by Robert Wilkinson
I got to thinking about all the things that have happened in my life that perfectly mirror this Mercury retrograde, and thought I’d share them with you. Some of what’s come down is pretty classic!
First, I’ve unexpectedly picked up rewriting TWO books from the past. They both sprang to life, so to speak. After quite a while of mulling them in the back of my brain, I finally saw the shape one will take, and finally saw the approach the other will take.
One will be done quickly, one will take longer. The former is on Saturn, the latter on our personal, cultural, and spiritual future in this Age in Transition. So these two works are moving forward with a stellium in the sign of the Twins! To note, publishing, editing, rewriting, researching and reviewing are all favored during Mercury retrograde.
In an interesting twist, I just found information I’ve never seen that is perfect for explaining some of the important parts of our Age, and what it is that we’re overcoming at the core level of our existence. Hint at this link. Another hint: As we move out of consensus reality and being bound by our irrational and insatiable desire mind being brainwashed with manipulated imagery, we can be restored to a saner relationship between the material and spiritual dimensions of our human existence. The book should be a good experience both to write and to read!
More Mercury retrograde manifestations! All previously scheduled June trips were postponed or scrapped, except for the ones that were unexpectedly moved up. Even now some are completely up in the air as to when or if we could go.
In one example, we started to go out of town to Phoenix, but then had to postpone since it could involve something in Tucson instead. That fell apart, and we eventually wound up in Prescott, not making it to Sedona as originally intended.
Then we went out of town to house sit for a couple who were doing an overnighter somewhere else. We got there, they left, went somewhere other than where they intended to go, and then came back to their house late that night. That meant the truck in the driveway had to be moved in the middle of the night, and then returned to its place in the driveway.
Another retrograde manifestation: a friend’s family reunion in a distant state already planned for months fell apart due to old issues from years ago involving a divorced member of the family who later reversed his position after the damage was done. However, that call led to a tremendous creative outburst of ideas unrelated to the reunion that should yield results down the road that perfectly mirror the positive potential of ideas hatched during Mercury retrograde.
Electronics bought shortly before the retrograde still aren’t up and running. My phone has unexpectedly shut off several times for no reason, as has my computer.
More times than I can count I’ve put in a number to my cell phone, and hit call, only to get dead air. I’ve had weird abrupt electronic end to calls, or just played phone tag for over a week (and I still haven’t connected with the person!)
Chart sessions either took several different periods to complete, or those that were done took hours to attach to emails rather than the usual 20 minutes.
Some sessions were forgotten by my clients, or they had to postpone due to unexpected events. Some have contacted me for sessions based in emails they just found from months and even years ago. My own hectic changes in when I’m going where have not helped me craft a stable schedule.
My bill pay feature at my bank has been losing payments, deleting payments, and losing records of past payments. So I had to call some corporations to have late fees rescinded. I called the bank, they said it was fixed, and a week later again a payment vanished into thin air, never recorded and never debited. I called them again, and they again told me they were working on it. Delays and reversals!
Oh yes. My apartment in LA is on Air Bnb when I’m not there. One guest came in at night and wondered why it was so cold and the heater wouldn’t light. It turns out the pilot was out, which no one with access to the apartment knew about.
So we turned the pilot back on, and the next guest thought it generated too much heat and wanted the pilot off. So one wanted heat but didn’t have it, and the other didn’t want heat but had it.
Then there’s the house. As some of you know, I have a home for sale in New Mexico. I just found out my home is again listed on Zillow by my agent. 3 years ago I listed it on Zillow, but took it off because of their lack of cooperation in getting the facts of my listing right.
So now it’s back on, and of course, when I looked they had many of the house facts wrong. They wouldn’t let me in (I’m the owner!) and I have to go through my real estate agent, who has told us they make it very hard for her to correct the facts. But she persevered, and it took some of her changes, but not others. Then she went back in again, made changes that took several days to display, and found that there were still some facts that were wrong.
So here we have a return from the past, a problem with incorrect information, and a problem correcting the information, and even when it was corrected, there was a delay in posting it. “And around and around and around and around we go oh woah woah…..”
There are more things I could list, but this is long enough (given we haven’t even made it to the Inferior Conjunction!) See you soon with more on the Inferior Conjunction and the Saturday Night Attitude dance featuring the music of birthday boy Lenny Davidson and the awesome Dave Clark 5!
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
You make my world sound like a piece of cake, even with Mars Mercury and Sun creating a grand square with my natal chart.
The new writing plans sound great!
Posted by: Jo Garceau | May 29, 2015 at 12:22 PM
Runnin in place cluster f Ur Highness:)!
Posted by: chickie | May 29, 2015 at 06:44 PM
Oh this Mercury Rx has been no-holds-barred. The past 48 hours have had so many revisits from the past, few of them I'd call welcome returns - so I'm taking it as a view to demonstrate what I no longer need those things and to identify what I want.
Posted by: Matt | May 30, 2015 at 08:12 AM
You wrote, "Keep it focused, find the right plan, and mobilize, since many who are ambitious will 'win the prize' as a result of this Mercury retrograde." I would love it if you would go into that further...
Posted by: Diana | May 30, 2015 at 09:30 AM
Interesting. See how it works in natal mercury rx Conjunct Leo sun. Little more clearly. I dont find it inferior. Could write a book about it. For sure creative endeavors. Interesting take on brainwashed. Spiritual insights into that. Layers of it. Unraveling.
Posted by: nancy | May 31, 2015 at 03:27 AM