by Robert Wilkinson
We now enter a potentially volatile period for the next several days as Mars conjuncts Uranus and squares Pluto, focusing the heart of the Uranus square Pluto energies active at this time. While this is a time of new beginnings, unexpected breakthroughs and things showing up in unique and specialized ways, it’s also time to be very careful, and look before you leap!
Obviously this affects people with planets or angles near 13-18 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, the Cardinal signs. It is also impacting 28-30 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, and 1-3 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces in significant but different ways. Regardless of how it specifically influences our charts, these octile series aspects will be triggered many times each day by the Ascendant and Midheaven, so even if you don’t have a planet or angle in these zones, stay alert, since anything could happen!
There will be major developments in the houses we have the middle degrees of the Cardinal signs, whether we have a planets there or not. We got a version of this on March 4-6 when Venus activated this conjunction and square. This is the second stage, and a lot more volatile due to the influence of Mars precipitating this one.
The next trigger will be in early April as the coming Lunar Eclipse at 15 Libra-Aries on April 4, 5:05 am PDT, 1:05 pm BST will be sitting exactly on the conjunction/square! That would ordinarily indicate that the subsequent weeks influenced by that Eclipse will bring extremely powerful changes, especially given Mercury immediately follows the Sun and extends the power of the conjunction/square for several days. Of course I’ll write more about that in early April.
So activate what must be activated, but be thoughtful since the energies can get out of hand quickly. Still, it's great for busting log jams and getting things in gear!
Make sure everything is open and above board, and figure out innovative ways to turn corners and move into a more balanced view, a more reasonable response, a more caring feeling, and take care of your supply! This can give initiative to new projects, new efforts, new directions, a greater fulfillment, and new potentials.
Copyright © 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Hi all - A thing to remember. This can be as favorable as unfavorable since Jupiter is in trine to the conjunction, and the Sun is sextile Pluto. That means the Aries trine Leo releases through Capricorn, and the Pisces sextile Capricorn releases through Aries. Nothing is totally good or bad in how it operates. Even when challenged, we have free will to change what we can change, a brain to figure out what we can't, yielding wisdom when we learn the difference between what we can and cannot do, and what we should and should not do.
Posted by: Robert | March 10, 2015 at 11:57 AM
Robert, to add to your note, I have several planets activated by these contacts. I can feel the Spirit breaking through barriers in place for many years. Exciting times.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | March 10, 2015 at 02:35 PM
Maybe the Sun (neptunus and chiron) in pisces (for me at 6th) is looking for a balance. I hope to get balance training yoga. And will listen music to calm my sleep.
Posted by: helina | March 10, 2015 at 09:32 PM
Right on my solar return with a moon conjunct pluto bonus in the mix (march 14th). What a ride!
I'll definitely start with your advice for a meditation at the return and go from there.
Thanks Robert.
Posted by: Maria | March 11, 2015 at 02:04 AM
This should be interesting...Natal Saturn-Venus-Mars stellium at 14, 19 and 20 degrees Capricorn(respectively); Natal 12th house Mercury(5 degrees Pisces) conjunct Pisces ascendant, opposite natal Pluto. 12th house Aquarius sun opposite Moon/Uranus conjunction (20/18 degrees Leo). Transformation time, and I keep telling myself that Pluto is my friend.
Posted by: Stargazer | March 11, 2015 at 08:43 AM
Well major to the backdrop of my life... asc and chiron at 16 Aries...Sun at 14 Leo and uranus opp at 15 libra plus neptune at 2 sag. Plan a major plant move over Easter weekend, starting April 3rd! Moving a 20 ton vert broach into a new pit I configured...cement done. But 30 total nachines! I wonder if it goes off smoothly? Not a mgr but a lowly industrial engr.
But will see! Great stuff!
Posted by: Jason Powers | March 11, 2015 at 03:09 PM
Dear Robert,
WIll you please do a Saturn station Rx Article and what this retro period might mean by sign and / or house ?
It SHOOOR would be appreciated by many peeps out here, methinks !
Greetings, blessings and thanks to you,
Posted by: magenta | March 13, 2015 at 12:07 PM