by Robert Wilkinson
Lately I’ve heard from a lot of people that are having heavy dreams, flashes, visions, and what could be past life echoes. Welcome to the Piscean dreamscape!
As we become aware in this lifetime, we feel more than we used to. In astrology, the three feeling modes are Cancer (active personal feelings), Scorpio (fixed shared deep feelings), and Pisces (changing vast feelings we share with all others through all time). We all have Pisces somewhere in our charts. That is where we feel timeless feelings common to the human conditions, especially when that sector is activated, as it’s been for a few weeks.
Pisces is where we tap into the collective hologram, with its ghosts, superstitions, vague imagery, and echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories….
Remember too that life was never that easy. In fact, it’s safe to say that life was fairly difficult for 99.99% of the human race, with wealth only alleviating a fraction of the pain. For example, you could have been worth the equivalent of a million dollars in the 14th century, but if you had a toothache, your options were extremely limited.
Mars has been in Pisces since January 12, and Venus has been in Pisces since January 27. Now they are both in the final degrees of Pisces, preparing to enter Aries over the next 22 hours. That means they have been at “the end of the end” of the zodiac, where everything comes together as prelude to the entrance into a new experience in the cardinal Fire of Aries.
I wrote an article about the importance of the last degree of Pisces in helping us “dream the future” into manifestation which I post each year when the Sun crosses that degree. When you’re done here, please go check out The 30th Degree of Pisces – Archetypes, Thoughtforms, and the Power To Make Our Dreams Real. 30 Pisces is said to be a degree of "archetypalization,' where we sound the "cosmic tone" that creates our future.
Since Mars has been there since about 9:30 am PST Feb 18 and therefore is part of the New Moon influence these next 4 weeks, dream carefully! It seems the dreamscape will be very real and part of our experiential toolbox in the near future, especially since Venus will make its passage through 30 Pisces beginning 4:45 pm PST today, Feb 19, giving us that experience through 12:06 pm PST Friday, Feb 20.
Sometimes when we experience strange flashes of remembering other lifetimes, often we are clearing out old karmic residue by “returning to the scene of the crime.” When I say that, I mean that I've found that we must somehow re-experience everything that ever wounded us, whether in this lifetime or in other lifetimes, so we can become spiritual adults in healing those wounds.
When we re-experience an old wound, or form of suffering, whether from earlier this life or from another life, we are given the opportunity be conscious in changing our patterns of response. Through those choices we come out of a sense of powerlessness into power. By choosing to antidote the wound rather than suffer them, we break the link between pain and suffering, and create a pattern that will help us do it again and again in the future.
So see what you’ve been spurred to flow toward and/or away from since the New Moon, and stay alert for the chance to dream a better dream of what you want to see made manifest in the future. There should be demonstrations from Spirit as the Sun and Mercury both transit this point and also enter Aries over the next few weeks.
This is the end of the end and the beginning of the beginning. Enjoy the power to shape your future!
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Timely: "especially since Venus will make its passage through 30 Pisces beginning 4:45 pm PST today, Feb 19, giving us that experience through 12:06 pm PST Friday, Feb 20." Because at 4:47 pm PST, my guy phoned to push at the barriers that have kept me from relocating and marrying him. The worst barrier has always been the cost and legality of pacifying a former spouse and changing a custody agreement -- complicated.
I have been pressing my fingertips to it all day today, even before the call, seeing the present reality but trying to shape the future that is most fulfilling for us and for our children. I see all the togetherness but don't yet see the clear path to getting there.
Will continue to work with this astrological event carefully. Thank you as always for timely clear guidance. I'm praying my way through and feel in complete submission; thank you for reminding that we are not powerless.
Posted by: ka | February 19, 2015 at 07:10 PM
Yes it is a degree of mystery. It seems that the boundaries between dimensions becomes permeable at 30 Pisces. I have experienced it when Uranus crossed in 2011. I am still trying to figure out what it was and why.I suppose I will never understand it but there is a strange quality that lies in this degree where you will encounter things in a way you never believed possible. I am sure this crossing will not be like Uranus but could still bring unusual consciousness.
Posted by: ellen | February 19, 2015 at 10:11 PM
The moon was at 29 Pisces when I met the love of my life. Though it didn't last in an outer way, that relationship forever divided my life into before and after. Powerful.
Posted by: Lainie | February 20, 2015 at 07:06 PM
The possibility to dream and heal, what a better scene can we ask for to take responsibility and start building and living our future today?
Blessings be to everyone
Posted by: Nic | February 21, 2015 at 11:58 AM
These comment streams don't last long after Robert's meaning-filled messages are posted. However, This article actually answers questions I had after reading "2015 - How Does Venus Conjunct Mars in Aries Affect Us?" posted one day after this article. Guess, I could read'em in chronological order :}
Thanks again, Robert, for such brilliant light. I'll watch and see what things look like by the time the Sun & Mercury cross this area of transformation, where my Jupiter and Venus are huddled. And there are certainly ghosts of old wounds and woundings that have been lurking about from childhood and beyond. I do intend to address and re-dress them in a more compassioned way than before.
Posted by: ThanQ | March 03, 2015 at 04:57 PM