by Robert Wilkinson
This article covers significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in the recent Gemini New Moon chart. This one is adaptive, mobilizing, specializing, and will lead us to a more honest way of seeing and communicating the essence of what we think.
This Lunation, along with the inner planets, have been in the span that begins with Neptune in Pisces, runs through Uranus in Aries, and ends at Jupiter in Leo, with only Saturn in late Scorpio and Pluto in mid-Capricorn outside that span. The previously empty span between Jupiter in Leo and Saturn in Sagittarius created what is called a “Locomotive” Jones pattern.
In this chart Saturn has slipped back to the last degree of Scorpio, pretty much ending our run of dominant “Locomotive” pattern charts and beginning a multi-month constantly shifting Jones patterns, including “Locomotive,” “Splay” and “Splash” chart patterns. Because of the empty span between Jupiter and Saturn in this chart, this is the last “Locomotive” pattern, and shows elements of a “Splay” Jones pattern. That’s why this month I’ll include what Marc Jones said about both patterns.
In this New Moon, the span occupied by the inner planets (in this chart Mercury in Gemini through the Lunation degree) is 19+ degrees, making it a very tightly occupied cluster. If we look at the span between Mercury and Jupiter, we find 6 planets occupying 73+ degrees, which is also a fairly compressed cluster of energy. This month we have 10 planets occupying 6 signs, which are not fairly spread out around the zodiacal wheel.
So What is a “Locomotive Pattern” and how does it work?
This type of spread, with all the planets occupying approximately 2/3 of the signs with an empty third, creates an imbalance that leads to power if we can find the compensatory “weight” to make things move forward smoothly rather than rock side to side creating friction. Target what is needed, and provide compensatory energies accordingly.
As Marc Jones put it, “this type of horoscope reveals a balance of this sort in the life. A third part of things… consisting of a free span in experience, is set against a two-thirds part, embracing a related but limited span in experience…. The basis of the dynamic is found in the native’s resulting strong sense of a lack or a need, of a problem to be solved, a task to be achieved in the social and intellectual world around him.”
Dr. Jones states “The temperament reveals a self-driving individuality, an executive eccentricity that is not … unbalance but rather is power. It exhibits a dynamic and exceptionally practical capacity which is neither the broad universality of the Splash pattern, nor the special obsession with some particularly narrowed aspect of experience characteristic of the Bundle people.
He goes on to state “The Locomotive classification is … moved more by external factors in the environment than by aspects of its own character. The point of application for the powers of the self is shown … by the “leading planet,” or the one of the two in the empty trine which forms its aspect clockwise in the zodiac, irrespective of any distinction as “applying” or “separating.”
Saturn is the leading planet in the Locomotive. Take the humor, vision, and heart strengths you cultivated when Jupiter in Leo was the leading planet of the Locomotive a while back, and continue to find more mature and structured ways of expressing these virtues.
We can use the Jupiterian joy and enthusiasm we’ve experienced and for the next few weeks express that in forms of Scorpio wisdom and understanding. This month the leading edge of the Locomotive is in Water, and the closing edge is in Fire. Use deep feelings and self-transcendence through finding ways to relieve the pressure, to move through experience and come out with an open heart, singing the song of life by being light, seeing light, living light, and expressing light!
As the Locomotive keeps things out of balance, Saturn at the front end is the means to find ways of initiating activity that must be accompanied by a compensatory “weight” to keep things moving forward rather than sideways. The more we work with the imbalances that can lead us to “response-ability,” and “structured depth feelings,” the easier it will be to use Saturn’s energies skillfully.
As we open the span of experience with Saturn in Scorpio, and close the span with Jupiter in Leo, it represents a final look back at managing magnetism and pressure that closes with the power of focused dramatic expression that can rouse others to a greater feeling-state. With Jupiter closing the span, we can complete our experiences with honesty of genuine natural expression. Just keep in mind the wise words of the great wit Wavy Gravy that if you don’t have a sense of humor, it’s not funny!
So What is a “Splay Pattern” and how does it work?
Due to the way the planets are irregularly spread out among the signs, this type of spread which features all the planets in odd angles to each other with differing distributions among the signs, creates a “Splay” Jones Pattern. As Marc Jones put it, “the arrangement is neither even nor symmetrical,” revealing “strong and sharp aggregations of the planets at irregular points.”
Dr. Jones states “This suggests highly individual or purposeful emphases in the life, where the temperament juts out into experiences according to its own very special tastes.” This pattern “makes its own anchorage in existence,” and has a quality of “rugged resistance to pigeonholing, either in the near conventional compartments of nature, or in the idea-pockets of associates.”
He goes on to state this pattern gives a “persistent emphasis on individuality,” and the “spokelike emphases of the planetary groupings” are random, but have a “tripod” footing and approach to life circumstances. He says this pattern “reveals a very intensive personality who cannot be limited to any single steady point of application.” This temperament is “particular and impersonal in its interests,” rather than “universal-impersonal” or “particular-personal.”
This implies that affairs will be diversely spread out, some will not mesh well with others, and there will be a “hub and spoke" quality to what happens these next 4 weeks. This spread shows a wide diversity of things going on that promotes individuality.
The Sabian Symbols for the New Moon
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following month will demonstrate. This Lunation falls at 26 Gemini. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth.
The symbol for the 26th degree of Gemini is “Winter frost in the woods.” In the original Jones class notes, Rudhyar says this is a degree of the “creative bestowal of significance upon all things," "the transforming power of beauty," and "keen appreciation of natural processes."
In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree symbolizes “the revelation of archetypal form and essential rhythm of existence.” We are told this deals with “archetypes and pure forms of individual selfhood,” as well as “the characteristic images of the culture.” He says “Externals are left behind. This is a step beyond ‘pruning’; it is rather a process of removal of all superficialities of existence.”
He states that this symbol shows us the way to “the essence of our individual being,” where we can see pure selfhood through a process of essentialization. He says this degree falls in the Span of Restlessness, Act of Differentiation, and Scene of Exteriorization on the Individual-Mental level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “the cosmic significance in any momentary cancellation of (our) immediate interests and private concerns,” where Nature’s “needs and powers” have supremacy over our “aspirations and conveniences.” He states this is a “call for a reorientation in (our) individual point of view, and for some further discovery of the self’s potentials.”
He offers “Normal life is brought to a point of sharp suspension so that the larger magic may be manifest.” He gives us the keyword SPLENDOR. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree is “the creative transformation by which older cycles give way to newer ones.”
From this symbol it seems we can new forms of beauty and self-expression take shape as an ability to focus our efforts in order to achieve mental movement toward a new or renewed potential. So this is a degree of individual-mental activity externalizing an honest picture of things are they are behind their appearance.
Of some relevance is that this New Moon falls on the exact degree of the Full Moon in December 2013. The seed forms sprouting at this time may have some relationship to the realizations we had then, and we may find a new way to view them thanks to Mercury being in its shadow zone of its recent retrograde period.
Important Aspects
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. This section covers only forming aspects.
As I outlined in part 1, this time has some heavy aspect patterns. Major inner planet aspects include the Lunation septile Jupiter, triseptile Saturn, and tredecile Neptune. We also have Mercury quintile Jupiter and square Neptune.
Venus is conjunct Jupiter, tredecile Saturn, trine Uranus, and triseptile Saturn. Mars is septile Jupiter and triseptile Saturn. All the septile series aspects show choice and change at the crossroads of destiny wherever they fall relative to whatever they rule in the chart.
The Lunation opens up some major hot zones around 24-29 Gemini, 16-21 Leo, 7-12 Libra, 28 Scorpio- 2 Sagittarius, 19-24 Capricorn, 11-16 Pisces, and 2-7 Taurus. If you have a planet or angle in one of these zones, expect major developments in your life clarifying your destiny or purpose.
As explained in pt.1, Venus triseptile Pluto sets a variation of the Grand Irrationality into play. It anticipates what we’ll confront later in the year when the Grand Irrationality is again constantly active when Pluto again occupies 15 Capricorn in septile to Neptune at 8 Pisces. I gave you the approximate zones in part 1. This one renews the need for tender care, honesty, and willingness to accept higher and broader purpose based in the skills we’ve cultivated the past year or two.
The numerous tredeciles show serendipity will be in the air, and those affected will find the perfect circumstances for their gifts and skills, and vice versa. The Lunation tredecile Neptune opens up 1-5 Aquarius/Leo, 7-11 Pisces/Virgo, 13-17 Aries/Libra, 19-23 Taurus/Scorpio, and 25-29 Gemini/Sagittarius. Venus tredecile Saturn opens up 4-7 Capricorn/Cancer, 10-13 Aquarius/Leo, 16-19 Pisces/Virgo, 22-25 Aries/Libra, 28-30 Taurus/Scorpio, and 1 Gemini/Sagittarius.
The outer planet aspect show a mix of harmony and friction. On the one hand, we have Jupiter biseptile Saturn, trine Uranus, quadranovile Neptune, and biquintile Pluto. These are all favorable and spiritualizing, specializing, and interactive. Then we have Saturn semisquare Neptune, showing some real crises of friction in the collective field. And Uranus is in close novile to Neptune, which is the most stable long wave influence, which I discuss more about in my class “2015 Year Ahead.” Noviles are highly spiritualizing aspects, and this one indicates the emergence of a new vast spiritual awakening across the planet.
Element Balance
Of the traditional 10 planets, there are 3 planets in Fire signs, 2 in Water, 1 in Earth, and 4 in Air. This indicates an emphasis on inspiration and interactivity, with feelings and practicality there but in a lesser role.
With the Lunation in Air, this features a lot of information front and center, with lots of communications and exchanges wherever we have late Gemini. The Lunation is distributive and theoretical, curious and inquisitive, and its ruler Mercury is also in Air, showing a big emphasis on mind and honesty in our interactions and perceptions.
Air and Earth are “cool” elements, while Fire and Water are “hot” elements. With this distribution, the balance is exact between hot and cold so things shouldn’t get too extreme. That said, enjoy the Air influence that will last a few more weeks, since by mid-Summer Water and Fire will again preponderate, bringing much more volatility!
Saturn – Past and Present Forks in the Road of Destiny
The New Moon at 1 Aquarius in late January was important because of Jupiter biseptile Saturn, a non-rational aspect that put our vision at a fork in the road relative to our duties or limitations. This happened again between the end of May and mid-June, and this Lunation brings it front and center one last time! Big changes have been and continue to be in the air, leading to a gigantic collision when Jupiter squares Saturn in July and early August!
The choices we make as a result of these non-rational aspects show us our “direction of destiny,” and determines if the Spirit will grow stronger and closer with you, or if you will move in directions away from Spirit. Given that most of this community is intentionally trying to live in harmony with Life, Nature, and each other, chances are that whatever you – yes, YOU the reader – are confronting will show you a deeper, richer, more powerful Spiritual life. Which is a good thing.
As I told you in part 1, there are mostly favorable aspects to Saturn in this chart, and those they are technically no longer in biseptile, because of the Lunation, it creates what is called a “collection of Light” and re-activates the biseptile one last time. This shows that the major choices we’ve made that have already shown us the course of destiny will be important factors this next month in showing us the essence of things, as well as how to connect with the sources of life.
An Overview of Saturn’s Influence the Past 2 Years
Saturn taught us a lot about how to conduct ourselves at a higher, more elegant and/or formal way of relating to others in 2013. The Eclipse in Scorpio late that year put the light on those Saturn lessons, and since the Mars-Saturn conjunction of August 2014, we’re learning new Scorpio ways of applying those truths of our direct experience
We’re now almost done with the Saturn in Scorpio era, and we’ve all experienced deeper feelings about relationships. We’ve cleaned out, let go, purified, focused, dealt with death and loss, restructured how we share with others, and all those other Scorpio keywords that usually terrify the lower ego.
As Saturn co-rules rules Pluto in this chart in worldly affairs, it shows that when we are confronted with the need to deal with something or someone in an organized, efficient manner, reference Saturn in Scorpio and the air of Mars in Gemini, Saturn’s dispositor. This can bring news ways of communicating and understanding how to relieve pressure in healthy ways, as well as what we need to let go of.
This brings short and long term pressure to bear on bringing forth a broader view of what we honestly believe can bring us to a more loving or heart-oriented future. Saturn in Scorpio taught us what we had to eliminate some things to find the emotional stability we now have. Saturn in Sagittarius opened us to a greater view of why we had to let go of whatever or whoever to see where we want to go from here. We are now in our final exams of how we use Saturn in Scorpio wisely in our lives.
Naturally, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, structure, maturity, patience, understanding, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience.
So as you open to the sixth New Moon of 2015, take a new look at what Saturn helped you let go of throughout 2013 and 2014, as well as the long term regenerative self-discipline that’s also been there, if you saw limitations with a mature eye. We deepened our regenerative life magnetism, or a deeper communion with some inner or outer element of our Being. Now it’s time to fly free!
What's the proper sequence at present of deciding, feeling, and thinking, with an Overview of the Lunation
We’ve been through several different sequences since January. This Lunation features thinking first, deciding second, and feeling last. There are six patterns, and each has their strengths and weaknesses.
This Lunation shows we’ll be thinking, then deciding, then feeling. So lead with your vision, understanding, and what’s being communicated into decisions and actions. Then after the decision or action, sit with the feelings and experience them, bringing them to the surface of your consciousness and get clear about what you’re feeling and why.
That will lead you back to new information, new vision, new ideals, and new understanding upon which you can do your next set of decisions and actions. Then again name what you’re feeling. That way nothing will get bottled up through underuse, and you can move through experiences with power and clarity.
The next 4 weeks will offer us a measure of honesty and clarity as we see things exactly as they are behind the superficial appearances and presentations. Dig deep for the knowledge which can ensure you some form of “wealth and power,” shape your expression so that others understand the truth of you, and join with others in playful explorations of ideas as they all spring from the Tree of Knowledge.
This can help us to a deeper sense of connectedness and a strength of awareness through identifying with the source of Life. This Lunation brings a sense of openness, a sense of one last look back on what we’ve done well or what needs completion, and many will see the harvest of launching a new vision in the past. This one helps us adapt to life on many levels at the same time, so keep it honest and join with others to overcome harsh conditions.
Mercury Retrograde!
As this is the last Lunation with Mercury in the shadow zone of its recent retrograde and it’s the final dispositor for all the planets except Neptune, it is a powerful force in this New Moon. If you haven’t already, you can find out a lot more about these very important 3 week periods by getting a copy of the new expanded 2nd edition of my pioneering book A New Look At Mercury Retrograde. The first major work on Mercury retrograde ever written, it offers in-depth information about Mercury retrograde people, Mercury retrograde in the various signs and houses, and what the entire Mercury Retrograde phenomenon is about. If you want to know what we can expect from Mercury retrograde in Gemini, as well as all the other signs and houses, it’s all in there.
The great news is that it is again available as a paperback! Yes, we managed to get it published in time for this retrograde. The paperback is available through, so if you want the newest edition go there and order your copy. Of course, it’s also available as an ebook through Amazon Kindle or Barnes and Noble Nook. I've included links to both sites.
As I’ve mentioned before, it is written for both astrologers and laypeople. I have just about everything you could want to know about Mercury retrograde, including how it works, what it means, celebrities who have it in their charts, historic events that happened during Mercury retrograde, and what signs are involved in future Mercury retrograde periods.
By knowing more about 2014's Mercury retrograde periods in Pisces/Aquarius, Cancer/Gemini, and Scorpio/Libra, as well as 2015’s Mercury retrograde periods in Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, you may see patterns in what was going on in your life, what you were taking a new look at and why, and how this "looking back" influenced your choices as you moved through past events.
Here's the link to where you can order your copy of the new edition of my ebook, A New Look at Mercury Retrograde to check out possible ways this Mercury retrograde effect could play out over the next 4 months. And here’s the Createspace link to the page where you can purchase a paperback edition of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Hey Robert & All,
How are you Robert? Wondering were all the comments are - tho have not been checking in myself of late due to various techno hiccups!!! I'm not a member of other social media sites but thought that maybe folks are using these??
Ongoing heartfelt thanks for all you share, with Pluto in orb of my DC, Saturn moving toward 3rd hit conjunction Sun, which is in stellium with Neptune & Mercury in 5th & Uranus hovering over my Saturn it's been an interesting time. Found Merc retrograde a peaceful respite, as often seem to do now I'm 'tuned' in to the 'guide of souls'.
Looking forward to Summer Solstace tho the weather is still pretty heavy/gloomy in Scotland the noo 😓 . Namaste to you kind Sir. H
Posted by: H | June 19, 2015 at 12:46 PM
Hi H - Most of the comment action takes place over at the Facebook page, since it's easier to interact in real time. Sorry about the techno hiccups. Had a few meself. Saturn on the Sun certainly brings a long cycle to an end, and helps us restructure our Light/Life.
I will email you about some interesting developments in Scotland involving friends of mine.
Posted by: Robert | June 19, 2015 at 12:55 PM
That sounds very interesting, look forward to the news, cheers Robert... Guess I need to consider joining up on Facebook... Ta ra th noo 😄
Posted by: H | June 19, 2015 at 01:00 PM
Thank you for your precise explanation. No wonder I have felt a lot pressure (in feelings) lately, while others just love to organize "suggestions" (changes?) for me. And I have difficulties to keep heart open, even thought most are very positive things in the end. I feel hard to keep "Heart open" for new suggestions as if I already feel Pluto aspect, although that should come not until full moon stage.
...Did I took "too big cake" this spring, while wishing to be more calm and warmhearted. ;)
Luckily I planned two weeks holidays after full moon, and planned to give time for my self also.
Posted by: helina | June 20, 2015 at 09:41 AM