly frequently at times, and it would be interesting to observe how they shift focus and emphasis based on which houses they fall in. In any case, they directly fuses these planetary parts of our inner life in the area where the conjunction falls.
Of note is that this conjunction is trine Saturn and conjunct Uranus. These should provide productive renovation and individualization, with independence, creativity, playfulness, and a need to prove what we can do using style, flair, and a sense of autonomy from social rules.
Also, given that it falls at 2 Aries, it directly relates to whatever was awakened in each and all of us in the Summer of 2010 that launched new initiatives in the Spring of 2011. In June 2010, Jupiter conjuncted Uranus at 1 Aries, but the real news happened in late March when Sun conjuncted Uranus at 1 Aries, followed by Mars conjunct Uranus in early April at 2 Aries. So something about the current conjunction may pick up the themes set into motion by that Mars-Uranus conjunction.
This conjunction should begin a new initiative in how we do what we do, and who we do it with, wherever we have early Aries in our charts. There will be harmonization between these rulers of Aries, Taurus, Libra, and Scorpio with the ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius planets and houses in our charts, so expect a stable harmonious inspiration to evolve from this conjunction.
Those energies should take creative shape this Summer when Venus and Mars move through Leo, preparing for their next conjunction in mid-Leo when Venus is retrograde and about to go direct. Since that one falls at the Lion point (which was the Lunar degree at the most recent Full Moon), get ready to put on the show!
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Interesting, Robert. Back in June 2010 on the very day of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, a connection between me and a woman went off the charts. Our composite North Node is 2 degrees Aries. But we separated shortly after.
I've had a feeling that we might reconnect in some way.
Do think it will be triggered again since you mentioned the themes of back then possibly coming up again?
Thank you for the great article
Posted by: steve | February 20, 2015 at 02:24 PM
Dear Robert,
I realized the other day that I've been following your blog for almost ten years, and want to finally speak up and say thank you. It's been an incredibly transformative decade as I've wandered far far off the beaten paths trying to find my way up the mountain in the dark. I cannot count the times that I've felt completely lost … and then checked in with you to find, no, not lost at all, just learning to follow deeper rhythms and cues than I used to.
I told my son the other day that you (and some others) have been like a golden rope in the dark. I can't see it, but I can reach out and touch it when I need to, and feel reassured and strengthened, encouraged to continue, to take the next step. I love, love, love! where I find myself today … and am pretty sure I would have given up if not for the gentle encouragement from you and others who are so deeply attuned.
I imagine there are many like me, quiet and yet deeply thankful. Endless gratitude to you, Robert, for the service you offer to us all.
Most sincerely,
Posted by: Bonnie | February 21, 2015 at 02:07 PM
U've said it, Bonnie. I realize I've been reading Robert's articles for more than a decade. Kernels of light in a very long spell of darkness. A 'golden rope' to guide and give hope. ThanQ 4 being, Robert.
Posted by: ThanQ | March 01, 2015 at 07:57 PM
Does Venus Conjunct Mars @2' Aries effect me?
Natals: Sun@3'Pi, Jup@24' Pi, Venus@28' Pi.
(Bonus: Moon & Sat@12' Can.)
Never been much of a gambler. Natal Moon & Sat heading a grand trine and a yod from exactly same degree in Cancer...
I started full-time classes at a nearby community college in January and have been less social & more sleep deprived than usual. But as transiting Mars approached my Jupiter and Venus, I thought I'd make an effort to get out of my winter's igloo, be a bit more social and take a small financial risk.
Three outings for "beer and bingo" at 2 local watering holes between Feb.15th-22nd landed me a few extra Franklins with little effort and/or investment.
Does Venus Conjunct Mars @2' Aries effect me? Indeed, it seems to: Robert, I'm wondering if this could be a fluke, a one-time co-incidence, or a new phase of taking myself my studies and my finances w a grain of salt thanx to the conjuction @2' Aries.
Posted by: ThanQ | March 01, 2015 at 09:50 PM