by Robert Wilkinson
Over the next 3 months, the recent activating, balancing, practical, and loving Full Moon Total Eclipse at 15 Libra-Aries will move us into a greater vision of fulfillment, a greater peace with repetitive life patterns, and open a new hope and promise. Those who have faced their passage with courage and integrity will know the past is over and a new day has dawned and new way of life has begun!
Important Chart Factors
Of primary importance is that Venus is pretty much the final dispositor for all the other planets in the sky. Except for Neptune, Venus is the backdrop for how the planets express themselves. Venus in Taurus is gentle, patient, loving, and likes to enjoy life with good company!
As Venus makes nothing but favorable forming aspects with all the other planets (Moon biquintile, Jupiter binovile, Uranus decile), what is shut down by the Eclipse over the next few months should help us all to an easier sense of how to enjoy life by accepting its simple pleasures. I find Venus in Taurus to be a very sweet and simply loving energy, and when we combine it with Jupiter in Leo as the handle of the Bucket, whatever has to go will be filled with love in many forms.
Because of the continuing very tight square between Uranus and Pluto, keep your balance and sense of perspective, be moderate and diplomatic, and use your imagination creatively while showing strength and flexibility. This is the final platform for expressing a new individuality in the making these past four years.
We’ve all had opportunities to use the seed power of self-transcendence to get beyond fear and show tender care for our dreams and things we have in motion. The next two weeks (and 3 months) get the type of exercise you need on every live level. This will help us understand why we’ve had to withdraw with dignity from irritable or aggressive people since last Summer.
Because the Eclipse makes a T-square with Pluto in Capricorn, the next few months will dislodge many old things hindering our advance, as long as we protect and/or nurture what we need to. Some will find new ways of assuring supply of some need, while others will integrate through focusing on family issues.
This is a challenge to “make the spiritual real” in our lives by grounding Truth in material forms. It is also a challenge to integrate our personality in some way, or reintegrate it at a higher level.
It will be very useful to meditate on the fact that most Mandalas and Yantras are based in the square, and represent “floor plans” for our personality structures. Relate the 4 sides to the meaning of the 4 directions of Nature and life, and see what is coming, what sustains, what is leaving, and what is ultimate Truth.
This is the fulfillment of “Is-Be-ness” expressed in the perfection of the eternal and ongoing transfiguration process. Find confidence in your pioneering self-reliance, focus, be economic in your use of energy, and “ground the spiritual” while advancing your own personality integration.
In 2014 we discovered deeper elements of our personal Dharma involving going through metaphoric whitewater rapids and seeing a lot fracture along the way. We began to chase a Mystery then, and this Eclipse brings that to the fore. The coming 3+ months offer us all glimpses of fulfillment through seeing our social function differently, and take the signals from Spirit that the flood is over.
Because chasing our Mystery usually means going into unknown zones, at some point when we’re sailing to the new world, we must lose sight of the old lands and accept the wisdom of the course we’re already on. That’s where many have been hanging out for a while. Now the dove (or perhaps a metaphoric sea bird) is bringing the message we’ve been waiting for!
All of the Water (feeling) lessons we learned between Summer 2013 and Summer 2014 took us into “down time,” whether in the underworld of our existence, or in solitude, going deep to experience whatever that death or ending was about. We were in “the in betweens” of old and new, memory and hope, death and Life, fear and Love.
That is the value of what Saturn in Scorpio has taught us since late 2012. There is deep wisdom in finding our magnetic root with the source of life if we are to live a deeper, more fulfilled existence. We will get one last “final exam” this Summer when Saturn again occupies the last 2 degrees of Scorpio, fulfilling our faith in concrete ways.
In the past 2 years and 6 months, many have found a new stability, structure, or new sense of permanence via Saturn experiences and lessons wherever they have Scorpio in their chart. However, others have been forced to confront various life voids, and learn to “hold the empty space” to get a better sense of the limits and possibilities of their magnetism.
Everything we’ve learned about positive Saturn function will come into play this Summer when Jupiter at the end of Leo squares Saturn at the end of Scorpio. This is about love releasing magnetism, and magnetism releasing love, with Taurus and Aquarius the energies being used to bring balance, stability, and healthy release of that square. More on that in future articles.
Jupiter stationary direct at 13 Leo is showing us that it’s time to begin our Jupiterian heart/love adventure anew! We can now move forward in our creative love, spontaneity, and enthusiasm based in the training we’ve done the past few months when Jupiter was retrograde. Contemplate, find peace, and get ready to put on an entirely different show!
We’ve planned for this for a long time, and now we can cut our heart and/or creativity loose in unique, inventive, and innovative ways. Opportunity is still all around for those willing to move into a new heart strength and expression, expressed through a vision of a greater truth or wider, freer future.
Everything Jupiter in Leo has promised, and continues to promise, will be activated when Venus moves through Leo in June and July before it goes retrograde at 1 Virgo. Then it will re-trace its steps, encountering the Sun and Mercury also in Leo, reinforcing this loving creative energy. Then it goes direct in early September in mid-Leo, conjunct Mars also in Leo!
Whatever Jupiter in Leo has brought us since Summer 2014 will be activated throughout the entire Summer, and promises some great loving experiences. As I told you last month, we are in a sequence of events around 15 Leo. There was the Moon conjunct Jupiter on that degree in February’s Full Moon, followed by Jupiter on that degree in the March Full Moon. This has “primed the pump” for the Venus station conjunct Mars on that degree in early September.
Remember that Jupiter’s larger teaching through this July involves us seeing how we’ve tamed and trained our animal nature so we can now “put on the show,” or maybe how we need to train our lower ego to express the love of our Higher Self. So keep learning to be skillful in utilizing the powerful energies of your vital nature, allow everything to “rise above the commonplace,” and show your virtuosity.
Major Aspects and Configurations
As this is the fourth Full Moon with Saturn in Sagittarius, even though they’re separating we’ve begun to experience the long range Saturn square Neptune influence. Over time this aspect will lead to some hard realizations where ideals or expectations have been inflated, but it can also bring incredible clarity as to how to bring a collective ideal into reality. If you have planets or angles in the early degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, this begins an era where you will integrate many expressions of your effected planets.
As noted in part 1, Jupiter is triseptile Neptune and Pluto, triggering the Grand Irrationality. This will accompany major shifts in collective consciousness, as well as the renewal we’ve all been called to since the Summer of 2014. This is a long wave configuration that will be highly active for the rest of the year.
This is the second Lunation where Jupiter has entered this turning point for humanity. It will be reinforced over the next few Lunations, so prepare for things to get weird, heavy, and in a peculiar way, very natural, authentic, spontaneous, and creative!
If you’re new to the site, briefly, the Grand Irrationality in play for about 20 years, and it has affected various generations at different times. Everyone has been touched at some point in huge ways. Spirit walks with this configuration, as well as any major septile series aspect between the planets.
The choices we make as a result of these non-rational aspects show us our “direction of destiny,” and determines if the Spirit will grow stronger and closer with you, or if you will move in directions away from Spirit. Given that most of this community is intentionally trying to live in harmony with Life, Nature, and each other, chances are that whatever you – yes, YOU the reader – are confronting will show you a deeper, richer, more powerful Spiritual life. Which is a good thing.
I’ve discussed the major aspects in previous Eclipse articles. They include Moon biquintile Venus and Neptune, setting 3 points of a Great Quintile, or 5 Pointed Star patterns, into play. Unique gifts, events, and interactions are in store for those with planets or angles near 14-17 Libra, 26-29 Sagittarius, 8-11 Pisces, 20-23 Taurus, and 2-5 Leo.
Another aspect of note are Mercury trine Jupiter, showing harmony in coordinating possibilities in creative and inspired ways. As the Sun is conjunct Uranus, and Jupiter is trine Uranus, we have a spread of vary favorable fire trines impacting everyone with planets around 7-19 degrees of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Add Saturn, and the influence begins at the first degree of these signs.
There’s a Mars quincunx Saturn, sextile Neptune, and tredecile Pluto, showing serendipitous adjustments that are productive, Saturn sesquisquare Uranus showing a general agitation in the larger atmosphere, and the beginning of the year-long Uranus novile Neptune, which I explained in my class on “2015 – An Overview for all signs” which is still available for sale for those who want to know more. Email me if you’re interested.
Other Factors of Note
This is the fourteenth Full Moon with the North Node in Libra. When the North Node was in Scorpio between September 2012 and February 2014 we went through a long wave Scorpio process of learning to “shed skins,” and let go of echoes of memories of perceptions by taking a new look at what we used to believe. Factoring in the November 2013 Scorpio Solar Eclipse, we’ve all been learning “gain through loss,” so that we could have faith, go deeper, and receive impressions from higher planes.
The Saturn in Scorpio focus between October 2012 and December 2014 helped us intensify our striving in structured ways so we can unveil the life Mystery we’ve been chasing for quite a while. This anchored a deeper emotional stability and magnetism in those who have done the hard work of making Saturn your friend.
During the months of Saturn in Scorpio, we incorporated the old North Node in Scorpio lessons into our ongoing responses to life. Saturn also taught us to see a) how we have shifted our magnetism on relationships since then, and/or b) how we need to find a new view or way of understanding the losses and eliminations of the past we’ve been through.
The North Node is in Libra shows that sign symbolizes our line of greatest development. Therefore, the lessons we learned while Saturn in Libra are being developed at this time. There are direct connections between our current growth and what Saturn taught us in October 2010 and dominated our landscape by the Summer of 2011, since the degree of the North Node in this chart is one away from the degree Saturn went stationary direct on in June 2011. Whatever Saturn taught us during those months will be part of our growth the next three months.
Element Balance
Of the traditional 10 planets, there are 5 planets in Fire signs, 1 in Water, 3 in Earth, and 1 in Air. This indicates a strong emphasis on Fire (inspiration), a healthy Earth (practicality) with a balance of diminished Air (relatedness and ideas) and Water (feeling).
With Fire dominant, restlessness and high spiritedness will prevail, though the Earth should ground the inspiration in practical and enjoyable forms. With 5 planets in the first two signs of the zodiac, things are beginning to emerge, potential is getting focused, and new resources are being grounded. This is a future oriented element spread, and warmth, honesty, idealism, love, and beauty should be in the air!
Air and Earth are “cool” elements, while Fire and Water are “hot” elements. With this distribution, things are going to be a little agitated and emotional with a major practical factor. Lots of grounding and vision, but the feelings will be poignant and at times, run very deep. This marks the quickening!
Now that Saturn is in Sagittarius, it marks the beginning of long term diminishment of the Water element. That means whatever emotional intelligence we learned in 2013-2014 must now be a part of our inner makeup to be used wisely as we navigate a long term Fire period!
More on how Uranus Square Pluto Is Ramping Up Radical Energies!
As I’ve mentioned off and on over the past 3+ years, we’re all learning to manage the “out of control” energies of Uranus square Pluto. They are certainly front and center at this exact point in history, and this Lunation brings it to the forefront, since once again it is exact!
’ve discussed this aspect at length over quite a few articles in the archives. Please use the site google box to find out more about this years’ long disruptive revolutionary influence. Welcome to the 21st century of upheaval, transformation, and titanic collisions between a new world being born and an old age that’s digging in even as it’s dying.
That square represents the ongoing revolution of our times, with innovations and pioneering energies in conflict with restrictive and controlling power structures. We’ll be dealing with this for a few years, and it promises to make this year and next very “electric and eclectic,” moving the world through a revolution unlike any seen since the 1960s!!
Uranus is now moving through a span of degrees active between 2013 and 2015, and went stationary retrograde last Summer on a degree where we’re learning to retire with dignity from dramas we don’t need. As Uranus is again on that degree, this is the next step in knowing what we do not have to be involved in as we learn to focus our potency.
From mid-June through the end of August 2014, Saturn and Uranus were in quincunx, forcing hard adjustments, corrections, and necessary sacrifices preparing us for the release of pressure over the last half of 2014. We learned to sacrifice of old desires, attachments, and old limiting magnetism, while breaking into new discoveries and newer, better functioning by what was adjusted. We’ve all learned to see what we needed to withdraw from while maintaining our dignity and trusting our inner “God” or “Truth” to lead us to wisdom.
Pluto has now finished its years of teaching us harmlessness, kindness, and magnetism that brings forth a more gentle set of interactions through the deeper transformations going on in our lives. Keep purifying yourself in every way, since the less sludge we carry forward the lighter and freer we’ll feel.
We have now been guided through deep experiences that taught us how to get beyond fear, see life as a science lab, and learn the principles governing what comes and what goes in our perceptual reality. This is the next step in learning “a valid historical perspective,” where we separate out the core principles from the events surrounding them. We now enter the next stage of self-transcendence, with the final exam September-October 2015.
As we learn to master Uranus square Pluto, we will be able to see the true causes of any social disorder, constructive versus destructive justifications and motives, and see where mistrust and mischief-making originate. This allows us to grow into a greater power when we’re confronted by old Pluto roles, coercions, and heavy-handed corrosive behavior. We can use the square between Uranus and Pluto in two big ways, both now and into the future.
We can exercise good Pluto function to put the brakes on negative Uranian manifestations, and good Uranus function to put the brakes on negative Pluto manifestations. Look to the harmonizing aspects to each to show which is building and which one is the release point for those energies. In this chart, Uranus is specializing many things in everyone’s lives, so go with the new rather than the established.
What's the proper sequence at present of deciding, feeling, and thinking, with an Overview of the Lunation
At the Capricorn New Moon, we shifted into a pattern of deciding, then thinking, and then feeling. That continued with the New Moon in Aquarius six weeks ago. The last Full Moon in Virgo-Pisces shifted the pattern again, into the current pattern of thinking, then deciding, then feeling.
This pattern naturally leads with a vision, understanding, and what’s being communicated into decisions and actions. Then after the decision or action, this pattern indicates we need to sit with the feelings and experience them, bringing them to the surface of our consciousness and get clear about what we’re feeling and why.
That will lead us back to new information, new vision, new ideals, and new understanding upon which we can do our next set of decisions and actions. After those, again name what you’re feeling. That way nothing will get bottled up through underuse, and you can move through experiences with power and clarity.
Since last Summer, we’ve all been through some explosions of repressed material that healed us, or began a healing process. We’ve broken up old complexes, and touched “the God within.” We continue to train our lower nature to be the vehicle of our Higher Self in a form of love, wisdom, and intelligence in action.
This Lunation shows us how to be loving, grounded, facing the future that is already coming our way. We’ve gotten signs and signals from Spirit, and can let much develop organically and naturally. Drop unnecessary considerations and superfluous distractions (whether material, emotional, or ideological) and remember you’ve already made it through the ordeal!
Through the wisdom we’ve gained that can help us feel a deeper peace, we can prepare for the next adventure in learning about creative and playful ways to give and receive love. The Light of this Eclipse will give us glimpses of ultimate fulfillment and a new worldly life order. This one can help us leave a lot of old suffering and watch it flow down the timestream.
Remember, though life can be painful, we do not have to suffer. And as we learn to break the link between pain and suffering, we heal our part of humanity and the world.
For your contemplation, a final meditation I offer each month at the end of our Full Moon journey of exploration.
We are Light. All things are composed of Light in various frequencies that express as limitless forms. Some light frequencies are of greater density than others.
All shadows result from light hitting a dense object. Psychological shadows too. Therefore, it’s good to become as translucent and translucid as possible to dispel lurking shadows.
If you must look at and/or deal with shadows, whether your own or another’s, then refocus your Light on the object being illuminated, since that form is the source of the shadow.
Find the correct 4 angles of illuminating whatever you want to focus on, and all shadows will be dispelled. Then you’re seeing things with an illuminated mind, and can act accordingly.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
I am a Taurus sun ..Leo rising. Maybe I'm out of the woods. I can only hope. What a rough 5 years. And more.
Posted by: Peggy | April 07, 2015 at 08:05 PM
I like the brakes description of the square. It is quite possible you have written it before but I was unable to grok it at the time. Worked it through my chart. It makes sense. For some reason, it led me to the axis and different levels of that. Always more fun with astrology. :D
Posted by: caliban | April 09, 2015 at 09:49 AM
Thanks Robert. Full of information, covered every aspect and more.
Blessings be
Posted by: Nic | April 09, 2015 at 12:33 PM