by Robert Wilkinson
Just because the Eclipse was last week doesn't mean it's not very strong in how it's affecting us now! Here's part two on how this powerful Pisces Solar Eclipse will be impacting us over the next 4 weeks (and 50 months!)
Over the next 4 weeks, this Solar Eclipse in Pisces will help to stabilize much in our lives by filling the voids resulting from all we've lost the past two years. This Eclipse will actually be a very favorable relief for many of us who have been waiting to see old patterns end, and there is great productivity and many gifts come to those who open to a deeper and wider social experience. Here old losses set up future gains, and forgiveness will open the flow!
This Total Solar Eclipse will bring endings and beginnings, and for truth seekers a feeling a vaster connectedness, a greater compassion, and perhaps a sense of resignation that things are as they are, and whatever is “written in the Book of Life” is now etched into the Akashic Records where Karma resides. What’s done is done, and the next 4+ years will make that as clear as crystal.
This New Moon in Pisces is watery, distributive, and marks a huge turning point in the lives of many due to Jupiter triseptile Neptune and Pluto on its stationary degree. This will set the 7 “hot zones” of the Grand Irrationality into a Leonine fiery intensity for the next 4 years that will give us many opportunities to retire in peace from old dramas, preparing for new heart or creative expressions.
This New Moon is the second one of the sequence falling at the end of their signs, and it’s also the third New Moon with Saturn in Sagittarius. Saturn will be in that sign until it slips back into late Scorpio for the 4 New Moons between June and September 2015.
As Jupiter and Neptune are the rulers of this Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces, we should be able to get interesting or subtle intuitive flashes about how this time is related to the periods I mentioned in part one of this Eclipse series. Those were the Venus –Mars conjunction of April 2009 (affecting then through August 2010) and the period when Jupiter and Uranus danced around the final degree of Pisces making conjunctions between the Spring of 2010 and January 2011 (affecting then through April 2024.)
Though the Lunation makes only one out of sign forming aspect, a trine to Saturn, the chart is dominated by several important influences. For the second New Moon in a row, Mercury septile Venus is important, since it creates an edge of choice and change in houses in our charts ruled by Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, and Libra.
We also have a tight Mercury novile Mars, helping us move some things forward while putting other things on hold, and sextile Pluto, helping sound planning and clear understanding. Venus is quincunx Saturn and sextile Neptune, and very closely separating from a tredecile to Pluto. Taken together these show some hard adjustments and the need to join with others who share our heart fire and willingness to put our truth to the test.
Other important influences involve Mars semisquare Neptune, Jupiter trine Uranus and triggering the Grand Irrationality as mentioned above, and the usual outer planet aspects, (Saturn square Neptune and novile Pluto, Uranus square Pluto) which though separating, still unleash major forces every time they are aspected by any other transit.
We also are approaching a long term Uranus novile Neptune which will be in force when Saturn returns to its novile to Pluto later this year. I discussed the importance of these outer planet noviles in the class “2015 – An Overview of the Year as a Whole,” so if you haven't ordered your materials yet, you may want to in order to understand the importance of what's going on this year. Email me if you're interested.
So What’s Happening?
Today we’ll do an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In part 3 we’ll cover Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.
Last month’s New Moon was the first in a sequence of New Moons that fall in the sign that precedes the Sun sign in the following Full Moon. This is assumed to be the opposite of the “normal order of Lunation Suns,” where the Sun’s sign at the New Moon is the same as the Sun’s sign in the following Full Moon.
In other words, this New Moon in Pisces will have a Full Moon Sun in Aries, reversing the natural order. The last time we had this phenomenon of the Full Moon Sun being in the sign after the New Moon Sun was between July 2011-July 2013.
We shifted back to “normal” with the New and Full Moons of August 2013. That’s what ended with the recent New Moon at 1 Aquarius. Since I explain this phenomenon and what it means in the Full Moon articles, I’ll elaborate more on this shift into the “abnormal order of things,” and when the pattern will be reversed, in the next Full Moon articles coming in about two weeks.
The New Moons and Full Moons are “God’s footprints in time.” Each shows the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced in Libra, purified in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.
Is This New Moon “Void of Course?”
This New Moon falls at 29d 27m of Pisces. This is the last degree of the sign of Pisces, and is the next New Moon at the final degree of their sign. You will read in other places that this makes it a “Void of Course” (VOC) New Moon. However, I disagree with most interpretations of this phenomenon, and this is why.
First, the definition of a VOC Moon is that it makes no exact forming aspects before leaving the sign. In this Lunation, there are two strong out of sign aspects (aspects formed after the Moon moves into the next sign), but no forming aspects before it leaves Aquarius. Traditionally that indicates the current condition must pass before the circumstances indicated by those aspects come into manifestation.
Supposedly a "Void of Course" Moon shows that nothing significant will happen concerning events during the time the Moon is VOC. That is a very limited and erroneous view of an astrological phenomenon. Life is infinite and ever-changing demonstrating its robustness through "the 10,000 things" that eternally come and go in the course of an eternal stream of interrelated events. Since all that arises are part of our magnetic field within the larger Unified Field of Consciousness, how could there ever be a time "when nothing significant happens?"
So regardless of the supposedly VOC New Moons at this time in history, we must search for the meaning of the configurations since they reveal the evolving Divine Patterns in the NOW. Remember that we have the power to act or react from our center of Higher Awareness, and are not victims of astrological patterns.
As an aside, besides the objections I raised in my articles on the Void of Course Moon, historically the VOC Moon was used ONLY in Horary Astrology before the latter part of the 20th century. That would seemingly limit the validity in applying it in the other branches of Astrology, including any evaluation of a Lunation where the Moon falls in the final degree(s) of a sign. That’s why I do not consider most interpretations of a VOC Moon to be relevant in understanding what this Lunation may yield.
An Overview of the New Moon
As noted, this Lunation makes only one forming aspect, and it’s termed “out of sign,” since the trines of the Moon and Sun won’t be made until they’re in the next sign of Aries. That indicates certain conditions must occur before the energies of those aspects come into play.
In this Eclipse we have a powerful concentration of 4 planets in Pisces and 2 in Aries, bringing visions of what’s ending as well as actions to take to activate the future. This cluster bridges the end and the beginning of the zodiac, and with Venus extending into its home sign of Taurus, we will see the beginning of the substantiation of the dream relatively quickly.
The North Node at 10 Libra brings a more specific focus on growth in that direction. And of course, as I’ve noted in other articles, it also develops many of the Saturn skills and disciplines we took on and learned to deal with when Saturn was in Libra between late 2009 and late 2012. This NN degree is very close to the degree where Saturn went stationary direct in June 2011, so this Lunation will help us develop more about what Saturn taught us in October 2010 and after May 2011.
It will also develop that “sense of relief” at having “made it through the rapids” indicated by Mars going stationary direct at 10 Libra in May 2014. You will recall that was the movement out of the stress of Mars’ wild ride through the Grand Cardinal Cross and “the Great Fracturing” of January through June of that year.
This New Moon will jumpstart Pisces energy wherever it falls in our chart. That's why this New Moon can yield many compassionate insights, as well as a deep and vast “feeling-knowing” about our place in the larger scheme of things. This is about letting go and flowing down the timestream for the months this Eclipse is in play while being clear about what we want to see made manifest in the future.
As noted earlier, because it happens in Pisces, Jupiter is the worldly ruler of the Lunation, and Neptune the spiritual ruler. Because Jupiter is in Leo, and Leo’s ruler is the Sun in Pisces, they create a ”mutual reception.” This is a very powerful self-referencing, self-reinforcing energy loop. Neptune in its home sign of Pisces shows Pisces to be extremely strong in this Eclipse.
This Lunation is very different in that there is no final “chain of dispositors” that governs most of the other planets, nor is the Sun-Jupiter mutual reception the final word either. This chart has Venus in Taurus and Mars in Aries, and since they are each in their home sign, each is its own final dispositor. So this chart features 3 planets in the signs they rule, with the mutual reception governing the worldly affairs of everything except Venus, Mars, and Uranus. So these energies dominate the background for all the planetary energies.
Jupiter has now begun to yield its place as the lead planet in the Locomotive patterns in play up to now, and will be replaced by Saturn for the next month, since Saturn now leads the largest occupied span. However, Jupiter still remains the nozzle, or handle, for a Bucket pattern. So we’re experiencing two different Jones patterns simultaneously. I’ll discuss more about this in part 2.
Because Chiron in Pisces leads the Lunation, this Eclipse will lead us all to a form of healing, with truth seekers “taking a walk with their wisdom” and finding techniques to act in ways that can perpetuate what we hold venerable. Keep healing through using the best traits of Pisces, and forgive much as you say goodbye while envisioning what is to come.
The Grand Irrationality
The reason this section is a recurring feature in the Lunation articles is because it was set into long term play by the 2011 Solar Eclipse, which is triggered each time any transiting planet occupies any of the 7 zones of the Grand Irrationality. Since then it’s been reinforced and triggered by various Lunations, planetary stations, and transits.
As noted earlier, this Lunation Eclipse finds the Grand Irrationality in full play due to the Jupiter triseptile Neptune and triseptile Pluto. Therefore this “destiny producing” influence will be active for the next 4 weeks, 90 days (the triseptile to Neptune was active at the Equinox), as well as the next 4+ years. Those with planets or angles near 12-16 Leo, 4-8 Libra, 23-27 Scorpio, 14-18 Capricorn, 6-10 Pisces, 28 Aries-2 Taurus, and 20-24 Gemini will be thrust into major choices and changes for quite some time to come in affected areas.
For those who are new to the site, here’s a bit of explanation about this thing called “the Grand Irrationality” associated with why everything continues to be so weird. As I’ve explained many times before, the Grand Irrationality is a long wave non-rational influence that has put everyone on Earth on the unceasing edge of major choice and change.
Everyone has been confronting inner compulsions, continual choices that seem to have a major impact on our destiny, and occasionally irrational behaviors in others or external conditions. It is why things seem to have an unending hard edge, why so many choices are continually thrown in our faces that require immediate attention, and why reason seems to fail at critical moments of decision.
When the Grand Irrationality is in play, it’s a time when things don’t have to make sense. We’ve been living with it for a little over 20 years, and will be active for a few more years to come, even though we’ve begun to be on the far side of that influence.
Though it will wane in intensity in the future, there will be enough set into motion that won’t make sense that we certainly can’t be lulled into a false sense of complacency! We’re certainly still seeing some global craziness and irrational behavior, so be aware!
Because late Autumn through mid-Spring shows Neptune in close septile with Pluto, we’ll have the configuration operating in close sequence at this time. For the next few months, every time a planet makes a conjunction or septile-series aspect to either Neptune or Pluto, it’ll create a simultaneous “pulse” that will activate Neptune and Pluto at the same time, unlike the late Spring through mid-Autumn, when we have a lag in how these energies express.
If you have a planet or angle activated by the Grand Irrationality, you are making critical choices and decisions that will alter your future in important ways. And because it’s in motion due to outer planets, these are pretty much forces beyond your ability to control, even if you can always control your response to these critical events and steer the events toward your Jupiterian heart ideal.
Neptune and Chiron at the Cusp of the Age:
Now that these two are well into Pisces, they are no longer at the Cusp of the Age. Since they first entered the zone back in 2011-2012, we’ve been navigating through the threshold of an entirely new era that will not resemble the old Age in any way within just a few decades. We’re already solidly in the Dreamscape, and are already seeing long wave manifestations of the ending of the old and the emerging field we’re all learning how to maneuver through.
Other than the brief look we had in mid-2011, this is only the thirty-eighth New Moon with Neptune in Pisces for the next approximately 150 years. We had Neptune in Pisces for the 3 New Moons for May, June, and July 2011 which gave us a front end look at how Neptune will function through 2025.
Between August 2011, when Neptune retrograded back into late Aquarius, and the January 2012 New Moon, we were given one last look back at a greater ideal, and the changes of the last half of 2011 helped many to break out of our "chrysalis" and transform how we live and all our relationships. That is now established in the collective consciousness, as well as a growing sense of the larger light field in which all sentient Beings live and love.
If you want to know what's coming for many years to come, take a look back at the intuitions and sense of belonging to a vaster interrelated whole you were shown in May, June, and July 2011. It may help to give a sense of our collective lesson in dissolving our separateness as we finish this transition through "the Winter of the 21st Century" on our way to Spring, beginning in 2025!
In 2011 both Neptune and Chiron revealed our unique part to play within a larger light/life field. During that time, these planets at the beginning of Pisces and end of Aquarius occupied degrees representing "the Cusp of the Age," the span where the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius meet. The article deals specifically with the first degree of Pisces, which is where the Precessional point occupies at present.
From one point of view, where we were collectively between February 2011 and March 2012 revealed what the period of (approximately) 1990-2140 is all about in the broader context of human evolution. I suspect that future generations will look back at 2011 and 2012 as being crucial in showing long range patterns of larger evolutionary necessities. You can find more about what we’re going through to get to the coming Age of Aquarius in the article The Sun Enters Pisces Today Illuminating the Cusp of the Great Age, Where The Age of Pisces Gives Way to the Age of Aquarius.
Neptune and Chiron dancing between signs on "the Cusp of the Age" had the effect of making it seem like we have all been occupying a very weird dreamscape which we'll be navigating for years to come. The trick for us is to apply our new strengths and understanding freed from the ghosts of the past, and by riding the waves of intense (but curiously steady) pulses of spiritual energies shaping our minds, we can find techniques where our efforts will lead us to forms of good fortune.
In this chart, Chiron is at 19 Pisces. This will help us heal anew through our positioning within collective consciousness, and as mentioned before, through “taking a walk with our wisdom.” Some will be vested with wisdom and/or authority, and through self-refinement find a new potential. Those who can direct their destiny with “initiative of spirit” may find “high executive ability through patient investigation and genuine psychological insight.”
This continues to show us how to merge the sacred and the everyday in our lives. Over the past couple of years, we have healed through knowing what we stand for, and heard a call to a life renewal that is now front and center. We’ve had to let go of unnecessary baggage to quicken the pace in achieving some social goal, mastered something important in our spiritual quest, been offered higher responsibilities, and been shown what spiritual goals we’re fit to accomplish.
In this chart Neptune is at 9 Pisces. The degrees that Neptune is transiting in 2015 beginning at the March Equinox is a span we haven’t experienced for over 150 years. This degree is related to collective healing lessons we were first exposed to in April 2012 when Chiron first crossed this degree.
Because Neptune has not experienced 8, 9, and 10 Pisces since 1851-1852, it indicates that collective consciousness in 2014-2016 has been in an “unknown zone” relative to the recent past, but somehow echoing lessons of the last period. In 2014 we felt a greater collective dedication or consecration, what we stand for amidst the swirl of the tides, and “heard the call.”
We will now move into a quickening, and will drop many irrelevant considerations as we spur ourselves toward a goal. This will result in a mastery that will lead to new roles and forms of collective self-expression by the Summer of 2015. The collective consciousness is officially in uncharted waters.
More on Saturn’s Universally Important Influence
We now approach the end of the Saturn in Scorpio era. Between October 2012 and December 2014 we had to find ways to use Saturn’s virtues to eliminate stagnant feelings and responses, and find appropriate boundaries and a sense of responsibility for our magnetism while shedding various “skins of personality.” 2015 begins the Saturn in Sagittarius era, showing an emphasis on maturity, responsibility, and “doing the right thing,” but using Sagittarius energy instead of the familiar Scorpio energy of the past two years.
Aspects to Saturn are somewhat of a mixed bag in this chart. The Lunation is trine Saturn, but Venus makes a quincunx, which is an “expansion through sacrifice” type of adjustment. Other than those, the Saturn square Neptune is separating, as is the Saturn novile to Pluto. Adjust your rules, stop allowing old ideas to try to jam your future growth, and curb recklessness in self or others through putting your truth to the test.
Saturn square Neptune, though separating, has begun a long wave influence which will become more pronounced once Saturn re-enters Sagittarius in September. The recent waxing squares from the inner planets set this energy into motion.
his aspect requires tremendous focus on how to make the larger ideal real, or workable in a practical way. Usually something has to give: either the method or the ideal. Consider this a dress rehearsal to find ways to maintain clarity and connectedness despite some peculiar and foggy conditions.
Regarding the Saturn in Scorpio lessons to be completed this Summer, you will recall that from late 2012 to late December 2014, Saturn helped us see a) how we shifted our magnetism on relationships, and/or b) how we need to find a new view or way of understanding the losses and eliminations of the past we’ve been through. These themes will return this Summer, where we will finish the Saturn in Scorpio lessons in a metaphoric “final exam” testing our ability to be compassionate and manage energies that are under pressure..
Because of Saturn’s path the past year, through our magnetism and desires we have begun to demonstrate a higher level of social functioning. Now that we’ve learned what is permanent and stable in our life structures, we’ve entered into the next adventure in letting these permanent and stable factors in our life lift us to a greater vision, greater truth, and a future much more free than what we’ve known since October 2012.
When Saturn returns to Scorpio for a few weeks this Summer, it will be the final scene of the last act of the play of Saturn in Scorpio, This has helped us all complete our mastery of magnetism and desire, eliminating what no longer worked.
We’ve found ways to get focused and clear about what structures are worthwhile and which need eliminating or purifying, and have finished the long wave process showing us how to conduct ourselves at a higher social level of interaction. Summer will give us a last look at how to focus our individual mental-spiritual energy. As Saturn rules the bones, and Scorpio rules regenerative processes, you may want to regard the Saturn in Scorpio transit as symbolizing a type of “bone regeneration,” or the elimination of all in our skin and bones that would block our ability to take command of our magnetism.
2012 finished our philosophical and ideological understanding in life areas related to Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius in our charts, and in October 2012 we entered a Scorpio intensification of magnetics so we could attract what we needed and repel what was not needed. Since then, we also had Solar Eclipses in Scorpio in 2012 and 2013 involving Saturn’s energies in huge ways.
Due to those Scorpio Solar Eclipses, over the past 2 years we’ve been looking back to rehearse the future after eliminating elements of the past. This opened the doors that we walked through in late December 2012, and the Solar Eclipse from November 2013 renewed the pulse. Whether we want to or not, we’ve all had to be willing to embrace a purification process, especially purifying the life of stuck feelings and desires, and open to a new game and a new way of playing that game.
This is the fourteenth Lunation with North Node in Libra and South Node in Aries. Good for reasoned, balanced action! With NN in Libra, our greatest development is through our ability to balance, weigh, judge fairly, be diplomatic peacemakers, and generally cultivate our grace, style, elegance, and sense of beautiful forms. We can grow by seeing the balances or imbalances in our relationships, or what is fair or unfair in what we confront.
I’ll close today by reminding you that we’re all in the heart of the long wave friction and crashes symbolized by Uranus square Pluto indicating the global collision between a new humanity and an old slave/control system. This Lunation opens us to a 4 year period of entering into a vaster feeling-knowing as we let go of old ways of experiencing ourselves within the collective field.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Dear Robert,
Thanks for your awesome updates as usual.
My comment and question relates to the solar eclipse and the interesting point you raised about how it is connected to the mars/venus conjunction of april 2009.
Our latest mars/venus conjunction occurred at approx. 1 degree aries, within direct orb of this solar eclipse we just had.
I understand that you equate your analogy with the sabian symbols of any specific degree, but how does this impact the latest conjunction.
In a way it has a double shut-down of the past and the current energy as well?
It is of particular interest to me as I have my progressed venus now at 0 degr. Aries
Looking forward to your reply.
Posted by: Carlos Papapetrou | March 24, 2015 at 01:27 PM
my house, which has been on the market for 2 years! sold on the night of the eclipse.... everything hinged on that, and the timing is impecable..
Posted by: jon reddish | March 24, 2015 at 01:51 PM
Thank you for this article, but just one technical question..
I have Dsc on 1,33 Aries and eclipse happened on 29,3 Pisces just 2 degrees away.
Should I consider this affecting my 6th house, or opening my 7th or both?
I know it's an amateur question, but it gives me doubts :)
Posted by: Yzse | March 24, 2015 at 02:10 PM
'Merging the sacred and the everyday' . . . I just was not getting it and was continually flipping back and forth. It helps to read stuff like that. It makes what I am experiencing more real.
Posted by: caliban | March 24, 2015 at 03:04 PM
Hi Carlos - The recent Venus-Mars conj was at 2 Aries, so yes, it's within the orb of the Eclipse. They are 2 different and overlapping effects. The conj was in Aries; the eclipse was in Pisces. Even though conjunct, two entirely different energies. There will be a "Pisces shutdown" on your prog Venus activities and Venus whatever from back when it was at 30 Pisces. Maybe some dreams you had then won't be happening as a result of the Eclipse effects these next 4 years?
There will be a fusion and renewal due to the recent conjunction. Of major importance to you is the 20089 Ven-Mars conj at 30 Pisces, since it was conj your prog Venus in late Pisces at the time. Look to what happened in the months that followed to find a correlation to what will happen these next 4 weeks and 4 years. BTW - congratulations on your Venus graduating into a new realm! Even though it's left its exaltation and is now in its exile, it still promises a major renewal in areas in your chart influenced by Taurus and Libra.
Hi Jon - Congratulations to you as well for the successful delivery of an asset to the right person freeing you for other things! Bravissimo!
Hi Yzse - Yes, yes, and yes. Before the beginning. Be clear in your imaging. Preparing for new 7th response. And related to what I mentioned above, the recent Ven-Mars conj on your Dsc will put the spotlight squarely on your "one to ones."
Hi Caliban - You'll find that what I say may need to be meditated on for a few before the truth of the matter comes forth. Especially when we're dealing with Eclipse effects.
Posted by: Robert | March 24, 2015 at 03:18 PM
This degree, 29 Pisces, is the same degree in my natal chart of my moon. What does this mean? If you can give a short answer? Much appreciate all your work. Lots of Love.
Posted by: Sarah | March 25, 2015 at 12:31 AM
Hi Robert, Thanks for the reply. I accept that challenge. Meditation is integral to the process. Sometimes I get cues that I am tracking okay. Such are your words sometimes.
Posted by: caliban | March 25, 2015 at 01:25 PM
Hi Robert,
Thank you for providing us with your endless stream of fascinating articles, I love your site.
This eclipse has me slightly worried. It is on my 26Pisces MC, square my 29 gemini moon and trine my saturn and ascendant. I'm in the middle of completing law school (and saturn return) and my training requires I work both in the office and attend lectures. The past few years I have been building up work experience but each job was always a temporary position or just not right so I'd leave - very unstable work life. I'm out of work at the moment and under pressure to find a new law firm to transfer to. It appears the eclipse on my MC correlates to the removal of my last job but I'm afraid of what it might mean now. I've had a few interviews lately but I've had no luck as yet and I suppose what I'm asking for is some reassurance of what ending/beginning the eclipse refers to. I like what I do and I feel like I'm only getting started in my career so I really hope the 'ending' is not too literal! I recently turned 30 and all I'd like is some job stability and security, not upheaval! Any of your thoughts are much appreciated!
Posted by: Ellie | March 25, 2015 at 01:34 PM