by Robert Wilkinson
New experiences of course, since it's the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and the days will be longer than the nights for 6 months to come. The Sun is now entering Aries, promising renewal of energy and activity, even as we find opportunity and protection in bringing other things to their natural end.
Of course, it’s also the Autumnal Equinox down under!! The Northern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox and Southern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox occur March 20, 2015, at 3:45 pm PDT, 11:45 pm Greenwich. It is said that a chart done for this point in time offers a snapshot of the cosmic and literal weather for the next 3 months.
There is an old tradition that offers us two times when "the year begins," one at the Vernal Equinox, the other at the Autumnal. Perhaps that tradition came from explorers who saw the seasons flip between the Northern and Southern, going from the beginning of warm to the beginning of cold as they moved up and down the latitudes.
So today is the last day of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the last day of Summer in the Southern. If you’re wondering how I reconcile the seemingly opposing energies between the hemispheres, when you’re done here please take a look at The Mirroring of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere Year Cycles in Astrology. It may help readers “down under” see how the important points of seasonal change, though opposite in physical manifestation, actually have similar challenges at each point of shift.
This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended, what is emerging, and step out of the ocean on to dry land. Just keep following through on the future you have dreamed of while the Sun has been in Pisces, since every day is good for making a better future real. We up North have done our Winter preparation, and are beginning to plant the seeds that will grow over the next 180 days. In the Southern latitudes, they’re beginning to reap the harvest of what they've done and not done.
Whether North or South, keep following through on the new roles, new initiatives, new feelings, new flow, and new ways of relating to others on more refined levels you’ve already begun to experience in the recent past, since the season to come is the time to transfigure our future into more perfect forms. Regardless of where we live, what follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 13 weeks.
The nights will now begin to be longer than the days for 6 months to come in the Southern Hemisphere, with lengthening days in the Northern. The Sun is now in Aries, promising new ways of acting on our own initiative, as well as new ways of relating to others. Both Aries and Libra represent new ways of acting on ideals, new ways of overcoming inertia to find new rhythms of action and new perspectives.
The charts for the Solstices and Equinoxes provide guideposts for what we can expect the following 90 days in the way of weather, both actual and symbolic. The Vernal Equinox chart shows a majority of planets in the first and second decans of their signs, with 5 in the first, 4 in the second, and 1 in the third decan of their signs. This indicates a three month period of activity involving a preponderance of actional, physical, and material with a lot of emotional, social, and cultural focus, and almost no individual-mental focus.
After many years of being an important factor in the Solstice and Equinox charts, both Uranus and Pluto have receded in importance since they no longer make close aspects to the Sun in these charts. This marks the final “seasonal” charts where Uranus is considered conjunct the Sun.
When Pluto transited very early Capricorn 2008-2011, it was squared by the Sun at the Spring and Autumn Equinoctial points, opposed by the Sun at the Summer Solstice point, and conjunct the Sun at the Galactic Center, which I wrote extensively about at the time. These were very dynamic aspects that released a lot of energy, either blocking or propelling events.
Pluto is the ultimate transformer. It figured prominently in Equinox and Solstice charts in 2007, 2008, and 2009 due to it going back and forth over 29-30 Sag and 1-3 Capricorn when Pluto was conjunct the Galactic Center. You can find more by going to the articles in the archives written at that time concerning Pluto conjunct the Galactic Center, including those that explored past Galactic Center conjunctions.
2011 continued the pattern, though that Vernal Equinox chart saw the widest orb between the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto except for the 2011 Winter Solstice chart impacting December 2011 through March 2012. The 2012 Vernal Equinox chart began many years of Equinox and Solstice charts where Uranus is in close square to Pluto (except for the 2012 Winter Solstice), even if they’re not directly afflicting the Sun in these seasonal charts. Get ready for a very wild ride!!!
Still, we’re done with the era when the Sun was in conjunction, square, or opposition to Pluto during these changes of season. In June 2010 Uranus entered Aries and became a major player in these seasonal charts, beginning with the 2010 Summer Solstice. Even though it went back to late Pisces for the 2010 Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice, it was still close enough to be a factor in those charts.
It was back in Aries for the Vernal Equinox of 2011, and very important through the 2012 Winter Solstice, since it was conjunct, square, or opposed to the Sun to a greater or lesser degree. I mark the beginning of this period of intense transformation at the 2010 Summer Solstice, since Uranus square Pluto was really strong then and making close squares and opposition to the Sun at that time. I believe that the events that followed in July, August, and September 2010 cut loose the seeds of transformation and revolution, and are directly related to the constant tensions set into motion during 2011 and 2012.
This Equinox chart is the first in a long time not to have a Cardinal T-square involving Uranus square Pluto. That square is active in this chart, but at least there’s nothing making a T!
As I’ve told you before, squares tend to put the brakes on some things, while indicating a "turning of a corner" in other things. Squares to Pluto often show things going out of control or something extreme happening that results in either a favorable purification or a grinding toxicity. Given that Pluto is one of the anchors of The Grand Irrationality, when squared it releases a lot of energy precipitating situations that move people to make choices that propel them into their destiny.
This chart, like those of most celestial events at present, shows the planets lined up in a “Bucket” Jones pattern. The Bucket shows all the planets but one lined up between Saturn in Sagittarius and Venus in Taurus. Jupiter in Leo is the planet outside the occupied span, making it the “handle,” or focus for whatever lack or need is indicated by this Bucket. The spread also indicates a “Locomotive” Jones pattern, which I explain in the Eclipse article.
What Rules the Sun, and What Are the Main Aspects in Play?
On this Equinox, worldly ruler of the Sun in Aries is Mars, which is very powerful in its home sign of Aries, while its spiritual ruler, Pluto, is in Capricorn, the sign of Mars’ exaltation. That should make for a very energetic and practical Spring. Though Mars makes only a semisquare to Neptune, Pluto has a favorable sextile from Mercury, favoring coordination, analysis, understanding core principles, and moving into depths of feeling-knowing.
With Mercury septile Venus, we have turning points in areas involving Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, and Libra. The approximate “hot zones” are 11-15 Pisces, 3-7 Taurus, 24-28 Gemini, 15-19 Leo, 7-11 Libra, 28 Scorpio- 2 Sagittarius, and 19-23 Capricorn. If you have a planet or angle in any of these zones, you will definitely be confronting major choices that will forge your future!
At the Equinox the Moon is at 8 Aries conjunct Uranus and trine to Jupiter. Flame on! This is an exceptionally favorable configuration, promising many new inspirations “from an Eastern source.” The Ancient Wisdom is on the move for the next 90 days, helping us “repotentialize our minds” and become fresher and more spontaneous. This promises an extremely creative, heart-felt period, with a lot churning beneath the surface leading us to timeless wisdom images.
While we can all learn how to move quickly in new directions over the next 3 months into expansive views, larger truths and opportunities, and a true sense of adventure, there will be a need to find ways to release what’s being built. There is a notable lack of frictional aspects in the Equinox chart, showing we’re going to have to seize the day when it’s time and now wait for events to push is in a different direction.
In fact, the only frictional aspects besides the ubiquitous Uranus square Pluto are Mercury quincunx Jupiter, Venus quincunx Saturn, and Mars semisquare Neptune. Taken together, sacrifice old ideas and attitudes if larger opportunities beckon, sacrifice old values and relationships in the face of larger responsibilities and duties, and don’t give up too easily.
Of note is that even though Jupiter is separating from a quincunx to Pluto, because Mercury sextiles Pluto, Mercury collects the light making a Yod, or Finger of God, with Jupiter as the nozzle. This is an “expansion through sacrifice” type of energy that squeezes a lot out of the relevant areas, focusing a “fire hose” type of pressured outlet through the nozzle point. Express your Soul!
Of note is the Grand Irrationality being set into motion by Jupiter triseptile Neptune. As this is also in the chart of the Solar Eclipse, this “destiny producing” influence will be active for the next 90 days as well as the next 4+ years. Those with planets or angles near 12-16 Leo, 4-8 Libra, 23-27 Scorpio, 14-18 Capricorn, 6-10 Pisces, 28 Aries-2 Taurus, and 20-24 Gemini will be thrust into major choices and changes these next 90 days.
This Spring chart shows 2 planets in Water signs, 6 in Fire, 2 in Earth, and none in Air. All in all, it should be a season where inspiration, warmth, and light run high, supported by a balance of practicality and feeling. Fire and Water are “hot” elements, while Earth and Air are “cool” elements. This spread shows feelings will be at the forefront, but with Venus strong in Taurus, it should also be somewhat pleasant and grounded, even if we do have to say goodbye at times and be ready to discard the past to open the door to a life renewal.
The Moon at 8 Aries shows that this Equinox happens just after the Solar Eclipse New Moon at 30 Pisces. This New Moon makes the next 90 days instinctive and emergent. This is where we active the growth potential of the New Moon seeds, and this one indicates which way the wind is blowing. Those who are receptive will experience their mind tuning into some different higher wisdom
Because of the preponderance of planets in Pisces and Aries, it’s going to be a season of transition. We will be highly receptive to ancient thought forms that are part of the collective unconscious, and many will find their courage tested. Be the vehicle to deliver manifestations of Divine Will, and you’ll know your particular version of “the Spiritual Warrior who can never be defeated.”
With both Sun and Moon trine Saturn, this will be a season where we favorably link and harmonize the Life force with feelings in mature ways that help us see our hearts have reached a new stability. The overwhelming presence of Fire should keep things light, bright, and burning high!
Venus, Mars, and Neptune in their home signs shows they are the final dispositors for all the other planets. Mars has now become extremely strong as it rules the Sun and all the other planets except Venus and on a spiritual level, Neptune and its influence on Mercury.
These energies will be in play through the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice on June 21, 9:38 am PDT, 12:38 pm EDT and 5:38 pm BST. That chart will have more Air and less Earth energy than this one, marking a return to a more interactive season in contrast to what we can expect this Spring.
The next 13 weeks will show us how to begin new initiatives and projects, and be more optimistic as we join with others in building the new even as we let go and bury the past. This season allows us to express our hearts authentically, naturally, and spontaneously. Love and admiration will be in the air, as well as subtle and deep healing.
We now enter a season of stabilizing heart fire and simple, gentle, enjoyable practicality. While there will be hard adjustments in mind and relationships, it also opens the door to a more focused heart expression, opportunities for us to live our highest teachings, and allow the sacrifices to operate as karmic adjustments where some form of recklessness is curbed.
So we now enter a time of turning toward new directions, and will find stability as we learn how to let go. Everything is opening, intuitive flashes are powerful, and healing is in the air. By the time of the Summer Solstice, we’ll be moving into a whole new way of life and a whole new way of securing our needs. So say goodbye, since it’s time to flame on!
Aum and blessings as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life!
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
"Of note is the Grand Irrationality being set into motion by Jupiter triseptile Neptune. As this is also in the chart of the Solar Eclipse, this “destiny producing” influence will be active for the next 90 days as well as the next 4+ years. Those with planets or angles near 12-16 Leo, 4-8 Libra, 23-27 Scorpio, 14-18 Capricorn, 6-10 Pisces, 28 Aries-2 Taurus, and 20-24 Gemini will be thrust into major choices and changes these next 90 day"
this means my 1st,3rd,4th,6th and 8th houses! woah!
Posted by: Luci | March 20, 2015 at 08:47 PM
Time of oppportunities that can not be missed. What can I say? Come to mind the song: "Here comes the Sun, here comes the Sun and its alright, tarara tarara....
Blessings be and embrace the new light and the life it brings with it.
Posted by: Nic | March 22, 2015 at 06:05 AM
This is the most delightful astrological season I've experienced in a long time-- starting a few weeks ago. It's all just lighting me up and reinvigorating me with confidence and faith.
Posted by: Tasha | March 22, 2015 at 10:47 PM