by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, it's THAT time again! Mercury is radically slowing down, preparing to go stationary retrograde at 14 Gemini at 6:50 pm PDT, 9:50 pm EDT May 18, 2:50 am BST May 19. This has important implications for all signs.
I'll be composing several articles about this Mercury retrograde in Gemini over the next several weeks. Until then, adapt to the slowing pace of things, be willing to put some things on hold for a little while, and take a look at what's been set into motion up to now with an eye to seeing what has to be done before things can again move forward in mid-June.
I know there are many unfortunate things attributed to Mercury retrograde, but there are also many productive things that get done, connections that are made, and different angles of view glimpsed that make our understanding more complete and well rounded.
The two weeks before the retrograde is a good time for setting things in motion that will need a delay before being picked up anew. Or for doing things that will need research, rehearsing, or reworking to whatever degree before completion. The time before Mercury goes retrograde is good for doing what must be done so that other related things can be done later, as well as reconnecting with people and activities from the past that are somehow related to the future.
Since Mercury is slowing, we’ve already begun to experience a quality of “Mercury crashing into retrograde.” If you want to know what we can expect from Mercury retrograde in Gemini, as well as all the other signs and houses, if you haven't already gotten your copy, you may want to buy a copy of the new second edition of my book A New Look At Mercury Retrograde.
The great news is that it is again available as a paperback! Yes, we managed to get it published in time for this retrograde. The paperback is available through, so if you want the newest edition go there and order your copy. Of course, it’s also available as an ebook through Amazon Kindle or Barnes and Noble Nook. I've included links to both sites.
As I’ve mentioned before, it is written for both astrologers and laypeople. I have just about everything you could want to know about Mercury retrograde, including how it works, what it means, celebrities who have it in their charts, historic events that happened during Mercury retrograde, and what signs are involved in future Mercury retrograde periods.
By knowing more about 2014's Mercury retrograde periods in Pisces/Aquarius, Cancer/Gemini, and Scorpio/Libra, as well as 2015’s Mercury retrograde periods in Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, you may see patterns in what was going on in your life, what you were taking a new look at and why, and how this "looking back" influenced your choices as you moved through past events.
Here's the link to where you can order your copy of the new edition of my ebook, A New Look at Mercury Retrograde to check out possible ways this Mercury retrograde effect could play out over the next 4 months. And here’s the Createspace link to the page where you can purchase a paperback edition of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde.
The coming retrograde will show us a new look at recent signals and information that we sent or received, and get clear about what roles we're playing and not playing. This one actually can help us cut through the fogs in the collective and cultivate a curious form of pure telepathy.
As with all Mercury retrograde periods, things from the past will be reevaluated, re-examined, or understood differently. We can get a new look at ideas, ways we’re communicating and understanding what others are communicating to us, and get new insights into all things ruled by Gemini, such as siblings, the environment we’re in, and more specifically, all things related to the house(s) where we have 5 to 14 Gemini.
For example, we may get new insights or understanding about someone in our past who was like a brother or sister to us, or someone we lived near at a prior point in our lives. Some will remember things that were said a long time ago, and come to a new understanding of what was said and why, and maybe even get insights into what motivated that person to say what they did,
Though it recedes before it makes the exact aspects, Mercury goes stationary in close sextile to Jupiter and quincunx to Pluto. As Jupiter is making its quincunx to Pluto, this creates a Yod, or Finger of God with Pluto as the nozzle. That is an extremely powerful “multiple expansion through sacrifice” configuration that indicates hard adjustments and releases to help us get productively focused in some spiritual way.
This particular Mercury RX Yod indicates that after a period of delays and/or reviews and rehearsals, we’re going to get extraordinarily focused wherever we have mid-Capricorn in our charts. However! The Yod effect will begin almost immediately, since the Moon is in Gemini at this stationary point in time, conjunct Mercury and making the exact Finger of God over the 14 hours after the stationary point.
As Mercury goes retrograde in the Air sign of Gemini and stays in that sign the entire retrograde period, it continues the big shift from last year’s Mercury retrograde periods. Last year’s 3 retrograde periods all began in early Water signs, with Mercury retrograding back into Air signs. So last year we danced between Feelings and Ideas, experiencing and relating, while this year it’s entirely an Air affair!
In May, we can see what life has prepared for us since the last Mercury retrograde in January-February. This can give us a new perspective on what’s shifted in our view or understanding since then, and this will make some things that were hidden come to light. This Mercury retrograde will offer us opportunities to look back and distill a wider view and understanding of our past experiences and choices resulting from the last Mercury retrograde.
Consider the next 3 weeks as an opening of new perspective, new understanding, and new ways of approaching or exploring something. This time will bring interesting insights through looking back or within about prior interactions, misunderstandings, or miscommunications, and why certain things came down the way they did.
Pay attention to the signs, signals, information, and ideas that come in this period, and see if they related to opportunities, truths, or openings glimpsed in July-August 2012, or November 2012 through April 2013. You may see alternative views of what opened then, or find a new way to articulate those potentials.
This is where we get to look back on what has been and what is happening right now in order to get insights into what is to come. It will certainly be an important retrograde, given the aspects in play!
This chart offers a huge number of extremely important aspects indicating what’s up both for the period of the retrograde station, as well as the entirety of the retrograde period. Besides the Yod, when Mercury goes stationary retrograde the major forming aspects include Moon conjunct Mercury, sextile Jupiter, septile Uranus and tightly square Neptune, Mercury square Neptune, Venus semisquare Sun, square Uranus, and opposed Pluto, Sun opposed Saturn, Mars square Neptune, Jupiter trine Uranus, Saturn semisquare Pluto, and Uranus novile Neptune.
These are a very mixed bag of aspects showing a lot of gear grinding and offering us the chance to see how to move in a different direction. I’ll explain more in future articles on this Mercury retrograde period.
Of major importance is that Mars is at 5 Gemini at the stationary retrograde point, and that’s the exact degree where Mercury will go stationary direct on June 11 at 3:33 pm PDT, 11:33 pm BST. That means during this retrograde period Mars activates the future we began when Mercury entered its shadow zone just a few days ago.
This Mercury retrograde will give us many signs and signals for what will dominate Mercury-ruled areas from mid-June through mid-September 2015. This retrograde is a time to review past ideas and prior understanding and views, and take a new look at how these contributed to any confusion about what roles we were and were not playing at points in our past. Keep it focused, find the right plan, and mobilize, since many who are ambitious will “win the prize” as a result of this retrograde.
Here we take a new look at what’s behind us before moving forward anew at the end of the RX period in mid-June. We can get all kinds of new insights into future potentials, while seeing things in the recent past differently.
The Inferior Conjunction happens May 30 at 10 Gemini. That indicates the coming “fusion of life and mind” will help us to a new look, new interpretation, or new understanding of the issues associated with the end of the first decan of Gemini, as well as what Jupiter taught us in late July and mid-December 2012, as well as March 2013 when it occupied that exact degree.
So welcome to many things being reviewed or coming back up to surface these next three weeks thanks to the retrograde quality of the time. Some will review past efforts to see what still needs to be integrated into the life, and/or there could be returns, rehearsals, or echoes of the past and its views, misunderstandings, dilemmas, paradoxes, and dualities.
This one allows us to take a look back at how we’re using Gemini energy in our lives, see who our brothers and sisters truly are, open to a wider set of interpretations, and say goodbye to old illusions and self-putdowns. Take a new look at the ideas you got earlier in May, since we will capture the essential elements of understanding what we need to mobilize into action by mid-June based in our insights these next 3+ weeks.
For all of us, during the next several weeks the future that's already rolling forward will slow a little so we can get a new look at crucial elements of the process we cannot afford to ignore. All of us will have a new understanding of multiple elements of our lives by mid-June, and will begin a process of “organized reform.”
This will be another important retrograde, where the past will be reviewed to see what we can and cannot bring with us into the future in mid-June. It will help us rehearse or do the research we need to get ready to spring forward in late June, clear about what we know, what we need to know, and what must happen if we are to move forward in our lives.
Renewals, returns, reconnections, reunions, and rebeginnings are promised by this retrograde. And of course, more on this Mercury retrograde period will come soon!
Copyright © 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Wow! Venus square Uranus and opposing Pluto! Relationships are going to hit critical turning points, am I right or am I right?! Let the games begin.
Posted by: Diana | May 14, 2015 at 06:00 PM