by Robert Wilkinson
I was recently asked on a comment stream over at the FB astrology group KISS why I thought the current violent chaos is “the last dying gasp of the Age of Pisces,” and not the dark side of the coming Age of Aquarius. What follows is a short elaboration on my view.
The thread was a discussion about the recent massacre by a white psychopathic racist that killed 9 black people at a Bible study group at the Charleston AME church. One commenter thought the pandemic violence had to do with the cultural programming of certain groups to feel victimized and turn on each other, and that some groups are making money off the violence. Hence the reference to Aquarius, the sign of groups.
When I offered that I view the current global meltdown as the last dying gasp of the Age of Pisces, another commented that they didn’t understand the reference, and felt the bad behavior and vicious anger is not a Pisces trait. Here was my answer.
I offered that I believe the pandemic violence is Pisces because in the coming Age of Aquarius humanity will be aware of the oneness of Life and effort toward the greater good. On the other hand, the Age of Pisces has had us in race wars, religious wars, ideological wars, fogs of confusion, and other behaviors based in belief systems rather than the knowledge of our interrelatedness and unique part within the Whole of humanity.
Psychopaths do not think about the greater good or the good of the whole. Think of it this way: there is no way any one finger would deliberately cut off one of the other fingers, since they all work together. Our dying Piscean age puts belief systems against belief systems, and believes it can do damage to other life and there are no consequences since the fog of denial is strong.
I actually have great faith in the long wave evolutionary process. What we're seeing is the gear grind at the end of the decaying form of the global thoughtform of the past 2000+ years. That's why people are either a) understanding the oneness of life, or b) going into death spirals (Monsanto messing with the global food supply, fossil fuels poisoning the Earth, unending war so a few may profit, rampant pollution of the earth, water, and air, as well as the collective mind, race/ethnic/religious hatred, and so much more). It is literally the "separation of the wheat from the chaff" in the larger shift between the Ages.
The humanity of the future is going to be radically different than the one we've known up to now. While human nature will always have its issues, there are some things we should have outgrown by now. One great Master said we're basically the juvenile delinquents of the solar system.
In terms of a more specific focus, we are already at the end of "the Age of Empire." Even corporate "empires" are doomed to fail. History is moving into a post empire era. I did extensive seminars on this subject 20-25 years ago, and am re-editing a manuscript I wrote back then on this subject that hopefully will be a book ready for publishing by 2017. Yes, it’s that big!
My recent post on FB about several Kurdish confederations taking shape with no central government is one symptom of a post empire, post central government era. While we are still in a transitional age, what is coming will not look like it did before. When enough people change the model, then the world has changed, whether for a century or 20.
Of course, it may be that a huge part of humanity won't be around to see the new era, since many no longer fit into the evolutionary plan of the Earth Herself. While the Earth is essential to us, we are not essential to the Earth.
We are told by ancient venerable sources that every 10,000 years or so, an evolutionary door swings open, and there is a reshuffling of the deck of life so that those who are no longer aligned with the Earth go to different evolutionary schemes, and simultaneously certain evolved animals step into human incarnation. We are also told that radical Earth changes accompany the shifts in the sub-races, as well as the Root Races.
Whether this will happen during our lifetimes is not something that can be known until it happens, and a human life is short when measured against the change of Ages. But we are also told from ancient sources that there is a vast time where the old overlaps with the new, and the subraces of the previous Root Race coexist with the subraces of the new Root Race. This obviously leads to friction, but at this time in history humanity is on the “Path of Return,” and more are consciously aware than ever before.
We can already observe Earth changes beginning to happen with greater frequency and intensity, and this global agitation is no doubt taking its toll on those who are prone to freak out. At the same time, there are more of us who are consciously aware of the One Life we all are together, and we are connecting through multiple mediums so our sense of separateness is rapidly vanishing. So while there is more chaos, there is also more connectedness.
We are the midwives and midhusbands of a humanity that will be as different in 40 years as we are from 15th century humanity. We work for all, and for all time. We are the custodians of the best of our predecessors, and gladly carry those seeds, building the bridges between past and future, renovating what is needed and discarding the rest.
That is our sanctuary. That is our future. That is our Life. And we WILL outlast and outlive this dying Age, and find a new era dawning not that far down the road.
Here’s a relevant affirmation from the New Group of World Servers. I’ve changed a few words to make it more inclusive:
The children of God are one, and we are one with all.
We seek to love, not hate;
We seek to serve and not exact due service;
We seek to heal, not hurt.
Let pain bring due reward of light and love.
Let the Soul control the outer form, And life, and all events,
And bring to light the Love that underlies the happenings of the time.
Let vision come and insight.
Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.
Let love prevail.
Let all Beings love.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
So nicely said Robert. Thank you. Muchly.
Posted by: Veronica | June 22, 2015 at 05:20 PM
So beautiful Robert, I also believe the prior age is already over in the hearts and minds of many. We still have much work to do, but it is to be done in the spirit you described here.
Posted by: crimson | June 22, 2015 at 07:00 PM
I often get the feeling that the violent outbursters are missing the boat. As are the commentators that continue to reference the bible as prophecy instead of what people were experiencing during the time they wrote the stuff. I do listen to them along with everything else I expose myself to, but what is being espoused just seems to be more and more half baked.
Posted by: caliban | June 22, 2015 at 08:28 PM
With some awareness, a simple scan around the events of our time bolsters your view. I feel that it's interesting for example that Greece, in many ways the intellectual birthplace of much of our current institutionalized belief, is undergoing so much struggle at this point in history.
Posted by: JP | June 23, 2015 at 02:57 AM
I fully agree with your views.It is indeed the sin of separateness that has fueled the worst of the Piscean era. The new era, the Aquarian era will be group oriented and unity will be recognised. This is already happening and social critical thinking is growing and it will bring the changes about as it is doing already. It is a human choice, but it is also the flow of all energies and that include our planetary energies that are bringing the change. Either we recognise it and move with it and aid it or humanity will have to relearn its lessons again and again. We are more integrated, critical, mentally oriented and there are signs for hope and glimpses of the new ways.
Blessings be to all
Posted by: Nic | June 23, 2015 at 10:21 AM
The "Confederate isn't the only flag coming down. Glad to get your wisdom in times like this. We will be having more and will need you more.
Posted by: Peggy | June 23, 2015 at 03:03 PM